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The Halas Gazette Vol. 9 No. 3  

WT: 0.1 Size: TINY

Item Lore:Halas Local Newspaper
Language:Common Tongue
Item Type:Book
Merchant Value:0 pp 0 gp 2 sp 5 cp
Lucy Entry By:Zaray.[Tenacity].DRo
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-28 06:59:08
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

Average Price: No Data Pricing Data...
Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 1

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Book Text:

::Halas Gazette::
Vol. 9 No. 3

~ Injustice in the
Commonlands ~

There have been numerous
reports of Dark Elf raiders
attacking guardsmen and
civilians in the
Commonlands. The attacks
do not appear to be
coordinated in any way, nor
does there seem to be any
motivation for the attacks.

The defenders of Freeport
are not risking open
conflict with the Dark
Elves and are relying on
the current standing
militia to deal with the

threat. The residents of
the Commonlands feel that
this is not enough and are
urging all defenders of
justice to heed the cries
of the rising number of
victims and lend aide
whether by sword or by

"There is no doubt in my
mind," one defender of the
Commonlands said, "I bring
the hammer to these horrid
Dark Elves. They have
robbed and murdered
innocent people of the
Commonlands. I witnessed
it with my own eyes. I will
not rest until these
attacks are put to an end,
but one hammer is not

The residents of the
Commonlands are hoping the
Knights of Marr will act
soon, but so far they have
not commented on the

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