Yeah a 35 cleric and I(warrior, lvl 38 at the time) were wandering around after chasing down a wolf to finish off and saw this camp. We started to wander a little closer, and he got down there before I did, as I was lagging behind a little. Next thing I know, his health's dropped down to 50% in about 2 secs and was steadily dropping. Thank goodness he had SoW on, and hightailed it for the zone. I had Bootstrutter's Blessing(Fabled Journeyman's Boots thanks to my guild:), and I was already ahead of him and turned around to see who exactly it was. The Legionnares with this guy conned dark blue, but he was red of course...
I was fighting the Grimling Runner last night to the west of the GF entrance not far from the first Grimling cave, when out of nowhere I was dead from this guy. Packs a wallop. I'm a 38 monk who took about two hits (I was maybe at 70% when he started) and bam, I was dead. First time I had seen one of these in a few days of Grimling hunting. I didn't know they roamed, though really, not much I could have done even if I had seen him coming.
This guy can be found at the first coterie outpost coming from GF. Zone in, leave the cave going half-right and over the hill, boom, there it is. Careful, he and his friends prefer to stay invis most of the time (I guess it's their SK attitude), so they might jump on you out of nowhere. Kristov is one of the tougher coterie fellows at the outpost. He is nasty and he smells of mothballs.