Snowbrow spawned at the location -474, 667 mentioned below in a earlier post. However there is a static spawn just to the sth a small way at loc -536, 624 which is also a PH as SNowbrow popped there.
EASY fight my --- ! First off hes 58 I came upon him while botting my 63 war and 65 cleric in broodlands saw him casting a spell. He is in no way soloable by any 61 druid BS, he is immune to snare fear etc, and cannot be charmed, he hit my war repeatedly, even after war slowing him with trepidation, for 383-397max, and has about 32k hp I am sure. I was expecting to get hit for maybe 200-250 with 1792ac and 9688 hp I thought id make fast work of him, NO!. Had to nearly run the cleric oom, and fight took approx 12min. He rampages too so unless this mob was a fluke mob, it has been bugged or nerfed or whathave you, but seeing as he drops lvl 45 armor I think not that a group of 40-45's will be taking him anytime soon. Check on him again and lemme know, and no DRU you cant solo him hed own the hell outa you if you cant root snare him.
Conned yellow to my 57 druid, so 58+ for his level. Was a very easy fight ... doesn't cast or summon and apparently has a very low MR (snare, root, all DoTs landed just fine). Dropped the Glyph of Yar'Lir and the Corroded Boots