Sure this is a nice hand to hand weapon but the price is simply ridiculous. On the Lanys server I've seen this for 30-60k. YEAH FRIGGIN RIGHT! Somebody is definitely smoking something. The GIU sells for 15-20k. Hmmmmmmmmm tough choice, not. Until this item falls near the price of the GIU, I would never give it a second glance.
im afraid you are wrong this has a better ratio than the GIU ( GIU is 1.75 while this is 1.66) but since this is lore they would make a great combo hehe
GIU does have the added bonus of mana though. they are both great weapons i would say khash is more monk and GIU is more beastlord....thats obvious though so im gonna stop typing now
Posted:Nov 18 2003 at 12:45 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hits harder yes. Lower dps Yes why do you ask? because lower delay = more swings and more chances to proc.
To the person who said "A Monk can get better..." refering to the monk 'Whistling Fists' item:
1) Human Monks have a ***** of a time getting up the faction to do the WFs quest. Also, the quest for the WFs is long and involved as well; almost a hard as our Epic in terms of Camps and MOBs needed.
2) Once a Monk gets his/her Epic (the 'Celestial Fists'), the 'Whistling Fists' just become a 12/20 HTH weapon with nice stats, and the 21% clickable haste effect is useless since the Monk Epic has 40% clickable haste.
The 'Kashek's Katar' has the same dmg/delay ratio, better AC, better base HP (+75 excluding the WF's +10 STA). Just a note : when a Monk gets up in levels many times he's near max Stamina before buffs, so unless he/she is soloing, which is damn near impossible in the upper 50ies/low 60ies, STA will be maxed by a single Shama buff. The kicker that puts this weapon above the WFs is the 75 HP LifeTap proc. Any Monk who would use WFs in place of this is just plain nuts. (imo)
Whistling Fists has the stats on it, which is nice, and the clicky on WF stacks with spells that the CF (epic) do not.
Get a chanter to hit you with SoV and see.
Works both ways, though. I still slap on my WF once in a while, but only because I don't have the cash or resources to obtain weapons like this. My normal prim/second is a Copper Hammer and SoS. Swap out SoS for WF to max out my haste and str situationally.
Definatly lvl 50. same with the Gold inlaid ulak which has the same proc. My 54 Beasty is using both. this in primary and the GIU in secondary and i have seen the proc go off 12 times in 1 fight!! very rare that i get that but I do get chain procs of like 3-4 all the time. I just cannot wait for the day when I can have 2 of these, 1 for each weapon. for those too lazy to look its an Aug thats does 100pts DD and can be attatched to both. hehe i will need a whole new window for proc spam....
Posted:Jan 14 2003 at 2:09 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) 50 or 51, not sure yet, as my monk is 54 and my BST is 44, so not sure on exact level...will know shortly.
Just got this last night from Rhag 1 =D I was only beastlord on raid, and the monk already had better so it went right to me. GO ANKH! flawless fight, 6min no deaths. I will use it proudly, and the 75 hp lifetap is great. Even sounds cool with the "%T 's blood spatters" Looks similar to Harmtouch, or grim aura when it procs.
Nemeck 55 iksar beastlord Nemeckaiser 54 dark elf Enchanter Reizer 53 iksar monk Happy member of Ankh, 7th hammer server
Posted:Sep 03 2002 at 11:17 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hiya, i'm interested in buying one of these on Povar, chrs name is Sebekel or you can email me, or if you have other high end monk weps for sell, lemme know, thanks.
Hmm, I would agree with the guy in the middle, there is no way this would go for that price near the top.
A month ago Zekhas' Katar could be gotten for about 10 to 12k, Now I thnik you can get one for 8k. So this weapon would be a lot more, it is the best (ratio) non-no drop hand to hand you can own/buy. I would not think a monk would use this however since if you can get this with your guild you have access to a ton of better no-drop monk weapons or quest weapons. If you are a BeastLord this is a great weapon and probably one of the best you will get unless you are in an UBER guild. On our server I have seen 2 for sale, they ranged from 55 to 60k. That is Waay to expensive but I guess supply and demand figures into these. Not a common drop do the math, people will probably buy them for that much, but me personally I will take the Zekhas until I have money to burn for my Alt kitty.
You can get a "fist of iron for about 15k" which is one under this in damage and stats.
nimra you are wrong he said HAND TO HAND, NOT 1hb. if he is talking about weapons in ****, there are A HELL LOT OF weapons as high calibre or better than this one
Posted:Aug 02 2002 at 1:38 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) can anyone give me a REAL price on this thing i play on povar but i'm sure other older servers prices are similar, lemme know or if you have one email me, thanks.
I'll buy a cheap 22% haste item and take lifetap anyday over a non-procing haste weapon. Thats why I wanna get rid of my epic. Nice stats on offhand epic, but can do much more with 2 procing weapons.
What its also worth is that no matter what hand your proc weapons are in, generally they give us monks **** selection for proc weapons, most that *still drop* are offhand usable simply because of the delay. (pre luclin / pop seeing alot of nice **** like Ethereal stun, lowers hate list by 200 and stuns.. on a couple monk staffs in pop and on the onxy gavel in POJ.. OOO anyway) Secondly cont: Dispite what hand you have a procing weapon in, the only thing you need to do to make it proc, is turn attack on. Primary or secondary does not make you proc more or less TY /rant off.... I want an onyx gavel and a scream staff! :P just imagine,, bopping someone over the head with a little gavel.. how annoying and funny :D
Actually what hand it's in does matter. Each "proc" or "process" is a random chance for effect on a swing. Whether you connect with the swing or not is irrelevant, but you must swing in order to have a "proc" and since there is a random chance check for dual wield before each offhand swing, this puts a slight difference between proc frequency of primary and secondary hands. Don't believe me? Put a 10/20 weapon of one type (blunt for example) in primary, and then a 10/20 weapon in offhand (h2h say) and watch a parse of a fight against a medium blue con. You will see that the blunt attempts to connect more often than the H2H. Thus more chance for proc in primary.
You can get this "free" in the same manner you get Whistling Fists "free" - by killing stuff. WF's are great in their own right, but they don't proc a lifetap...
Not sure weither this Katar was changed since it came out but there is no way this is a Lure based Proc, it is deadly for aggro, the only reason I see this is when trying to pull the mob off my shaman he wont turn to me until I do enough damage or when this thing proc's. I can usually get it to proc 4-5 times a mob with max Dex. Great weapon :)
Oh yes, Forgot to say that the Proc is Lure fire based and generates ZERO agro. I was on par in a duo situation with a monk doing about the same damage and pulling agro off eachother every round, This weapon went off and proc'd 3 times in a round and he still had the agro.
Yahh another person who doesnt know how aggro works.
Kk heres the thing, if the other monk had aggro, it means he was outdamaging you... soooo if he has more aggro then you, the mob wont aggro on you until you are tops on his aggro list..2 procs might now do it, maybe 10 procs will..
Thats like me saying that my scepter of destruction doesnt aggro because in groups it can proc and the mob doesnt always turn to me right away...or i can attack cazic tool and have the sod proc 20x and still not gain aggro....
Yahh another person that still doesnt know how aggro works..LOL
I can out aggro ANY Monk anytime on any Mob and do hardly ANY damage at all. Cast 65% Slow/Incapacitate/then FOL and ill get and keep Aggro and havent done a single point of Damage. Procs that cause the most aggro are Stuns or snares or slows This proc has very little aggro no more than its 75DD would generate which is small.
I have another weapon with the same proc and the taunt factor is negligible. I have been through 10 minute boss monster fights with speed of shissar and a Runed Bolster Belt (32% haste) and never FDed or stopped attacking and have not gotten aggro. Of course, sometimes I do get aggro, but it doesn't seem to be any more often than before I got the weapon.
Posted:Feb 07 2002 at 1:48 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Plese pay no attection to that stupid price of 16k at the top this thing is worth well over that,, easy,, this thing is AMAZING,, great dmg and dly,, procs a lifetap,, has key monk stats, and AC / hp,, bah, this thing is 30k easy, if not more
What exactly is this proc? Is it a str buff a DD or a HP buff? I havent heard of this before. If it has been on items before. Please excuse my ignorance and help a furry friend out.. :0)