Compare the stats on the Bracer of Hammerfal quest from Skyshrine with the stats on this bracer. They share many of the same attributes, although the Bracer of Hammerfal is superior in terms of Stamina and direct HP. Granted, the Hammerfal weighs 4.1 pounds instead of nothing. However, earning enough faction to be dubious in Skyshrine will probably take much less time than is necessary to complete this quest, much less do it twice.
For a druid, the Hammerfal quest is simplicity itself to effect. One has but to wait until the proper NPC is up in SS, then port back and forth between CS and GD until you get the bracer reward. I got the bracer on my first attempt, so it only exacted a price of 50 plat (not to mention that I got about 6 plat back in cash as a quest reward) and an investment of about 20 minutes time. The hammer summoning effect can come in handy more often than you'd expect -- you never know when your monk puller will run out of shuriken and need something to throw. That was precisely the reason why I did the quest.
You could do it twice if you so desired. Although, as a previous poster said, it would probably be in your best interest to simply purchase a CBB, especially since it now has the affliction focus effect.