Killed half elf and dragon with a group of 65s on a progression server, tank was velious and vex geared, both healers were luclin+geared and ranger/bard were 6.3k and 7k buffed. For both mobs combined group dps was around 900, group consisted of a player tank and a back up player tank, a druid, a cleric a ranger and a bard like previously stated. No mercs
75 sk, 14.4k hp, 3.2k ac unbuffed, 785 AAs. Was a long, hard fight. Used Steadfast Servant, and was forced to used Staunch Recovery after slow dropped and I couldn't get it back up. Max hit was 1376, and I would post more detailed info, but adds in the room respawning mid-fight seemed to have screwed up my parse.
Now, I'm really tired. If anyone cares for more info, you can always send me a tell or an in-game email.
Killed her with a bard/druid combo today. Bard was coa geared and had 13.5k hp with tenacity on, druid was vt geared and had 7kish mana. Was a long fight, 30mish, but druid never went below 70mana.
This mob is pretty easy now a days. Did him with 4 people and 5 bots. Monk tanking (me) had 7.8k unbuffed and 2 clerics healing me, cleric were approx 5.3k mana unbuffed since she has an AoE dispell. Slow landed easy on Riz. Hits for apporx 1.5k I believe. Had monk, 2 clerics, druid, shammy, bst, enc, pally, and mag.
She dropped Ornate silk pant pattern and Ornate chain pants last time we killed her and she dropped only two pairs of plate ornate greaves the time before.
IMO the hardest mini in sol ro, not that that's saying much. Only trouble we would have had was if her half-elf form had lasted longer. I guess as a bard she does AE dot that hurts hard. We had MGB SotW, MGB Group elixer, and MGB paragon through out fight. When you slay the half elf form, she becomes a golden dragon with a 500 point AE, second AE is a lot easier to resist than the first forms AE. If you have good healers and dps, this fight is easy.
Word to the wise. After you kill her, make sure that all are out of the hall that you use to get to her. Their is a guardian of hers that is invis in there and hits most people for 20k dmg instantly killing them. I unfortunetly was the victim of it as was half of my guild. Thank god for some of the rogues not being in there when she went down.
BTW..did get the Earring as well, so I was quite happy with it overall.