
a rare creature

Level: 71
Expansion: Omens of War
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Timed spawn?
# Sep 11 2024 at 2:55 AM Rating: Good
70 posts
From what I can glean, this mob appears to not have a PH. It just spawns and despawns periodically. When it spawned for me, it spawned to the east of the bridge where Bolno the Peon spawns, it wandered through those halls east near there, turned right and headed south, and that's where I engaged it. I don't know how long it stays up, or where exactly it spawns, but I'd been watching Track for over 3 hours, hiding out in the rat cave above the Catacombs DZ zone in, and it just popped up on track and I ran after it! Slippery little bugger, was the last mob I needed to finish the whole Adept Hunter achievement for OoW and get my nifty 18 slot bag!

Oakwynd TLP
11 Sep 2024
Omens of War / Dragons of Norrath era
attempted 2 box
# Feb 08 2007 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
75 shaman/75 sk attempted to duel box... lol next time i'm gonna get tenacity before i fight..

didn't realize how hard he was hitting, even with him slowed. sk isn't all that great, has 2.0 and 10.8k/2100ac just sham buffed

dropped him to 65% before i had 2 call it lol
got me down to 35%
# Jan 15 2007 at 7:20 AM Rating: Decent
soloed this today 75 Shadow knight not hard at all
Too Easy
# Mar 19 2006 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
Duo'd by a monk and shaman.
All his spells were resisted. Shaman slowed, malos'd, crippled, and healed. Monk Wu'd and IF'd. Shaman was 70% mana when it was over without canni.
Doooh !!!
# Mar 06 2006 at 3:19 AM Rating: Decent
Was running threw the zone to meet a group and didnt con this guy and from experiance it see's threw INVIS & Rogue SoS .
4 toons
# Feb 22 2006 at 5:26 AM Rating: Decent
Sanded SD earlier tonight using 70 war / shm / clr / necro. I box 70 shm / necro my brother boxes war/ clr. With warrior stonewall and sham for cures and patch healing this guy is cake. All toons mpg trial / qvic geared and 300-800 aa. We pull SD to Grand Historian NPC located near zone in from bloodfields. We clear the few mobs from Grand Historian to Kyv Bowhound ph and wait until SD comes down the hill. War 11.2k unbuffed and all casters 7.5-8.5k mana. Just stay on your toes the whole fight and he is np. He did not resist any necro dots as well and Lifeburned him at 10% killing him. Necro was little over 9k hp at the time. Drops the boots mostly for us.
# Jul 09 2005 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
Hello. Diamondx i must say that your group would splatter all over the dull grey bricks of RCOD if u try and do it without a healer with a decent mana pool. Druid heals suck, and 5k mana pool sucks, so I would suggest u pick up a cleric, at which point u might stand a fighting chance...OK my two pence
# Apr 27 2005 at 5:17 AM Rating: Decent
Hehe yea this guy can be pretty nasty w/o a really good tank, dont necessarily need an uber tank, but i was able to down him with a war/mage/clr. tank was 2.9k ac 15k+, wasnt hitting him for much and was extremly easy to keep tank up, just sat back hit heart of flames and burned the sucka down =D. 70 mage 7k mana buffed 220 aa's, 70 clr 6k mana 200 aa's, 70 war qvic geared 600 aa's. mage and clr arent even elemental geared , tank made it really easy for us to take him down the way we did, any other lesser tank and we'd be fubar'd =P

Edited, Wed Apr 27 06:29:27 2005
# Apr 23 2005 at 2:13 AM Rating: Decent
322 posts
Conned yellow to a 69.
# Apr 16 2005 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
this beast just dropped our lvl 69 warrior thats time armored and we had a cleric on heals with 7k mana with a 67 ranger 65 druid 70 wiz and 70BL, dropped the tank before he was to 90% and had to evac max hit was 1900
# Jan 22 2005 at 2:40 AM Rating: Default
Hit me 719 max with Stonewall.
Max without Stonewall was 1594.

Just got him to 9% with:
66 War (7k HP/1400AC)
67 Pal - around the same
70 Sham - Uber!
70 Ench - Didnt seem to have a problem slowing
70 Magi - died im sure due to dps agro lol
67 Dru - was the main healer, spammed quick heals mostly due to bad pull and our first try.

Definately one groupable, about to try again.
Appears in other places
# Dec 20 2004 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
180 posts
Not sure if this guy wanders zonewide or its PH is multiple wandering mob spawn points, but I have seen this guy wander through the Daigal the Revered room. He pathed from the east down to the south.
pallie tank
# Nov 16 2004 at 1:53 AM Rating: Decent
Just had this guy agro us on hte side of hill myself I am paladin was hitting me for about 2.6k others in group were cleric rogue beastlord and 2 druids ended up getting a couple of adds around 10% but we did manage to kill him droppee Stone of Focused Rage a good pallie or Sk is able to tank this guy but its a pain
RE: pallie tank
# Dec 23 2004 at 3:49 AM Rating: Decent
136 posts
I duoed SD now with a war / shm. Go go shaman heals! =P

Alas, he never drops any runes.

Edited, Thu Dec 23 03:54:30 2004
RE: pallie tank
# Apr 26 2005 at 6:16 AM Rating: Default
Ok, i'll believe that you duoed him with only a shammy healing and a war when I see it. Uber or not....There isnt enough dps there to nurn him down before stonewall pops. So 1500+ hits being healed by a shammy? Pfft...ok...Not saying that the right 2 people arent capable of doing it...just saying they wouldnt come on here...brag about it..than say nothing else.

geez...whats the point?
RE: pallie tank
# Apr 24 2005 at 9:09 PM Rating: Default
great, now how about you give us your stats so we know what can duo him
RE: pallie tank
# Dec 14 2005 at 2:18 AM Rating: Decent
That's no big deal or anything. I soloed him np np.
Anyone else had him Poof at about 10% health?
# Oct 10 2004 at 9:51 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Both this guy and Ukun Fleshhound have despawned on us at like 9 to 10% health. Anyone else have this problem or know how to avoid it?

He seems to spawn up behind the statue near the cave and then wander along the bridges all the way down to by the sewers entrance eventuall.

Edited, Sun Oct 10 22:54:12 2004
RE: Anyone else had him Poof at about 10% health?
# Nov 02 2004 at 2:07 AM Rating: Good
You just got real unlucky is all, I've had it despawn at 15%. Ukun/Souldrainer, just like HH/Warfiend in WoS aren't standard spawn mobs. They spawn every so many hours, stay up for xx minutes, then despawn regardless of aggro or not. Just unlucky is all to have him poof like that.
RE: Anyone else had him Poof at about 10% health?
# Oct 11 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Yup he just poofed on us at 7%.
# Oct 08 2004 at 5:05 AM Rating: Decent
just hit my monkey for 2646, and he does indeed wander as he added on top of 4 other mobs...not a pretty sight. AE add's 50% cast time as well as an ATK debuff!
# Sep 22 2004 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
also drops Linked Scale Boots
# Sep 21 2004 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent

Chaotic Spray PBAE

and Murk Ink single target.

I resisted the Ink spell every time with 323 MR, but Chaotic spray landed every time for full with 203 poison. Hardest hit taken defensive was 1389 with 1969 AC

Dropped the range item for us as well, no Runes the cheap SoB

Edited, Tue Sep 21 19:18:08 2004
# Sep 18 2004 at 4:00 AM Rating: Default
also binds
# Sep 18 2004 at 3:55 AM Rating: Decent
We ran in to this guy. he also has some kind of bind .. I try to pull him and got binded and was killed.. Hit me for almost 2.6k
Sees SoS
# Sep 17 2004 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
261 posts
Sees through rogue SoS.
Urnihixul Noctumbra

~Order of Seibwen/Ancient Fellowship/In Via Damnum/Alliance of Hope~
108 Rogue
# Sep 17 2004 at 12:29 PM Rating: Default
this guy spawns from one of the wandering mobs by zone in. hits for around 2.4k and has an aoe disease ,like 900hp, with lowerd attack. toughest part about this mob is its likely to wander on top of your group, other then that not too bad.
RE: info
# Sep 17 2004 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
Just to add:

As a warrior he hit me for 2541 max w/o defensive. With defensive up he hit for 1651. AE does 750 dmg and lowers atk by ~300.

Very low hp. We pulled him and weren't really ready for such a hard hitter, but got him to 33% before we wiped.

I WILL have my revenge hehe.
RE: info
# Sep 17 2004 at 8:33 PM Rating: Decent
Downed this guy using 66 war, 66 necro, 66 druid, 66 pally, 65 enc and 65 cleric.

He uses an AE (called "mursk ink" if memory serves me) and hits fairly hard.

Spawns just outside of the cave full of rats and paths back and forth between it and another tunnel.

Just a tip.. be careful where you fight him. We seemed to get a few adds during the fight and since we had a chanter it wasn't too big a deal; but without a CC'er.. they will pose a rather large problem.
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