When doing the 8th shawl crawl in IC, we've had alot of success speeding it up by having a warrior aggro the General, run to the next spawn point, mezz, memmblur, and the General will spawn the giants. Since mobs run when aggroed, and stroll when not, it cuts prolly 20 minutes off the event. Would this strategy work here? Never done this event myself, just a curious question for anyone who's done it a few times.
Newp if you agro the gnome he will return to the last spot with no agro and contiune the stroll from there . Leared this the hard way after taking him all the way to Xana just to have him turn arround and stroll back to the point where we first agro'd him .
Not sure what you did, but I've done the PoI dragon 8 times and every time we either charmed or mezzed the gnome, got him to dragon, and then mem blurred him. Never had problems with it (although if you charm him it bugs him and he won't give flags out, at least he didn't for us.)
My guild took him down last night with 3 Full Groups(avg raid lvl 65),was flawless. Very easy fight, we have tank fight defensive, and we are able to slow right away with no agro pulled from the tank. We have it on a 6 second CH rotation between 2 clerics and drood spot healing to ensure CH lands. Once he is slowed it is too easy. But, like said before DO NOT mess with the gnome inside the lair. Dropped Hilted Driver, and Pulse Emitter.
Did em tonight with 20 peeps Avg Lvl 61. After slow landed did a chain with about a 6 second pause with 2 Cleric Cheals and 2 Ghetto Cheals. Dropped Phase & Driveshaft. Fight was 5 mins, crawl was about 100 mins.
Yahmahr Jahlight 57th Cleric of Brell <Mythic Voyagers>
Had the pleasure of doing him today with UP (thanks guys). No problems clearing to him, the gnome does take a weird path, the longest possible way to the dragon. Also he walks slow and often falls behind. Once we go to the door where the dragon is laying, someone mezzed the gnome. Then when everyone was buffed and ready broken mez on the gnome, and then he woke the dragon. Actually im not sure, he may have been charmed and mem blurred at the end... Once he was awake, the MA grabbed agro quick, and he was slowed within a few seconds. No ping pong agro, the MA did a great job. I did resist electric short everytime he tried to cast it with 337MR. But he landed oil spray everytime. 36 people average 63. Died in just over a minute, no problems only a death or 2. Was fun, and im glad i finally got the factory flag!
You have to get aggro on this guy really quick because when he wakes up he will just aggro whoever based on proximity, if theyre sitting, if a bard is playing a song. After that you patch untill hes slowed and after hes slowed one cleric can CH defensive tank easy enough. The AoE doesnt pop very often and can easily be countered by AoE healers in groups or whatever else. We pulled it off with clerics in only two of our 5 groups and no MGB EE so its doable. The worst thing is the AoE snare and the fact that he gets moved around a lot and that he has a cone AoE to the front that stuns you and does a little damage so you have to move around constantly very slowly to stand behind him so you dont get stunned. And thats it he was pretty easy only one death.
have done Xana thing 20+ times, 9 people is smallest successful raid force. Hardest part is initial heal aggro getting a cleric, prefer to have a paladin there to LoH for first heal, and AE taunt if need be to pull it off.
The gnome repops in about 2 hours. Xanamech also spawns when the gnome does.
Once you know the path the gnome takes, this even becomes very quick to do. My guild started gathering at 830, started the event around 9, and was done by 1030. We had about 24-28peeps on raid, averasge lvl 62ish.
This guy is too easy thing to do is to set everyone up in room all healers target MT and MT go defensive befour fight starts yes he hits for 1390 but he can be easily slowed start fight off we have a great MT i mean he gets argo quick and once he gets argo he doesn't let go he has BoC and the Hammer offa this guy anyway soon as mobs spawns quick heals to MT then have shaman and chanters working on slow once he's slow be easy on mana and take him out not that hard around 100k hp ae of 800 that snares and a clos eup ae that stuns easy fight if u can get him slowed
We set up clerics in the Complete Heal Rotation in one group with 1 cleric to heal them and spot heal the main tank. We have 1 warrior with /disc Fortitude engage upon the dragon popping up. tanks while shaman get it slowed. Main Tank goes in takes aggro when the "sacrifical lamb" dies. Has worked well for us on the nameless.
We did him the other night with 24 people, average level 62. This is the size force I would recommend you bring if it's your first try. The thing that surprised us was that this mob was rooted in place. We had all melee on one side so the dragon didn't turn and beat our casters, but we ended up pushing him right up the wall which was no good. As far as strategy goes, a MT with defensive can survive pretty eaily as long as you have a cheal rotation going. The key is the spot heals though. He does claw 1300ish, about 700 with DEF on. The AE is not a huge deal, just avoid it if you're a caster.
So the moral of the story is: -Mob is rooted in place, have MT and rampage tank engae from front, all other melee on side -Casters stay opposite MT at all times -Mob hits 1300ish, 700 with DEF -Kill him quick -spot heal + Cheal rotation (3 clerics or so)
A couple of weeks ago I was inviteed to try and get this guy by some guild i forgot witch one thought and i was lvl 62 enchanter and we got there alright but once we got to the dragon within 2 or 3 mins he was 75% health then next thing you know everyone one is dead and then i think i casted tashe but i wasnt incharge of slowing it andwhen everyone was dead it came for me and i started casting gate and it hit me for 1390 once and then 300 something then 600 something then 1390 again and i was dead Now dose anyone have a stradgy to take this guy out thank you
He dosnt have a respawn time you got to hand in something to a gnome and he starts walking you have to mez him then memblur and wait till your fource clears a little bit in then let mez break and then mez again a little bit on untill you get to the place holder for the dragon then the gnome will walk up to the place holder and then the dragon will spawn and the you got to kill the dragon but keep the gnome alive and if he dies and you kill the dragon then you did all that for nothing and i think the gnomes respawn time is 3 days or something like that
He's triggered. You hand in to a Gnome and escort him to the dragon's lair. Gnome awakes dragon, raid kills Dragon, all raid people Hail Gnome to get flagged for Factory.
Little free advice, Nutddy.... Buy some periods to break up your sentences.
You all say dont mem blur the gnome when he is in the lair or when fighting the dragon, have you tried charming him? Maybe be basicly the same thing, but maybe not.
Dark Fury on Veeshan took him down tonight with a raid of 23 ppl. Setting groups at 12, 2 and 9 oclock helped and fight itself took about 10 min or so. Average raid level was 62. CH rotation at 3 sec then up to 5 then to 8 second. Only 2 deaths due to ae stun followed by 800 AE (we mistimed the rotation :) oops). Overall easy as long as you keep casters out of AE range and use ext range items for heals.
Posted:Jun 14 2003 at 11:22 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This Guy was tough for My Bro's Guild, They raided him and they were unsuccsessful unless therte is a different Dragon/Robot that I don't know about that's alot Stronger
The lesser version of Eindride is 1groupable... just make sure you have cold resists up and try to keep casters back from the AE. We harmo pulled him by the other giants back to the stairs and slaughtered him several times. Quite simple, didn't defensive and noone died.
If you want to try this guy for the first time, don't listen to the other posters bragging about how many people you need. Chances are, you're not equipped like most of them.
My guild has only done Vindi 3 times and haven't really started on HoT yet. We have a couple of 65's but most are 55-61. MT was 65. We needed about 40-50 people to take this guy down. His AoE's will kill you, so Group Heals are important, as well as FR and MR.
You won't win a DPS race either. It's not a matter of keeping your MT alive, you need to keep everyone else alive as well. Group Heals make this fight doable.
We also used the MGB Group Elixir, make sure everyone is in range when the cleric casts. It probably saved our raid.
Make sure you memblur the gnome all the way to the door. If you use aggro he will chase you, but as soon as you memblur, he will go back to where he last was on track. You can memblur him for the last time just before you get to the doors to the lair. It is safe to rebuff there also, watch for back-pops.
Posted:Jul 17 2003 at 1:41 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Well with a few groups of 65's decently equipped, it becomes much easier. I don't even think we needed the MT to be on a CH rotation, and we are far from uber. Get your guild to 65 with some decent AAs and nothing is that difficult with sound tactics.
With 4 groups (avg 62), it takes about 15 minutes to clear to the gnome, then the walk takes about an hour and a half followed by 5 minutes of killing and 10 minutes to handle loot and evac out. Once you get good at this, you can have it down to pretty near 2 hours plus or minus 15 minutes. Expect to take a little longer if it's your first time.
By the way, do NOT let people look in doors during the walk. You'll see that people are very curious and want to see if the dragon's in each door along the way. They'll pull 4-5 mobs from each room if you let them do this. So to minimize your time, make sure your raid doesn't tough any door until you get to the end (In which case it becomes obvious that it's the right door). -Kiters
I kinda stated in my earlier post. Mezz the gnome OUTSIDE the lair till ranger is in position and everyone is ready to slow and such. Blurr the gnome at that point then LEAVE HIM ALONE!
Once the gnome is in Xanamech's lair you CANNOT do anything to him wothout ******** up the flagging process. If someone aggros the gnome...don't heal them just let them die or self heal.
NO AE during the fight at all cause you hit the gnome...duh and no illusion because the gnome will aggro.
we just killed this big guy pretty easily. about 40ppl averaging lvl 60. anyways, after the kill everyone tried to hail the gnome and no response. none of us could get flagged for some reason. we didn't mez him during fight either, only blurred. what happened??
My guild is 5 for 5 against him so far. Last night we did Xanamech with 19 people with an average raid level of 63. The fight is not hard, but there are a few things that you need to to in order to be sucessful.
First, when walking the gnome to the dragon, mezz and memblur like normal, but after he walks into the dragon's lair, DO NOT mess with the gnome anymore..let him be.
To start the fight, have a ranger weaponshield tank Xanamech until slow lands from anyone, then have MA take over and make sure the MA turns Xanamech so that the gnome is always behind the dragon or the gnome will die when Xanamech enrages.
Clerics do 6 second CCH until MA defensive disc is over then go to 4 second CCH or even earlier if MA has low HPS. We did him tonight with 3 clerics in the CCH but usually with 4.
Pretty simple fight, just keep to the strategy and everything will be fine.