Alot of these are invisible in the tunnels. See Inv. helps alot to see them so you dont get ahead of them pulling and getting adds. Found out the hard way with 3 adds = death for a 50 Nec trying to take them down. Most were light blue and dark blue to me. Easyly soloed with no adds. Tunnels are kinda tight,keep them off the walls when they die on the wall my pet poofed. Happened twice so beware.
These mobs are not invisible. The problem is they're about the exact color and texture as the tunnel walls. You have to watch very carefully, but you can see them.
And yes, I've lost pets to those walls too. Of course that's exactly where the pet trys to push them all the time. If you back off your pet right before the end of the fight, you lose less corpses and pets to the wall. Works best if you have a partner.
i hear that this guy drops luggald organs needed for the Sk spell pain of blood (poison DOT) any1 else have any info EVILNOK HATEBRINGER shadowknight of the 45th season Innoruuk server