Temple of Veeshan, West Wing mobs.
Basically any West Wing mobs (those on Claw of Veeshan faction) can load any of the Kael armor pieces. The gems needed come from various different zones (from Icewell, to Velketor, to Siren's Grotto, to Dragon Necropolis).
Every mob in the West Wing is level 60+ and every single one of them AoEs (fire, cold, or poison). Many are cleric types (complete heals, gate) and they all hit like runaway trucks (290 is the "weakest" per hit for these mobs). Extremely magic resistent (snare often requires multiple attempts even after Tash + Malo + Occulsion) and a buttload of hitpoints.
Generally, this zone requires a minimum of 3 balanced group of 58+ players. You can have lower levels but not too much lower. You definately need a lot of warriors to tank these with defensive (sorry Paladins and SKs won't last very long when you get a "slight" overpull of mobs here--remember, everything is level 60+ so there's virtually no crowd control other than "stick tank/cleric on add and pray").
As for switching factions, it's not very hard. ToV is massive Kromzek faction hits (usually two or three raids through ToV and you're well out of KOS status with Kromzek--who are the Kael armor quest givers). A few raids and you can hit allied without problems (cap a couple of the ToV West Wing dragons and you should see your faction go up REAL fast).
Technically you can be allied with Kromzek and Dorfs. The only real catch for non-shaman classes is the one Kromrif see-invis giant under the bridge leading to Tormax's throne room (the quest givers are behind the throne room). Gleed will aggro on you if you attempt to get past the bridge to reach the quest givers. But get a non-KOS mage to CoH you to the quest givers and you're fine.
Shamans will have to get to non-KOS to Tormax as well since their quest giver is in the same room as the now nerfed Frozen Jesus (nerfed in that his level as been raised) who is on the Tormax faction.