Sure, according to your signature, you are level 51, and you soloed a level 70 mob, with only a couple of heals from a cleric.....riiiiight.....not while my **** has a hole in it!
It's always suprising to me that people think because someone posts with one character that they only have that charachter or that they are indeed the level that their post says they are. I deleted this char several years ago. And now I have a 65 monk, cleric, chanter, and warrior. But I haven't bothered to update this account. Get a clue. The world is a changing place, never static.
Posted:Aug 17 2004 at 2:52 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ok killed this today solo btw the raid joined in at 50% and the clr heal me and the clr and me only rolled because the clr was oom and i was fighting i got the cloak and the clr got the other 2 so i say the cloak rock's better then the one you can buy lol i was going for hp only everything else was maxed str/sta/dex/agi/wis/int/cha is all i can think of the wis and int maxed because of trade skill's and the level is woung it's level 65 lol i sould fix that