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Cowl of Mortality  

Lore Item Quest Item
Slot: HEAD
AC: 16
STA: +9 AGI: +12 HP: +50
Haste: +36%
WT: 0.1 Size: MEDIUM
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)
Slot 2, Type 21 (Special Ornamentation)

Item Type:Armor
Color (RGB):20, 20, 20
Merchant Value:54 pp 0 gp 0 sp 0 cp
Lucy Entry By:Kerasota
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-16 11:58:05
Page Updated:Sun Dec 19th, 2010

Expansion: Scars of Velious Scars of Velious

Average Price: 30,000pp Pricing Data...
Rarity: Rare
Level to Attain: 60

[Drops | Quests | Comments ]


This item is found on creatures.

Dragon Necropolis
NPC Name
The Fabled Zlandicar


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

Icewell Keep
Quest Name
Custom Plate Helms - Thurgadin

Kael Drakkel
Quest Name
Custom Plate Helms - Kael Drakkel

Quest Name
Custom Plate Helms - Skyshrine

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Dragon Necropolis

Uploaded November 27th, 2008
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Picked up cheap
# Apr 03 2005 at 3:54 AM Rating: Decent
Picked up for 30k in baz on MT. Usually sells for 60-75k. I'm very happy with the buy, works well on my project bard.

Graphic is chain, not to my liking, will be converting it into a custom cowl of mortality soon.

Edited, Sun Apr 3 04:54:47 2005
Froglok graphic?
# Jan 27 2004 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
A regular CoM has a chain type look on a Froglok. What look does a Custom CoM have on a Froglok? Anyone know?
RE: Froglok graphic?
# Feb 14 2004 at 1:22 AM Rating: Decent
102 posts
With the Luclin models, custom CoMs have a plate look, while the non-customized have a chain look.

Faction help
# Nov 12 2003 at 11:56 AM Rating: Default
Any quick methods to raise faction (from apprehensive to Kindly) so that I can customize the Cowl? Thanks
RE: Faction help
# Jun 02 2005 at 6:09 AM Rating: Default
Killing just about anything in Kael raises Claws of Veeshan faction, especially Derakor the Vindicator.
RE: Faction help
# Jan 01 2004 at 6:10 PM Rating: Good
64 posts
Coldain faction can be raised by killing Frost Giants and the Drakkel Wolves in GD and EW. There are also faction quests, check this link.
RE: Faction help
# Dec 08 2003 at 11:04 AM Rating: Default
TO raise your faction for the CCoM I believe you can kill Shardwurms in the tunnels of Great Divide....I'm almost positive but if I'm wrong please correct me =) Good Luck
RE: Faction help
# Apr 22 2004 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
Shardwurms do not give faction
Master Zambok (Gnome) <Mythic Legends> Lanys T`Vyl
Tegladar (Wood Elf) <Mythic Legends> Lanys T`Vyl
# Sep 20 2003 at 5:06 AM Rating: Default
I just spent 80k tonight to purchase on Bristlebane for my male woodelven ranger and it indeed DOES have a graphic. I was extremely disappointed considering the misinformation on this site led me to believe the regular cowl was graphicless. This is NOT the case. On him it looked like the chain and metal skullcap type of hat. I have yet to customize it as I was trying to get AWAY from the platemail woodelf helm look, ya know, with two gay twig-like antlers. So be thee ware and learn from my costly mistake.
Edit: I have since customized it and, as I knew it would, it has a graphic as well: that of a plate-style helm (see antlers description above).

Edited, Fri Dec 19 06:13:18 2003
RE: Graphic
# Nov 02 2003 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
I had Both CCoM and Now Com, and they both show graphic.
RE: Graphic
# Oct 05 2003 at 9:48 AM Rating: Default
The reason it has a graphic is you have the Custom Cowl of Mortality. The non-custom version has no graphic.
RE: Graphic
# Dec 02 2003 at 5:59 AM Rating: Default
Plz read... He said he had the non-customised and it has a look...

Can confirm that the non-customised has a graph. For half-elfs it the leather cap look.
RE: Graphic
# Dec 19 2003 at 8:06 AM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
On a Human, the Cowl of Mortality has the graphic of a chain coif. I don't know the color, as it replaced a helm of raldukan (pink helm), so needless to say, the slot was dyed.
RE: Graphic
# Feb 14 2004 at 1:23 AM Rating: Decent
102 posts
Color for both customized and non-customized (on luclin models, where both are visible) is black.
Cost of this item
# Aug 05 2003 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
This has been selling for between 70-90K on Saryrn lately. Think some of the Planer drops are knocking the price down a bit, just a few months ago it was at least 100k all the time.
SS Helm Customizer
# Jul 12 2003 at 1:57 PM Rating: Default
Current as of 7/12/03-

Supreme Laochsmith Psorin on the 3rd level of the tower, just before the click-in to Yelinak area will customize the helm with warmly faction.
# Jun 25 2003 at 3:05 PM Rating: Default
snagged one last night with a small group of friends. Very nice..

65 Warrior
2) 65 Clerics. Me and a friends guildie.
2) 65 Enchies
65 wizzie
65 Monk
60 Druid

65 Warrior MT'd
65 Cleric (Me) tanked Ramp and Melee'd the whole fight... what a sissy

Next week I try it with 65 pally, 65 Shammy and 65 Cleric (Me) and see how it goes...

# Jun 23 2003 at 1:03 AM Rating: Default
How rare is this off zland?
# Jun 15 2003 at 9:51 PM Rating: Excellent
Did this whole thing today for my Vah-Shir. Original CoM looked like black chain graphic helm. After I turned it in for "Custom Cowl of Mortality" it looked like a black plate graphic. Hope that clears up some things. I don't know what people are smoking but I had a graphic with both and never once with no head graphic.

To turn the the cowl of mortality in for the custom version I went to Icewell Keep and turned it into some weaponsmith guy to the left of where Dain pops. If you hail him he will tell you which things he can customize. You must have ATLEAST kindly to do this, otherwise he will give you another message or perhaps not say anything at all.

Edited, Sun Jun 15 23:31:29 2003
# May 14 2003 at 3:06 AM Rating: Decent
was just wondering, does the cutomization work with Luclin graphics?? and, how much do these sell for on Zebuxoruk??
Cap graphic
# Apr 25 2003 at 4:52 PM Rating: Default
I have the non customized one "Cowl of Mortality" and on my DE SK, it has a leather cap graphic... What??
RE: Cap graphic
# Jul 23 2003 at 4:38 AM Rating: Default
Have it on my half-elf ranger, non-customised. Leather cap look as well. Curious though what it would look like when customised... Anyone know?
RE: Cap graphic
# May 02 2003 at 1:28 PM Rating: Default
I got this cap for my warrior the other night, and it has the black chain look of a helm. no spike thank god. Wood elfs got the worst artist around, i don't know what they were thinking... well I rather have no hat graphic over what they gave us ... don't know if i want to attempt to customize it yet. =/ find out in a few days
RE: Cap graphic
# Apr 28 2003 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the info, perhaps the customised/non customised look isn't as clear cut as I thought.
# Apr 13 2003 at 6:32 AM Rating: Decent
I'm wanting to get one for my female wood elf (ranger) but don't want a plate look, in fact, would prefer no look at all.
All the ones I see for sale are customised and /auc's for the non customised have not succeeded. Could someone with a customised one try it out on a female wood elf please and post what the look is like, with and without luclin graphics. Ta
what is the custom cowl?
# Feb 27 2003 at 10:03 AM Rating: Default
Well, I see the question about how to customize it. But what does that do? What is the difference between a CoM and a Custom CoM?
RE: what is the custom cowl?
# Mar 25 2003 at 11:53 AM Rating: Default
The regular CoM has no graphic, but when Customised, it gives the Velious Plate Helm look (which is dependant on the Race and Gender -- e.g. that winged dragon helm for Human Male, the lopsided horned helm for Dwarf Males, and so on; the Luclin plate helms are based on these).
RE: what is the custom cowl?
# Dec 19 2003 at 6:19 AM Rating: Decent
Yes they BOTH very much do have graphics (at least for a woodelf ranger as of Oct 2003). The CoM is chain/leather while the CCoM is plate.

Edited, Fri Dec 19 06:22:19 2003
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 19 2002 at 6:04 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) some dude bought this for 150k from me so ppl on fennin its on a high demand atm so milk all you can for this hot item
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 29 2002 at 10:13 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) anyone have a pic link or SS of what this looks like on a ogre warrior?
RE: fasion
# Dec 15 2002 at 12:18 PM Rating: Default
It looks like a Black Plate helm when graphic while it isn't customised though.
# Sep 28 2002 at 12:09 PM Rating: Default
This item recently dropped for us and as the monk I looted this and handed down my cloak of flames to a guild warrior < win win >.Now I just need to get the statue or rallos zek to drop my new cloak . he keeps dropping the bp :-(
With this Item being lighter I can sell my helms of tallon and vallon and get a new cloak though even with the spider cloak I had in the bank ,I'm better off than I was before.

Could someone please do a complete post on how to customize this.
RE: Customize?
# Sep 29 2002 at 5:08 PM Rating: Good
66 posts
Gain Claws of Veeshan faction, probably up to ally. Go to Skyshrine, pass through the maze to the quest mobs. As you take the last teleporter you'll end up at the feet of a quest npc with the quest armor mobs lined up on both sides of the hall in front of you.

Hail the ncp your standing by and he'll tell you that he'll customize your Skyshrine quest helmet or your cowl of mortality. Simply turn them in to him and you'll receive the customized version back. Oh, and hope for the love of God that you are an iksar monk as the customized version looks horrible on humans.

Note - If the quest npc doesn't answer your hail your faction is probably to low for him to do the customization.
RE: Customize?
# Oct 05 2002 at 9:43 PM Rating: Default
Can do it with Thurg and Kael faction too.
Well frankly...
# Sep 24 2002 at 3:40 PM Rating: Default
If they want to pay that much for it, I'D sell it to them unless I can't get a cof or something...
um no
# Aug 23 2002 at 1:15 AM Rating: Default
"this is 40 % haste with 16ac 9sta 12agi 50hp and 15sv" (quoted from flutterby)
um no this is 36 percent haste not 40
its nice but for the same price you can have a cof and money left over
RE: um no
# Sep 29 2002 at 8:17 PM Rating: Default
hey just wondering, can this stack with other items? i have a haste belt and was wondering if they would stack?

#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 10 2002 at 9:14 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) there are very long posts on this so I will make this one short.
RE: um no
# Nov 16 2002 at 7:52 AM Rating: Excellent
Only specific haste songs will stack with haste spells. Only Melody of Eryaj (lvl50) and Warsong of the Vah Shir (lvl60) stack with other spell haste. Any other haste song, including the effects for RotWF and Monk epic, are considered spell haste.

So with those two exceptions, you can only have one item haste and one spell/song haste. Keep in mind that some items with haste are proc haste or clickable haste, and these are considered spell haste. So you can have the Eyepatch of Plunder (clickable haste) and a Cloak of Flames.

Now you can get some haste spell effects to all be in your "buff box" at once. This is because alot of these effect have additional benifits. But the haste itself will only be from the single best haste item and the single best haste spell.

There is one other type of haste that will stack with all of these. Discipline haste. Confused yet? Good, 'cause I was too for a real long time. If you really want to understand haste head out the the Monkly Business messages boards. You can glean alot of information about the game here, and not just for monks or melee's even.

Hopfully this post will make some of you curse my name, it's all I really want. <grin>
RE: um no
# Jul 23 2003 at 6:58 PM Rating: Default
Vallon's stacks with all other haste spell buffs. So you can have 2 spell haste buffs :)
RE: um no
# Sep 18 2003 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
The buffs may stack, but the haste will not.
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 29 2002 at 8:19 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
# Aug 18 2002 at 6:00 AM Rating: Decent
This is an overpriced haste item, but, on rodcet people want 150k for it
price of com
# Aug 06 2002 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
On Brell I've seen 3 try to sell the last few weeks. First was listed as 180k...don't think it sold. Then someone auctioned it for 150k..same result. Last I knew someone else trying to sell it for 130k and I don't believe it sold either. All prices on this server are dropping faster than the stock market on Black Monday. Gonna try and pick one of these up in the future, just for the hp's til I get my kael helmet.

- Eternyty
60 Ranger
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 13 2002 at 10:16 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Umm if u replace this with kael helm your stupid...this is 40 % haste with 16ac 9sta 12agi 50hp and 15sv desiese...the ac/agi and sta/hp alone is nice+ you get good haste so if you read this you will find out why u SHOULDNT use kael helm if u get this...and u cant get to lvl 49 in 7weeks unless u got alot of friends who have nothing better to do that PL you... k bye now
RE: price of com
# Oct 15 2002 at 6:36 PM Rating: Good
Agreed... I wear one as a lvl 60 warrior, and it is much better than any of the velius quest helms; and if you think you'd be better off with a CoF and a Warlord crown think about this: at lvl 60, 7 sta = 42 hp... 42 +35 = 77.. thats from the crown, and the CoF adds 50 so thats 127. Not bad. Then, lets do the math for this: 9 sta = 54 hp, 50 pure hp thats 104... add a heiro cloak, 75 pure hp more puttin you at 179, adding 4 sta you get 203... 127 vs 203... thats a 76 hp gain for those of you out there that are math retarded, and thats only assuming you don't have the power to kill rumblecrush or Cazic-Thule and get an even better cloak... 76 hp gain, hell I'm dropping 30k on items that give me TEN extra hp...
200k on Bristlebane.

Grendon, Veteran Warlord
Bristlebane Server

Edited, Tue Oct 15 19:25:29 2002
RE: price of com
# Aug 17 2002 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
49 is 7 weeks is doable, plenty people did more on kane bayle, I took about that long. Kane Bayle is a new server by the way, there is no one to help you level. If you had a high level chanter or shammy friend I would think you can hit 49 in a couple days
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 03 2002 at 10:22 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) 120k ? Hmmkay..
RE: Hmmmkay
# Aug 05 2002 at 10:54 PM Rating: Excellent
150 posts
Not all servers have the same prices. For instance just about all prices here are cut in half for MM or even more esp for older items. A item that was just added may or may not have a price that is similar on all servers. The older the server the lower the price in general. The older the item the lower the price in general.

It is called server/market saturation. A server that is three years old will have 1000's of FBSS's and sell for 2 to 3k. A newer sever will have less and they will call for a higher price.

These are just general statements and do not all hold true.
RE: Hmmmkay
# Oct 07 2002 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
I've been very intrested in the Economy of EQ lately. Along with your comment about market saturation, wouldn't the older servers also have some large inflation due to the high amounts of cash laying around also.

I don't know, I'd be intrested to see any more information on the economy.

BTW: I beleive that VI should have an economist working on the EQ II team.
RE: Hmmmkay
# Aug 09 2003 at 12:35 AM Rating: Decent
don't forget, NPC vendors take money out of the economy too. horses, tradeskills and peridots take large amounts of cash out of the game.
# Dec 20 2002 at 5:46 AM Rating: Good
Just as an observation, when i moved from ayonae ro to Eci (an older server), i noticed a dramatic price drop in all lower end items. But, now that most everyone is in at least their 50's, the demand for high end items has gone through the roof. Fungis for 75k are not unheard of, a cowl can go for as much as 200k.
So in short, that access money and demand shoots prices for high end items through the roof, and makes low end items worthless
mm hmm...
# Jul 24 2002 at 3:12 AM Rating: Good
It is quite obvious most here do not know much about Zland and assume he's some extremely hard dragon.

We overkilled him with 30 people in modest to full SS gear, no deaths, not high DR, no bard.

I would say you should have 160 or so MR for this fight, as his fear isn't hard to resist. Have the hallway to his room cleared, send in the MT group and the debuff group, have others wait outside as to avoid AE DoTs.

Once he is engaged and MT has aggro, zland is debuffed, you send in the other groups and proceed to just beat him down. Group healing spells are nice in this fight as most of your group will have DoTs. Have a backup healer in each group besides a cleric and have them healing people at 3 bulbs of health to counter-act DoT damage.

Zland was insane overkill with 30 and would be doable with 3 57-60 groups.

As far as the cowl goes, if you wouldn't use this you obviously arent a smart warrior.
Oh yes.. I'll keep my helm that has around 10 more ac and keep using my 10ac or so belt.. those 20+ ac belts will do nothing for me when I dont have to use my waist for a haste belt...
*BONK!* Once you reach a certain level of AC(1250-1300) you begin working on your hp and haste.

Ideal classes to use this in my opinion would be warriors, monks, pre-epic rangers, and pre-epic rogues. Why? Because these are the primary damage dealers and the main tank. Who do you think throws a lot of damage into a mob and keeps it off the casters before they get off their butts and unload DDs? The classes previously mentioned. Higher haste=better aggro management and more DPS.

But like I said.. most here are probably around high 40's or low 50's and consider zland to be an uber mob, in which case they know nothing about what they are saying and simply search through items on this site and troll around.

K, thanks.
RE: mm hmm...
# Aug 31 2002 at 10:07 PM Rating: Excellent
Your statement is valid and invalid all at the same time.

You're implied "sure that's easy" I've read from both those who know what they are talking about to those who "soloed Tunare by kiting her around PoG for an hour!" My assuption here is you know what you are implying but... proof never hurt ;)

"3 groups 57-60.." Who know what the hell they are doing.

My 59 Druid went to a Zlandicar raid 98 people there - average level around 57.

Zerg it! Was the core strategy (oh yeah... this one is always a winner!). It worked. 37 of us standing at the end and a lot of clerical click sticks working (over half my group died due to the "oops... so THAT's a fear AoE eh?"...)

For those running their second, third, etc... char up to 60, the trip is a lot easier. You learned your mistakes up front so you know what you are doing.

For those who are just hitting 60 and haven't been on a lot of raids... well, it can be one ugly learning curve at times that can strain some folks patients with the situation.

Instead of just making baseline assumptions on the knowledge and skills of those attempting such raids, simply based upon level, how about tossing out some info on how 3 57-60 groups could do it along what skills / resists they should have, etc...?

Kothall Landrunner
59 Level Druid

Edited, Sat Aug 31 22:58:14 2002
RE: mm hmm...
# Aug 08 2002 at 12:27 AM Rating: Decent
155 posts
Don't forget your agro inducing, Damage dealing Shadowknights ;)
RE: mm hmm...
# Dec 02 2002 at 5:54 PM Rating: Default
29 posts
and what's that got to do with the price of tea in China?
# Jul 23 2002 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
Hehe i may have been lucky lol... We raided and this dropped.. Guidl Leader says Rangers Warrs Monks and Rogues roll for this.. I beat out a warr buy 1 (he had 98 i had 99 out of 101) Guess i got really lucky cause this thing kills!

Jahweic, 60 warder of mith marr

Heres my gear ,
# Aug 11 2003 at 2:15 AM Rating: Decent
I'd really like to not start one of those "This class should get this" threads, but as a guild leader I would never allow rangers to roll against Warriors, Rogues or SKs for this item. The simple fact is that by the time you see this mob, most ppl will have, or will be close to having their epics. Rangers and Monks both have very nice haste items for epics, and both are arguably two of the easiest attainable epics around. (it's still my opinion that Swiftwind would make a much more suitable Warrior epic rather than the flaming swords of lost aggro) while Warriors, SKs, and Pally's are in dyre need of epic upgrades. With a 40% haste on a sword coming soon for a person who should never be taking aggro in the first place (yes, i've considered Jolt and the fact that maybe the other said classes had better) i would think that a guild leader would award this first to an MA, SA, or other tank sort, (unless of course, pop was out at the time of your posting and everyone had better, or it might have ben some crazy form of DKP where rolling is envolved) Just my 2cp, well, maybe 2pp, but i'd appreciate actual feedback from anyone who bothers, not random flaming.
# Aug 11 2003 at 2:18 AM Rating: Decent
havn't figured out how to edit yet, and i forgot to add this the first time, Gratz on the item anyway though bro. =D
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 26 2002 at 12:29 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Would jus like to say you fuggin suck, I will hunt you down and strip all of that "sweet Jesus, omg, ubah, l33t, ungodly" gear off your ***. I can tell you no longer appreciate much of it and would like to give some away. To me.
#REDACTED, Posted: Jul 04 2002 at 11:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Someone posted below about already having a better helm with ac26 and stuff um i would take this over that helm why? Cause 12 agi thats why. Agi adds AC i have -5agi bp with ac20 if i equip a netherbian chittin at lvl 40 i gain 4ac and netherbian chittin is also ac20..sooooo 12 agi would give me about this would be close to 26ac hehe so stick that in yer pipe and smoke it...
# Dec 23 2003 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
195 posts
6 AGI = 1 AC. Agi is used to check if you dodge, riposte, or parry though, so it is a usefull stat.
Farwarden Aquendar Lerilon, 105 Season Human Ranger of Tunare
My Fantasy Novels
My Profile
Haste % ??
# Jun 29 2002 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
Does anybody know the haste % on this? Is it 36 like Cloak of Flames? Or more... please tell me~ Thx ;)
RE: Haste % ??
# Jul 06 2002 at 2:43 AM Rating: Decent
This gives about 41% haste... That is the reason it is so damn expensive, its the most haste on any dropable item in the game, and it can be customized to give a kick *** look to those who cannot customize thier caps.
RE: Haste % ??
# Jul 16 2002 at 9:54 PM Rating: Excellent
361 posts
Actually haste on this is 36%, not 41%
(corroborated by Magelo and the Haste Compendium)
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