Darkened Chanting Woodspirit  

Raid Encounter

Uploaded July 24th, 2007

Spawns six woodspirit vineguards who are highly magic resistant.

  • Maximum hit: 1,400
  • Average hit: 650
  • HP Estimate: 240,000
  • Flurries: Yes
  • Despawns in 2 minutes if not engaged.
  • Rootable/snareable: No

Highly magic resistant.

Categories: Templatized | EverQuest
This page last modified 2022-08-24 16:52:26.

Level: 70
Expansion: Planes of Power
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-09-08 19:53:53

Known Habitats:
  Plane of Storms

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MD, Cloud of Grummus
# Jul 19 2024 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
Cast Malicious Decay, then Cloud of Grummus. Get it slowed. Ezpz.
Trio'd at Level 70
# Sep 18 2022 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
4 posts
70 SK - 13,000 HP and 1,200 AC -- 600 AA
70 Bard - 13,300 HP and 1,050 AC - 1,100 AA
70 Shaman - 12,700 HP and 950 AC - 400 AA
These stats are unbuffed.

I was able to trio this mob with my 3 box team on Mischief. There were a few moments where the SK took some good spikes, but overall the fight wasn't too bad. I don't consider myself to be an amazing boxer, but mediocre. No third party programs at all to help and I was able to pull this off so don't be afraid to give it a try with low numbers. So far I've been able to trio every fight from the 1.5 prequest, epic 1.5, and 2.0 (not bragging, but rather trying to give some perspective so people know what to expect).

Good luck on your epics!
Despawns REALLY fast
# Aug 18 2022 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
59 posts
Just a note - this guy despawns in like 2 minutes if not engaged. Found that out the hard way just now. Adds will stay up, but he won't.
Trio in Era
# Oct 08 2020 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
4 posts
I was able to Trio this in era with Monk/Shaman/Bard.

I parked my group near the northwest corner, and used the bard to pull the Lvl 70 along the wall and split him with fading memories. I was able to get him solo after about 3 fading memories. The adds will pop in and out of your agro list, but they never actually run over.

Tanked it with the monk starting with earthwalk to get setup. chain healed on the shaman and used potions + Call of the Ancients.

Died in about 50 seconds. Dropped full burns ASAP. Everyone is in Tacvi / Anguish gear
Ragefire TLP DoDH era December 2018
# Dec 15 2018 at 2:01 AM Rating: Decent
10 posts
Ragefire TLP early DoDH era December 2018:

4 raid geared mains and 10 alts took this thing and its friends down in about 5 minutes. Couple alts bit the dust. If either of our tanks went below 50% HP, I missed it.

We were kinda pulling the whole zone in bits and pieces when it popped so there were adds to make it fun. What wasn't fun was how the unnamed tree depopped just as we rushed in the first time, which led to pulling the whole zone for an hour while waiting.

Everything else about its location, its unnamed "place holder" tree, the extremely high magic resistance, a generous amount of hp's . . . All of it . . . It's all true.

# Nov 22 2016 at 9:44 PM Rating: Decent
Not an easy fight for a shaman.....
HIGHLY MAGIC RESISTANT. Got malo on him, and Feral-line landed. Everything else resisted.

When he is triggered, he will have 6 adds. THESE ARE MAGIC RESISTANT TOO

Iffy fight for anyone 80 / 85-ish and under

Spirit call, Rabid Bear, Group pact of Wolf, and weapon proc is about all you can do..
At Lv.88 with my T5 tank merc, the fight took about 10 minutes and was pure melee. Tank got low 2 or 3 times and rarely did i heal pet.

Mob wasnt there, but i think the 2 nearby treeants (to /loc) are the PHs. Took 30 mins or so and he spawned
# Nov 23 2016 at 12:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Prevail wrote:
Not an easy fight for a shaman.....
HIGHLY MAGIC RESISTANT. Got malo on him, and Feral-line landed. Everything else resisted.

When he is triggered, he will have 6 adds. THESE ARE MAGIC RESISTANT TOO

Iffy fight for anyone 80 / 85-ish and under

Spirit call, Rabid Bear, Group pact of Wolf, and weapon proc is about all you can do..
At Lv.88 with my T5 tank merc, the fight took about 10 minutes and was pure melee. Tank got low 2 or 3 times and rarely did i heal pet.

Mob wasnt there, but i think the 2 nearby treeants (to /loc) are the PHs. Took 30 mins or so and he spawned

Thanks, added info.
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Has a ph at the location provided above
# Jun 20 2012 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
Fairly certain he has a ph if you goto the location listed above and a treeant with a name is up kill it. I did and 15 mins later there was a treeant with no name and we got the mob to spawn.
Has a ph at the location provided above
# Jul 27 2024 at 1:38 AM Rating: Good
32 posts
This is 100% accurate! I got there and there was a tree with a different name than the others in the place where the "no name" tree should be. I killed it and the no-name spawned in about 25 minutes or so!
2012 Update
# Apr 21 2012 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
Just in case there is any returning players like me looking for new info. He spawns at said loc. Wasn't up last night when I came to kill him so I camped and went to bed, was up in the morning. I invised my Shaman and ran him on top of the "un-named" tree and he popped along with adds.

I killed him with my 79 Ranger w/830aa's and 79 Shaman w/830aa's. Both are about 50/50 Fabled Planes gear and vendor bought Elegant/Archaic and the noob level Rogue&Cleric merc.

The Cleric ended up tanking some of the adds, I healed him for awhile with my Shaman then I pretty much let him die since my Shaman was a better tank and he was oom anyways. Ranger tanked Darkened Woods. The adds were just kind of all over the place. I could fully slow the adds with Balance but I couldn't even land Malos AA on Darkened Woods.

Regardless, he was easy and died.
Darkened Chanting Woodspirit: Spawn Loc
# May 31 2011 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
<Update> Darkened Chanting Woodspirit was spawned at: +2070, -1130, -449 (north east corner of the zone).

Barbadis Grimstone <Pak'Cafan>
Spawn Cycle
# Apr 26 2008 at 2:26 AM Rating: Decent
Spawn cycle for "Un-named Three":
Up for 29min19sec
Down for 58min36sec
From spawn to next spawn 1h27min55sec (copied from below)

Ok have any class that can move fast (example: good horse or bard) tag named and pull along the north wall to the west end of zone, make sure you get the named and the adds close to the wall and drag them along...You do not need to Fade the agro on adds at all just keep running along the wall and adds will get hung up on a tree but the named will still keep comming...EASY SPLIT

My Bard and Shammy boxed it np..Couldnt ever get the Magic slow to land though but guessing diesase based slow should land...didnt really need to slow it but w/e.. /loc +2055, -1300 its a tree and has no name but you can target it.. just get shammy close and named pops then move out of there named wont agro if invized...get bard to pull and your done..hell, have the shammy pull dont matter.

Hope this Helps
Gatekeepir (Sullon Zek)PVP FOR LIFE
# Apr 21 2008 at 6:56 AM Rating: Decent
solod today by a 80 pally 20khp unbuffed Solt geard..... brang my shammy .. he died straight away lol...
Finding this Mob
# Sep 26 2007 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
I wanted to post here because I was a little confused on where to find the un named tree. So...

I just saw him 5 minutes ago at POS 2099, NEG 1281, NEG 456 with my 63 Gnome Enchanter as the only PC in the zone. This is basically where the Shaman 2.0 guide puts him.

For those of us who are coordinate challenged, this area is in the North East section of the zone that you get to by swimming through the tunnel. Run north when you get out of the tunnel hugging the edge of the pit on your left. Go all the way to the North zone line and go east slightly. When you're looking on the map you should be on the north wall between the pit and the giant fort, and almost due north of the tunnel entrance. There is a forlorn ent really close to this spot also. Face south and start your NPC target cycling.

The un-named tree looks like one of the regular old tree ent mobs in the zone. It does not look like a tree, but an ent. When you target it, your target bar will have a full HP line and no name.

I hope that helps.

Ancient Olaag 75 Troll Shaman - Prexus

Edited, Sep 26th 2007 12:48pm by CriseaRosewhisper
Immune to changes in run speed
# Jul 18 2007 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
Darkened Chanting Woodspirit is immune to changes in run speed. I don't know if the adds are or not.
the unnamed tree
# Apr 21 2007 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
been in pos half a dozon times now and no sign of the (UNNAMED TREE) to spawn named mob. Do i need kill trees or any mobs in the erea.Ive looked all around pos neg 2055 ne 1300 and no luck any info would be very greatfull thanks

yours faithfully kanaky
the unnamed tree
# May 30 2007 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
The tree is not an actual mob that is walking around just hit your cycle npc's key and run around a bit in the area and eventually you'll spot a target with no name. You'll want to invis and walk up to the unnamed target which is a non-mobile tree and when you do he will spawn. If it's not 'up' then you need to sit around and every 10 min. or so check to see if its there.

75 Troll Shaman of Innoruuk on Erollisi Marr
# Apr 20 2007 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
he doesnt see invis, so that means u can walk up to the unnamed tree, and then spawn him invis. this way you wont die upon spawning. also set up your raid at the top left corner of zone, near the bend. this way you can out run the trees by then
# Feb 25 2007 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
This event is currently bugged, the named treant will spawn with it's adds but will not attack and it keeps saying that a theiving shaman is attacking him.
# May 08 2008 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
That's not a bug. It just means that you've failed to complete all of the steps that have to be completed before you attempt to kill the tree.
# Jan 14 2007 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
Duo'ed this tree with my paladin main and my twink shaman, both level 75.
Paladin 1770 aas, shaman 500 aas.
Paladin in Demiplane gear, shaman in groupable gear.
Wasn't too hard. Didn't get it slowed but it missed alot.
Easy as pie to split
# Sep 18 2006 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Just use a bard, or any class on a super fast horse, aggro him and take off running west along the back zone wall. The adds get stuck on things, and the tree will get OOR and stop. Just turn back until you can see it and it'll start again. Bard with selos running backward is just barely faster than the tree, so can do it that way.

Best place to fight him is near the far NW corner of the forest area by the NPC, gives plenty of room to pull him so his adds get lost.

Solod him tonight with a Warrior, Shaman, Cleric, Wizard, Bard, all level 70, warrior 18.5k buffed. Never did get him slowed, so ironmanned it.
spawn point
# Sep 15 2006 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
was in here last night and found the name back by the fort in the back of the zone

1 groupable
# Jun 28 2006 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
About month ago was killed by 1 group :
War with cler box
Bard with SK box
Druid with charmed FROG ( DPS )

After few wipes - best strategy on geting him killed in 1 group was AE agro all adds by SK and simply kite. Named itself was done in about 5 minutes then adds pulled 1 by 1.

Each toon in group was 800 aa's + with Anguish + gear

Fun fight and great filling on doing it 1 grop
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