Since these are needed for the 55ish task "The Miner Sort", I had to go looking for them. Found them in the little square of rooms right outside the Overseer's Room.
By the way.. The old OOW tasks were (are) known for not being soloable, in spite of all of SOE's claims. Get yourself a Spirit Shroud of 2-8 levels lower than your level. Go visit the taskmaster. Voila, you have a task you can solo for decent xp. My 47 Ranger has been doing 40 and 45 tasks (mostly as bear shroud, since bear is a good soloist). My 62 mage got the Torgiran Mines task to kill Fanatical Miners (Good target for 62 mage) by getting the task while wearing a 55 shroud. At 62, the Gunthak task master wanted stuff from deep in Hates Fury or Nadox.
Mystyre Malkaw`Esh
62 Mage of Reluctant Heroes