Bah,Rangers got cheated period...unless you worship Karana or one of the Human nature-type dietys your kinda SOL.First off this Armor is not just is beyond rare.I have been to Hate and the 2nd floor 4 times now and never seen any of this drop.Second off,we juts get kinda screwed anyhow...take a long look around this sight for Ranger Weapons post 45+.Now compare that to the amount of Warrior/Rogue/Pally weapons 45+.In the Plane of Hate alone:11 Items for Warrior(Excluding Class Specific,ie:Indo)and including items with all/all.7 Items Ranger Usable,and this is supposed to be our Plane of Growth equivalent?
Ahh well,liefe goes on and so does the woods...I will still play my Ranger till I feel Ive done all I can with him.
Saemayel Faemyst;54th Ranger of Tunare(Innoruuk Server)
well to be honoust these stats are off to the real ones the arms posted are less then they really are there's 15MR or 10 on them not sure bout other stats though
The ranger/pally/druid armor in the plane of Hate is supposed to be on par with the other classes armor found in the PoG. 2nd floor of hate is 55+ mobs that rarely drop armor just like the PoG. Sorry these sleeves suck IMO. They don;t compare stat wise to the PoG armor. If I was a ranger would feel cheated.
stamina rules against AoE mobs, ac does nothing for a ranger at high levels. A ranger with 1200 ac will still fold like oragami without the HP of a warrior. Hoard those STA and HP items and you'll see the difference.
Actually resists pretty much are the most important thing to me at the moment. Usually on raids (pretty much always) there will be a warrior with hp/ac vastly superior to yours. You will be adding damage for the most part, and if you know your role, you *shouldn't* be drawing aggro. Jolt helps take care of this somewhat, but however you do it, (switch to 2hs, etc.) you don't want aggro. Thus, you shouldn't be taking much damage DIRECTLY from the mob. What does this leave? You guessed it, AoEs. Better have those resists up folks, because I can DEFINITELY tell you, your extra 300(whatever amount) of hp arn't going to do diddly squat for you while you are constantly being pounded by 200+ AoE spells. And don't count on your healer spending all of their free time healing just *you* while the MA (Main Assist, warrior) is getting pounded by the mob he is trying to keep taunted off of you, the rouge, the clerics, the enchanter, monk, and anyone else you have along.
Even if you have a cleric in your particular group that dosen't need to focus attention on the MA, if your resistances are bad, eventually all they can do is say "sorry" and let you die. That cleric going oom trying to save just you from the AoEs could potentially wipe out the whole raid if the main cleric goes down from aggro, and there is no back up healer to take over healing the MA. Do yourself a favor, do your party a favor, do your whole raid a favor and have the proper resists up when you go on a raid. There is no reason you should even be allowed to go if not.
Rangers! Don't bother waiting to be 50+ and getting a really good hate raid to go to the 2nd floor. Just get some Sleeves of the Ancients from Frontier mountains - 16ac 3str 8cha, and they drop off a level 30ish monster! You just need to do the rares cycle, very easy.
Last time I did FM cycles he spawned for me and I kept him rooted for about a half hour while a guildie showed up to loot the sleeves...If he were a caster he had plenty of time to cast on me but he just sat there. He's also not 'very tough' He's lvl 30 max if that.
for me he was green(at 40, more or less) and weak, you must be quick to catch him though, as sarnaks and goblins fight amongst eachother he can get killed by a goblin, I know, he almost was for me
but don't take my work for it, go to equipment, by zone, then frontier mountains, then Sleeves of the Anchients, it should have the mob name for anyone interested...I think it was Varithyx, but I'm too lazy to check :P
Actually, the mob that drops the Sleeves of the Ancients was green to me at 41 and a wimp. I don't recall if he was a caster or not, because I nailed him pretty quickly.
Also good luck to you getting these to drop when you DO go to PoH. Plus you get to roll/whatever with any other ranger on the raid that can use them. These don't drop like crazy, as a matter of fact, they are pretty rare. To get these you need a guild, to get the others, you need a friend or two. Or yourself if you are high enough level.
These, like the rest of the Armor of the Untamed, drops off of mobs on the second floor of Hate. You'll need to be both Planar and in a large, effective guild to get there.
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Menuven Altruah 53rd Pathfinder of Requiem Tribunal Server