Eating your endurance faster then a fat guy at an all you can eat buffett?
Haveing trouble ditching the agrro cuz your tank cant hold it?
Are you worn down and tired because you'r useing jolting kicks to much?
Then you need "BETTER TANKS"
Thats right "Better Tanks" are on the markett. They come in varrious sizes and races, They have plate armor, Lots o'HP, and just for you healers out there, they aren't a mana drain.
So get your "better tank" today. Don't delay supplys are limited.
Ok all jokeing aside.
Yes the lack of endurance does suck, however if you do have a solid tank w/ solid agro skills you really shouldn't have to worry about useing jolting kicks.
WW is a minnor issue. Don't forget you still have augs that can fill in endurance.