Drekin the Scorned in 335s, 201k
Total Melee --- Damage: 70912 --- Avg hit: 550 --- Attempts: 379 --- Riposted: 28/379 [7.39%] --- Parried: 43/351 [12.25%] --- Dodged: 33/308 [10.71%] --- Defended: 104/379 [27.44%] --- Missed: 141/275 [51.27%] --- Hits: 134/275 [48.73%] --- Absorbed: 5/134 [3.73%] --- Real Hits: 129/134 [96.27%]
Comes with A scorned protector and/or A scorned guardian adds (five total).
A scorned protector in 132s, 66k
Tank was level 70 max aa in era (PoR), Demiplane geared on TLP server.
Most annoying of the four treants. Same root/DoT AE and similar difficulty to Agrel, but his location is prone to picking up adds from the roaming tigers and snakes.