Overseer Gizgarplank <sp> in Grimling Forest caves, "A Grimling Overseer" was his PH. Named spawns roughly 1 in 4. We killed the named guy approximately 8-10 times, only saw this item once.
Dropped the other night and was... AC7, Str+7, Dex+7 Hp+20 +3%Sneak modifier
Named is very tough compared to other spawns in cave. Although, if you can land a slow on him, he is cake. He melees only, no casting, but hits extreamly fast and hard. He also summons about every 10 seconds. Slowing him is the key.
Got wiped with 55 Ranger, 52 Shadownight and 53 Cleric (wasn't even close), but tore him up with same group but add 52 Chanter and 48 warrior. (IMHO all we needed was the chanter's slow)
It is not a fake (I wear it now), and the graphic looks like a cloth veil, not a chain tunic.
Posted:Dec 06 2001 at 7:07 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) god make it no drop i reather stand on a on a line to camp cause and item is no drop reather than standing on line caus the *** is farming the mob hahahah im so happy that verant is taking this approach for all your greedy bastartds out there that love to farm lol go figth or port peeps or kill your self if you poor and dont have money cause farming is for asses let the pther peeps get their stuff you moron lol
What's with all the no drop items? Grr... I understand Lore items, but this just doesn't make sense, realistically, why wouldn't you be able to give this away or sell it? It's like being choked down on Loot. Luclin must have some crazy stuff.
They make things no drop so they are for sured people who didnt earn the stuff, dont get it. Crackin down on twinkers and people who camp the seb guard just to sell lammies for a quick 7-8kpp while the warrior at the camp who needed it is left empty handed. NBG = no drop. not a bad idea I say.
Currently, that is the graphic associated with this mask... don't ask me why. When I saw it at first I thought it was a crappy BP =)
Drops off Overseer Griz something or other in Grimling Forest... light blue to 57 but the bastage summons... apparently mobs of any level can summon now if they are designed to do so; druids beware. =(
I was hunting in Hollowshade moor with my 33 warrior and a blue Owlbear fleshrender was summoning me. However it seems to be a proc but dont know how far you would have to be away to avoid it. I also resisted it a few times.
No kidding right after the grimling owlbear invasion there are 3 owlbear defnders the DO summon..almost wasted me tring to get away but luckly managed to take em all down and get 2 perfect owlbearpelts off them for my Rallic pack.
Prizaril Thornarrow Ranger of the 41st season Karana
Some items in the game look a lil' funky...like for instance, my Fire Emerald Platinum Ring looks like a beetle eye atm...so it may be the case w/ the coif.
I hope so, cause I'm about to log on and find me a couple ;).
My 2hs skill right now at level 45 is 200. 34% increase of 200 is 68. Assuming this is how the effect works, and figuring that each point of skill in a weapon skill thus far has yielded approx. 3 points of +atk, this item would offer 204 points to atk rating. I doubt it works this way, but if it did, that would be insane.
Doubt it works that way...don't have Luclin, so I won't know for certain for a while. On other notes, this is a very nice item, great AC and stats.
EDIT: I actually went back and read my post, then looked at this item. Somehow I threw a 4 into that percentage. 6 increase in skill, 18 points +atk. Pretty decent increase still. Oops...
Only 3%. A 3% increase of 200 is 6.. so if your assumptions are correct then you would be getting 18 points of +atc. Kinda nifty IMHO, armor now actually affects offensive behavior.
I think it's much too early for people to start thinking "oh no it's good it's a fake! kill it!" attitude. I'd say it's pretty stupid to say anything is a fake unless you have evidence to support it, I mean come on, do you think people sit around at their computer all day making a program that could duplicate the item interface just so they can put up crap on a website?
It's not like this is all that super duper incredibly great, the only thing making it spectacular is the modifier.
Hardly accused this of being fake, just said if it's real, and yes it's very close but i hardly shouted to have it removed from the board for being fake.