Well for such a rare weapon, i was shocked to find this on a vendor for only 2pp9gp..well i bought it.
----------------------- Hiddo Von'Skittles (Profile is so out of date... not sure I have the strength to update it.) http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=360180&resize=true
Ok, here's some info on camping this thing. I loaded up on fish scales, and headed to Kedge. I've only raided there once w/ a large group, so I didn't quite know what to expect solo. The entrance has about 5 - 8 swordfish swimming around, all of which conned green at lvl 51. I cast a pet, watching out for pathing problems, put it on guard near the entrance slightly behind the broken pillar on the floor. I stayed just behind the pet, and loaded up my spells. (That seems to be a good spot to park the pet, as the fish would aggro on the pet as they swam by, eliminating the need to pull most of the stuff in the room.) After poping my head over the pillar, and hitting ones out of aggro range w/ a small DD, I'd let my pet solo them. Pet had no problems with that, even with adds. Keep chloroplast on it, maybe haste, and you are fine. The impailer swordfish poped, cons dark blue at 51, pet had some problems unbuffed, nothing a poison DD didn't fix. I sat there for about an hour working the room over and noticed the following: The impailer sf seems to be the place holder for the fierce impailer. I killed the reg impailers about 5 times (each had about a 12 - 15 min spawn rate) before fierce spawned. It doubble hits for 99+, and is quick. My pet drew aggro, I slowed, rooted, dotted and then slapped a heal on the pet. After killing the beastie, I looted the common drop off him, some other spear I can't remember the name of right now. Depending on how rare that drop is, this could be quite a long camp, but for a 5 wis ranged item w/ other stats to boot, I'll be there tomorrow to see what I can get. Good luck, hope this info helps. (oh, I probably don't need to explain this, it is Kedge afterall, but keep enduring breath memmed at all times. hehe)
Elnrik Talshiar 51 Shaman of the Tribunal Vazaelle