NPC backstab is broken globally in EQ. Today this mob backstabbed our tank for 2500 damage while facing him directly. Until the DBG devs can fix this, NPC backstab should be globally disabled.
Soloed today. Lvl 65 Chanty. Dropped a Small sparkilng gem. Hardly worth the time I think he really is nerfed but figured anyone interested in small sparkling gems may as well know he can drop them:)
Want some really usefull information? Don't waste your time trying to get loot off this mob. He has been nerfed for over a month. First thought was just a problem with the loot table and they would correct it. Numerous patches and many server resets. I believe he is nerfed forever. That camp now sucks. Supplier is still dropping loot though.
Yeah he was made more difficult also, he will annul if you sick a charmed pet on him. Lucky for me I pl my warrior anyway so I just pull him out of hiding when he spawns and do the defensive thing. He will also slow too. I don't mind the extra challenge, at least supplier is now spawning where he should and the drop rate on pollished gems are better.
Oh yeah, and I think the only patterns he drops are sleeves. I've had every type drop for me, except for maybe chain. He prolly drops chain sleeve patterns also.
Err yeah, sometimes he drops no loot. Prolly the same percent chance as in the BoT wing bosses. Before the nerf I don't recall getting nothing off him, it could have happened a few times but it would have been rare. He's hard to heal cause he's a level 66 named in a 3rd tier pop zone, flurry is just part of the reason but that's off topic. Maybe you meant to stick this on it's own topic? This doesn't look like it's addressing anything I had said in my posts.
Thanks for the location info soketh. Did him last night with 65 BL (tanking), 62 cleric (boxed), 59 monk (xp leech), and 65 shammy (doing alchemy skillups?). This guy seemed a bit tougher than supplier, hit for about the same amount of damage (800's max), but just dished it out faster (and landed more blows). For supplier I have cleric start CH around 80%, for this guy it's one CH right after another. Doesn't seem to drop anything of worth, hopefully one of these days he'll drop something for my twink. Reminds me of old school bot named drops (as in nothing).
Is there anybody out there knowledgeable enough to explain where exactly the armory is? How about a nice loc and a set of easy directions from the pit?
I'm beginning to believe that nobody out there is knowledgeable enough to post this information.
Also drops: Ironmail Gauntlets AC 27 Str 7 Dex 6 Wis 6 Int 6 HP 40 Mana 40 Sv Disease 7 Sv Magic 7 Sv Poison 7 Recommended level of 56 Wt 2.5 Size Small Class: War Clr Pal Shd Brd Race All Slot 1, type 7
He spawns (surprisingly enough) in the room that looks like an armoury.
He and the supplier are being permacamped on my server by one person, and I can never seem to find them up to have a shot at the ornate molds they drop.
Hits for 832 max, can quad, usually doubles. Did not flurry/rampage either time we dropped him. He does cast shaman spells, though he didn't try to slow. Snared and rooted, and slow was on before engage one fight. Did 336 DPS overall.
Fought with 64 Paladin tanking, 1300AC, CS1, CA1. Took just over 30k in damage, all melee. Dropped a spectral for us once, junk another time. Group was 64 Pal, 61 Cleric, 65 Shaman, 65 cleric, 65 ranger.