Please note that there are two verions Magi earing drops in this zone. One is the more common Lore earing that drops off of the gorangas -- semi rare, but the gorangas die by the hundereds, perhaps thousands each day on our server. The earing is the & int lore version and generally sells for a couple hundred, if you can find a buyer (nearly every level 1 magi has one ...)
This is the version that drops off of the vampires. it remains No Drop to the best of my knowledge and has about a 12-15% drop rate it seems. When entering the zone, as a mage seeking one, ask in /ooc who,m has the vamp camp, if anyone, and then send them a short tell satating you would like to loot one should it drops. Like most drops in this zone, people are happy to let you loot them, provided that you do not train their camp. If you want to watch, you can set up your picnic on the hill top above them and eat your lunch while they kill the vamps. Be polite, and help out as best you can, and you too shall be wearing this lovely earing
I had one drop off one of the lvl 55 skels that spawn from traps, reanimated drudge or whichever one it was. Of course it rotted though, ME has been really dead these days.
The reason that this is mage only is because magi'tok was the first mage to seek the orb of power but was not of balance so was instead absorbed by the orb because of his failure to be of balance. For the mage epic you are basically following in the steps of magi'tok and he is the key person behind the mage epic quest. Although he does not make a physical appearance you are trying to see if you are a better mage than him because you are trying to be of balance.
Arlanna Amanodel 32 Mage <Bristlebane Champions> Bristlebane Server
The mage Epic revolves in part around a failed quest forthe Orb of Mastery by a mage named Magi'Kot... could he have made it to the moon before Al'Kabor??? Just meandering thoughts.
But considering the mage epic is summoned, you could just say, here you go, have my orb of mastery and then just summon another. I doubt that they will use the orb as part of another quest like that...
Why not? Let the summoned Orb be the trigger for a new quest. That way you have to have the epic before you can even start.
But VI won't be that inventive I guess.
It is odd that there are so many mage only drops in Maiden's but not for the other classes. Is there a specific reason or is VI finally making up for the 2 year decline of mage drops?