Amazingly, considering the age of this expansion, this mob is still a bit of a challenge even with the new level cap of 80. Six-boxed this mob with my crew, 80 WAR CLE DRU MAG ENC WIZ. Warrior fought with 21khps, 3200ac. Took 3 tries to kill it, first time we wiped at 3%, second time tank dropped at 10% and I evacd the rest. So I knew it was doable. Both losses were due to sloppily rushing at the end. Mob flurries a lot and dis-spells slow off itself. Basically had to have CLE and DRU chain-healing fast heals. The CLE would switch to complete heals at times to conserve his mana. Warrior had both FINAL STAND and FURIOUS down for final fight and we still won. Mob has a LOT of HPs and as the healer mana bars drop there is a natural tendency to rush the fight. As you can see from my experience the last 10% of the fight is the most dangerous time. ;)
Trash mobs are all LB and they do NOT have a lot of HPs. I stopped mezzing on 2- and 3-pulls after the first few since allowing the adds to beat themselves on the tank's damage shields is a good strat. Each mob gives about 2% of an AA at 80, which I guess is worth something since the goal is to clear 40 of em asap to get the aug-droppers to pop.
Unfortunately, after 3 shots at Vilnia I didn't have enough play time left to clear to Damlin Lingering Charge, which had also popped. I'm sure that mob would have been a bigger challenge.
you dont use your utilites very well if you have so called max aa's I got a about 1k more hp and 500ac unbuffed but you definately gotta more or less cast the whole time as a pally doin these minis between heals and a few stuns. Pop your defensive disc with Armor of the Inq you should do him NP