When hailed:
a decomposing body shudders, causing bits of mud to drop from her rotting face. Her voice wheezes out like a rotting accordian.
"BOoOOo. IAm SURe you Did not exPEcT to see ME here...faTe DEMANDS a REmaTCh...YOU cONtinUe to TaUNt ME here. WHaT can HE poSsiBLY offEr that mAkes you BeHave like a LAPdoG? FoR the LAST TIME...wiLL you tell me wHERe to find StANos?"
When you give the answer, "Highpass Hold", it despawns and Renux Herkanor spawns and attacks.
Renux Herkanor rejoices, flames of anger dancing in her remaining eye.
"Hur hur...eXcELLent. STAnos shall meET his end, and SOON. You, hoWEVer, will not LIVe anoTHeR day. Can'T have you wARnINg him, Now cAN I?"
Immune to changes in its run speed.
I took a max melee hit of 1513. Cast Clockwork Poison. (800/tick for 7 ticks - 24 poison counters)