Head north toward south ro and you'll find lots of these guys. Conned Blue at Lvl 12. Easy for my pet and I, but that's just the advantage of being a High Elf Enchanter
very very bad news, they usually come in couples,hiding in deep of wather near the frog city
NEVER see one out of the water,they spawn UNDERWATER so u cant see them till they are over(or under) u, u can find some if u dive near frog cyty But that is just they want, cause are good swimers and will kill u before u get out. also are a very good friends of frogs forragers and thouse damed froggys are waiting every chance to join koblods hunters to hit u.( a bad place to sit down and rest)
i am an autority of being slayed by thouse ones. ( im a very stupid troll, this kill me 5 times in a soloing sesion) they cons Yellow to me but.. , when u go into the watter they come every around u, Very big aggro radio, very social foe, and very Bad zone to flight for a troll. REMEMBER GET OUT OF THE WATER, swamp is not a so-newie zone