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Priceless Velium Reinforced Bow  

Lore Item No Trade Placeable
Skill: Archery Atk Delay: 35
DMG: 33 AC: 5
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
STR: +5 DEX: +5 STA: +5 CHA: +5 WIS: +5 INT: +5 AGI: +5 HP: +25 MANA: +25 ENDUR: +25
WT: 2.0 Range: 200 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)
Slot 2, Type 20 (Ornamentation)

Item Lore:PricelessVelium Reinforced Bow
Item Type:Archery
Lucy Entry By:keltana
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-27 08:59:51
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

Expansion: Scars of Velious Scars of Velious

Rarity: Rare
Level to Attain: 55

[Drops | Comments ]


This item is found on creatures.

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Kerafyrm's Lair (Sleeper's Tomb)

Uploaded November 27th, 2008
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I'm Suspicous
# Apr 22 2001 at 2:28 PM Rating: Default
I'm not saying for sure that this is fake, but a bow without a range stat is suspicious. Check out this link. Anyone can create thier own item

Again I'm not saying this is fake for sure but has anyone ever seen this bow? Please post and let me know. The lack of a range stat and the fact that ALL stats are buffed here makes me suspicious. But then who knows what's in sleepers tomb.
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 09 2001 at 6:39 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i didnt really feel like reading all this bs about guild stuff, so if anyone decided to answer somewhere in this mess, could you please respond to this about the range issue? thanks =)
Sorry, but no, they never did.
# Apr 18 2001 at 2:55 PM Rating: Default

Maybe some nice person will actually go and find it, then write a coherent message - simple enough to get the point across without sparking off another argueement.

...well, I can dream, can't I?
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 24 2001 at 9:09 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) (NT)
RE: Where is the Range? i say fake
# Mar 28 2001 at 8:18 PM Rating: Default
NO range it is just for Stats i think
# Mar 09 2001 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
what's the range on this bow?
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 09 2001 at 9:46 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) The BEST guild so far on EQ is from Mithaniel Marr, named Afterlife... you can visit their webpage at
#REDACTED, Posted: Apr 02 2001 at 1:53 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ohh, Yeah, Well... My guild can beat up your guild. So there!!
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 09 2001 at 4:13 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) theres a new guild on the rise <the avaitors of tunare> and there charicters are lving REAL FAST and getting 5+ people a day every day means well *counts on hands and toes* well u get the pic. Were risin, a nice guild, kind to ALL PEPS, aginst power lving 4 obvious reasons, and will twink lesser items to charters. We are on the Vazuelle server *scratches head* i think its spelled like that and most importantly we are like a FAMILLY and we allways help each other. We have weekly raids at newbie and at expert places like clan crushbone and permafrost. Unfortunalty we have mostly rangers and druids cause all r newbies are addvertizing in the fay and well... so u get the point i forgot while i posted this anyways. O WELL at least i got FREE ADVERTIZING HEHE
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 09 2001 at 1:04 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) As far as getting things done, there is a guild named "triton" on povar that ranks in my book as the best. However if you speak to any of the members of this guild, they are very unfriendly. However triton was the first guild on any of the servers to make it into the plane of mischief. However in my opinion, there is a guild named rising ascension that is a great guild, all the members are more than polite. And also it is in their guild charter that they help people out. Plus if you see the people they have in their guild, just about every single one of them has their epic weopon. Afterlife i am sure is a good guild, but rarely do i find good hunting guilds and good people guilds rolled up in one.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 09 2001 at 7:40 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) First to discover the plane doesn't mean much... All they really have to do is send people on a search and do nothing but that for a while...
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 29 2001 at 9:38 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) so WTF does this thread have to do with this bow ?
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 09 2001 at 6:35 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i agree, this forum is for info on the weapon, not petty arguing on who has the better guild.. come on people
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 07 2001 at 10:16 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) "My guild this...This guild is uber...You suxor..." Sigh, this is what makes me hate when I play in prime time. When did the children take over? /em vomits.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 08 2001 at 1:40 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) /em feels empathy towards poster
FoH aint the best, just the loudest
# Mar 07 2001 at 6:45 AM Rating: Default
its true, try Keepers of The Faith in prexus, first warlord's breastplate on any server
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 07 2001 at 11:37 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) lol ........ Warlord's bp proves anything ? how about this , I was the first one to looted LJ vest on any server ? Woot !! LJ fvcking vest !!
You people are raving idiots to think that FoH is the only U
# Mar 07 2001 at 3:36 AM Rating: Default
I come from several servers but I play my main on EMarr and I know for a fact that the guild Da'Kor has been to the tomb, fought the sleeper, and cleared it, and im pretty sure Midnight Sojourn has as well... you people take one name and run with it...
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 07 2001 at 6:19 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hmm, I do not think that anyone was saying only FoH is good, everyone else sucks...It is just they tend to publicize, and that is what people find.
RE: You people are raving idiots to think that FoH is the on
# Mar 07 2001 at 6:07 AM Rating: Default
Afterlife from Mith Marr regularly hunts in Sleeper's Tomb.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 07 2001 at 5:22 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) No one has killed the sleeper if u said they cleared it then u are wrong
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 07 2001 at 9:01 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) they have a good spoof on their page...
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 08 2001 at 1:12 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Nah that's sleeper sleeping...if he wakes he'll take out everything in the one has killed it yet.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 11 2001 at 2:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) No one has come close to killing sleeper yet on any server
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 07 2001 at 9:02 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
You All are dumb!
# Mar 07 2001 at 2:13 AM Rating: Default
I am glad i wasnt playing in the days of the beta days.. i can amagine the posts from you idiots that say "It's Fake" all the time..

The Screaming Mace doesn't exist..
Yes it does,...
No it doesnt...
How would you know have you ever been to Crushbone?
No but why doesnt everyone have one?
And look at it know... Guys or girls grow up..
Just because you dont see it doesnt mean it doesnt exist... I havent seen a Tinkers Bag but that doesnt mean it doesnt exist....

Tuefen Hunden
26th Season
Rodcet Nife
Troubles Band
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 13 2001 at 12:25 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Right on partner , right on !!! You tell em !!
RE: You All are dumb!
# Mar 07 2001 at 10:12 AM Rating: Default
Tinkers Bag doesnt exist. You idiot!!

RE: You All are dumb!
# Mar 07 2001 at 2:16 PM Rating: Default
bah, tinkers bag does exist, theres a gnome merchant in sol a who sells em for like 6k plat, so there :P
RE: You All are dumb!
# Mar 07 2001 at 5:28 PM Rating: Default
I think he was jokeing =)
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 13 2001 at 12:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Thats Joking , ROFLMAO
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 07 2001 at 6:18 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Actually, everyone on beta was a pretty solid bunch. Most of us that graduated from Beta 3 were chosen for serious testing skills.
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 07 2001 at 2:08 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Fake or not.. nice item.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 06 2001 at 11:26 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I was soloing in Sleeper's Tomb , after I clean up the whole zone and this baby was droped . WOOT!
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 07 2001 at 1:21 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) someone, JUST ONE MORE PERSON needed to rate the above "This is real!" post to make it go away. After it's gone, then rate this post to make it go away as well.
# Mar 06 2001 at 10:27 PM Rating: Default
i'm probably a little behind by where exactly is sleepers tome and whats the level range and how do you enter it??
RE: question
# Mar 06 2001 at 11:02 PM Rating: Default
Level range is around 60. Not much people under 60 going to be in this zone because of what you have to do to get in.
# Mar 06 2001 at 9:27 PM Rating: Decent
58 posts
Wait - I think something might be wrong here - ALL bows I've seen list a value for RANGE - This bow does not seem to have a range value - That makes me think it might not be real.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 06 2001 at 10:20 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I agree that no range does seem very strange, and about the previous posts of a guild not sending fakes... You can easily copy the guild name. Well, this is it.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 07 2001 at 8:27 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) you dumbasses, havent you read the posts/msg boards? ITS ON VI's LIST OF ITEMS TO BE FIXED THEREFORE ITS NOT FAKE, DAMN NEWBIES NEVER PAY ATTENTION
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 24 2001 at 12:33 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I very seldome go to everquest's home page just because there aint Jack there, it's one of the most usless webpages for EQ so that make me a newbee I guess (only been playin since the game came out) oh well, got to love whine children that don't have a clue
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 09 2001 at 8:36 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I notice the idiot who posted the flame failed to leave a name, to assume that every one has read VI's list in inane. The point of the original poster is still valid, even if he is wrong. Children flame for no reason.
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 06 2001 at 8:55 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) HAHAHAHA
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 07 2001 at 12:20 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Okay FoH is the uber guild.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 06 2001 at 6:37 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This is an obvious fake. Verant is a moronic company, but there's no way in hell they'd let an item like this in the game. +5 to all Stats AND Saves? AND +25 to HP and Mana? On an item every WAR PAL RNG SHD and ROG would just throw in their range slot? Plus, there's no range on it. Not only is this faked, it's a poorly done fake
# Mar 06 2001 at 8:55 PM Rating: Default
You mean something like Necklace of Superority +5 to all stats and saves and tradeable? Or all the Talismans in WW which range for +4 to +7 to all stats and saves? And the above is necklaces that everyone can use. FoH is a "large" guild that tends to get into places before most even know about them.

55 Preserver
Not Fake...
# Mar 06 2001 at 6:56 PM Rating: Default
Actually this isnt even the good bow out of sleepers. The good one is the Primal bow. All weapons that are priceless category out of Sleepers have these stats. The primal ones have sames stats AND proc avatar. Thats why sleepers has become the nightmare that tuning has made it.

Most people will never see these items but dont call them fake if you dont have the full story. The lack of range is VI's error which has been stated it will be fixed soon.

Warder of Rallos Zek
RE: Not Fake...
# Apr 27 2001 at 5:10 PM Rating: Default
Was looking at stats of primal on lizer and not only does lizer proc avatar, it also has 25 more mana and hp. the weight is 1 less and the ac is 5 more. also has range of 200 but i guessed this one's gonna be fixed.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 06 2001 at 7:18 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) its fake
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 06 2001 at 7:57 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) To call something that Fires of Heaven looted a fake is a pretty bold statement. Everyone idolizes them for what they do and how they happen to crack EVERY high level zone before anyone else even knows it exists. I for one will dream of the day when I can make my way into Sleeper's Tomb and start crit hitting for close to 200 with this bow...
RE: Not Fake...
# Mar 06 2001 at 7:54 PM Rating: Default
Actually you can take screen shots with black backgrounds on items. You don't have Velius yet do you? Or have you failed to notice how things come up with you hold the right click mouse button down? Just wondering. And this is one of the hardest zones in the game, how can you presume that this item is fake? Looks appropriate for the level of the dungeon to me. Just my 2cps though.
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 06 2001 at 8:54 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) HAHAHAHA
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 06 2001 at 9:26 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) There is a difference in what a group can do and what a whole guild can do. They may not have won the ToT2, but most servers can participate and win the ToT as it only requires 7 people. I highly doubt that most of the dungeons with nice stuff ***COUGH*** SLEEPERS TOMB ***COUGH*** can be done with 7 people. That is why they are known as an uber guild, not an uber group. Able to massivly coordinate large amounts of people for a raid, key word coordinate.
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 07 2001 at 1:19 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) hail hail...exactly right....the above posters just don't realize what it takes to organize a raid. I've never been on one, so please don't think I'm all knowledgable, but I've read up on what is needed for successful raids (per Zone) and damn, I wouldn't wanna be a group or raid leader.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 07 2001 at 6:50 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You all cry to much without any knowledge. Makes you look really really stupid. This item is on the list for current item fixes, why? Because they left out a range. This item is real, ive seen it, I have an RL friend in afterlife on mith marr, I saw it in his inventory, on his character, at his house. Please stop crying, you are all level 20 and 30 and couldnt even raid mistmoore!
range ??
# Mar 06 2001 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
What is the range of this awesome thing ?? Or does it use the range of the arrow ??

RE: range ??
# Mar 06 2001 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
uses arrow you could use a flight arrow and this would still be a nice toy hehe
RE: range ??
# Mar 06 2001 at 5:27 PM Rating: Default
Range of all shots is Bow+Arrow range... I think the max range is either 300 or 400 (150 or 200 on both bow and arrow... I'm not sure, I just make the cheap arrows! :) My theory, from looking at the picture, is that the stats take up so much room that there isn't any PLACE to list range, lol. Excellent stats, I definitely need this for my Outrider. Going to have to get the key, however...

Only thing this schweet thang is missing is a proc or effect.......
RE: range ??
# May 26 2001 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah nothin like a bow on the hood of a truck to make it look good.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 06 2001 at 5:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Fires of Heaven, arguably the strongest guild on all the servers, pulled this out of Sleepers Tomb. The best you can do is dream about it. Go get a spectral bow in TT and then look at the quest bow from Kael. You can get that awsome bow in Kael a couple times an hour hour or so if you focus on it, but it requires 2-3 lvl 55+ groups to safely farm it.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 07 2001 at 2:04 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Just like they are the only ones who have ever entered VP... The lil' ranger is only 35th. All things come in time.
RE: Meaning nobody besides FoH will ever enter the tomb...
# Mar 07 2001 at 8:07 AM Rating: Decent
umm...only ones to enter VP? lol you gotta be kidding. my guild plus 2 others go to VP every time servers come up. its a crappy zone with relativly crappy items for the risk rate.

Tyfin Sheerwood 50th druid of Tunare
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 07 2001 at 3:09 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) It's called sarcasm, Tyfin. The poster you reacted to meant his statement in jest, knowing full well that other guilds have broken VP very successfully.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 07 2001 at 2:14 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) 50th Druid in VP? LOL, liar. You couldn't even make it through SF to get there. Talisman has done VP but I'll have to /who all tyfin next time I'm on.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 07 2001 at 12:16 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) See everything is a matter of opinion. Some guilds can go into VP and smoke that place easy. Some of the loot is ***, other loot is the best in the game for a certain slot/class.
RE: Meaning nobody besides FoH will ever enter the tomb...
# Mar 07 2001 at 3:32 AM Rating: Default
hmmm i know for a fact on EMarr Da'Kor has entered the tomb several times and has even fought the sleeper...

just my 2 cp...
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 08 2001 at 2:14 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) duh, go to:
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 07 2001 at 1:39 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) LOL how do you expect to be able to defeat Kerafym? She QUAD ATTACKS ( meaning for hits) for 1250 EACH! yes thats right, dont **** her off.
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