Ok, camping the named for the bow since 25 hours....saw the named 17. times, 5 wizshoulders the other 12 times the crappy trident....the bow droprate is behind a joke......
Loc is at -664.47, -1399.14, 285.51, atop a large rock formation almost directly south of zone in from Undershore. There are 6 female snakes with him, but easy to pull. Stand on the very sides of the formation, and wait for the snakes to wander off from each other. You can walk around the outside edge and pull all of the females away from Stonebite, to have him all alone. He hits hard and fast, but easy when he's by himself. Repop timer, from death of PH to repop is 18 minutes
In case you haven't found him yet --- Stonebite lives atop a rock in a near straight line between the Stoneroot Falls waterfall zone-in and the Hive normal entrance. If there's a way to get up there without doing a levitated run, I haven't found it yet.
Mob is snareable, rootable and can be singled away from others easy with harmony. Was a very easy kill with 70 ranger, 70 shammy, 70 mage and 70 cleric, overkill really. Watch enrage, DPS gets high when near death. Max hit was 1100ish. Higher resists than his buddies FYI.
He himself is not harmoniable with Tranquility of the Glade, get the target looks unaffected message, so if he is up you going to need to pull him first, also be careful where you pull him too, if you take too long getting him off the top of the rock harmony will wear off the other snakes and you WILL get the whole mess of them
Posted:Nov 27 2005 at 11:53 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) can a 66 war and 70 druid, ora 70 druid solo him? does he summon? does he cast spells? does he have guards? how much HP does he have? how high are his resists? can he be harmonied? snared? rooted? slowed? if you could plz tell me, i would realy like it, and i hope later on my post helps
Posted:Nov 04 2005 at 9:11 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Killed this mob last night. First time Ive seen it up. Didnt seem to have many hp's or hit too hard. Considering he had add's and it was cake.