The problem here is not that we don't have dual wield. Its that we were designed up as a defensive class, which makes no sense IMO. I like the image of SKs and Pals with massive 2hs weaps going at it like knights of yore. The problem is, SKs at least should be damage dealers. I can understand Paladins being defensive due to their position as protectors of their peoples (bah!) but SKs should be able to carve a swath of bloody destruction through their opponents. I'd much prefer if Verant left our def caps where they were and instead raised our OFFENSIVE caps to warrior level. The Black Knights used their massive zweihanders to chop the enemy to ribbons, no finesse just brute power and evil intent.
Flame on :)
Ghurn Dagrotesque
Troll Shadowknight of the 44th Skull
Shadowstormers, Karana