soloed him on my 65 chanter and dropped him in like 50 seconds, hes easily soloable just charm a mob in that room and give pet speed and slow kaith and ur set. just dont let charm break hehe
soloed him on my 65 chanter and dropped him in like 50 seconds, hes easily soloable just charm a mob in that room and give pet speed and slow kaith and ur set. just dont let charm break hehe
In both rooms of the south temple/shrine you will find three mobs each. The far mob is named "a Valorian Guard." They are the PH for the named that spawn in each room. The other mobs are "a Valorian Guardian."
Fought here today for about 7 hours and killed each of them twice. No loot at all.
- Hit me for 600-ish max - Shaman was able to slow and cripple easily - Not very MR...Mage Malo and Chanter Tash landed fine - Level 66 so as a Pally you need Divine Stun to park these guys
Overall no harder than the mobs you kill to get them to spawn.
ummm... just a response to your " not very MR... Chanter Tash landed fine " that would be because tash is unresistable... it always lands... that's why chanters get the beat down
This guy hits pretty hard. Cleric should not have trouble healing on this one. Maintain an Supernal Elixir and use Supernal Remedy as needed. Does not have a whole lot of HPs. Bard Slowable