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Scepter of Mastery  

Lore Item No Trade Placeable
Skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 21
DMG: 13 Dmg Bonus: 33
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
STA: +6 AGI: +6
WT: 3.0 Size: TINY
Class: MNK BST
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)
Slot 2, Type 20 (Ornamentation)

Item Type:1H Blunt
Light:Large Lantern
Submitted By:Liushing
Lucy Entry By:Atarak
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-12-25 10:12:48
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

Expansion: Scars of Velious Scars of Velious

Rarity: Uncommon
Level to Attain: 58

[Drops | Comments ]


This item is found on creatures.

Kael Drakkel
NPC Name
Bjrakor the Cold

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Kael Drakkel

Uploaded November 27th, 2008
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This weapon is pretty sad..
# May 23 2003 at 9:48 PM Rating: Decent
I got one the other day at a raid, i have enjoyed it. An Entwood mace makes this thing look pretty crappy, but i have a mace and this.. Good combo!
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 03 2003 at 12:46 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Does this item have a recomended lvl??And what is the average cost of this??
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 13 2003 at 3:18 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) no drop
# Jan 19 2003 at 11:49 AM Rating: Default
I got this weapon last night, with the help of Circle of Assasins on Tholuxe Paells. I'd like to say thanks again for being kind enough to let me tag along on your raid for faction, and even more so for letting me loot it =)

51st Monk of Quellious
Keeper of the Glade

P.S. /wave Vish =)
# Nov 26 2002 at 11:47 PM Rating: Default
Got this last night on my lvl 50 iksar monk. AoW was getting offed again. I knew the guy had this wep and asked if i could loot <thay had better> and the leader of the raid said why not was so happy upgreaded my 14 28 no drop fist from PoA what an upgread eh. Will go great with my sheetmetal ulac. Whould lke to thank <eternal sovereign> for leting me loot this. :) have a nice day all

Vishish bloodshedder 50 monk
Simple Technique
# Jul 07 2002 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
Ok guys, for those of you who are trying to compare jade mace and kd to this weapon, here is a very quick, and fairly accurate way to determine which weapon is better, take JM, its 9/18, multiply the damage by 2,9+9=18, then you have 18/18, then take SoM, its 13/21, 13+13= 26/21, so by just doing the math, you can already see how you get a better ratio
RE: Simple Technique
# Dec 15 2002 at 3:04 PM Rating: Default
The ratio isn't everything, in the primary slot anyway. You have to remember the damage bonus, which clicks in more often with a faster weapon. Still think it's better than the jade mace, though, especially in the offhand.
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 09 2002 at 1:29 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Thats a pretty retarted way to do it...I mean, take a 10/10 weapon... 10 + 10 = 20/10, now take a 30/30 weapon... 30 + 30 = 60/30. Going by the numbers, most people would think 'Gee, the 30/30 weapon comes out with more points over the delay, must be better' but in fact they are the same ratio.
Nice weapon!
# May 31 2002 at 3:44 PM Rating: Default
54 Beastlord here... I won lotto on this item a few days ago. Very nice. The added stamina brought me over the top for 2200hp, and the damage is MUCH better than the shaded staff I was using before. I strongly suggest this item for any beastie if your guild is near the arena.
Epic+SoM combo
# Mar 13 2002 at 5:42 AM Rating: Default
Actually the epic fists 9 16 are better then the SoM in the mainhand... Allow me to elaborate :)...

At level 50 (level effect starts working) your damage bonus is 8 making epic fists = 17 16 And SoM = 21 21. Obviously the ratio on the fists will be better...

However offhand you have no damage bonus and since 9 16 doesnt cut the mustard against 13 21 well you see where im going...

Anyways awesome weapon Good for you if you got one! ) Have a nice day

Edited, Wed Mar 13 05:42:15 2002
RE: Epic+SoM combo
# Mar 22 2002 at 2:48 PM Rating: Default
You are incorrect. The damage bonus is NOT added to the DMG rating on a weapon. It is a set number that is added after the damage is calculated from everything else (ATK rating, dmg of weapon, mob ac). So epic fists are NOT 17/16, they are 9/16 + 8 damage. If you actually do the calculations, SoM is better in mainhand that epic.
RE: Epic+SoM combo
# Jun 17 2002 at 10:12 PM Rating: Good
I agree that SoM is better in main hand than the epic fist alone, but also, figure in that some monks (such as myself) have no financial skills at all... i'm stuck w/whatever no drop **** i get from raids. so as of now, my only weapon is my SoM and fist, and since it's higher damage and delay, until i get an adamatite club etc., it's better in the off hand (even tho that should go without saying).
The real scoop, with equations
# Apr 29 2002 at 4:57 PM Rating: Default
Epic fists are better than SoM in main hand; SoM is better than epic fists in offhand. Just watch the next epic monk you see - they all have SoM in main hand. And here's why.

The accepted formula for modal damage per hit is 2*weapondamage + damagebonus. This approximates average damage per hit but doesn't include strength and damage table adjustments - I'll do a max dmg calculation next. So then, take the damage per hit, divide by weapon delay, and you get the damage per unit time (which is 10th of a second)... therefore

10 * (2*weapondamage + damagebonus) / weapondelay.

This calc at damagebonus of 8 gives 16.25dps for fist, 16.19dps for SoM. Fist is slightly better... at level 58+ fists beat SoM 1.81 to 1.76

OK now max damage calculation - assume that you hit for max every time. This includes strength bonuses, but doesn't include damage table adjustments cause nobody seems to know what they are. So a 56+ monk will hit harder than this. Anyway... max damage per hit = weapondamage * (strength+skill) / 100 + damagebonus. Again, divide by weapondelay and multiply by 10 to get dps.

This time, SoM beats out epic fists - for say 140 strength and 8 damage bonus, epic fists narrowly beat out SoM 31.9 to 31.4. The difference is much less - but you're not going to be hitting for max every time.

Haste doesn't affect this comparison, because the haste equally affects both numbers - i.e. 66% haste multiplies each number by 1.66, giving you 52.9 to 52.1.

Disclaimer: I haven't parsed these because I don't have an SoM.

Glencannon | 58 monk | Vallis Scortor | Ayonae Ro
Graphics when equipped?
# Jan 25 2002 at 11:32 AM Rating: Default
82 posts
Judging from the icon I would assume this looks like you are holding a Fighting Baton when equipped, is that correct?
RE: Graphics when equipped?
# May 26 2002 at 12:08 PM Rating: Default
Im sure you've seen the enchanter Rof od Insidious Glamour? It looks exactly like that when equiped. Few of my monk friends have them, and im Hoping to get mine soon.
RE: Graphics when equipped?
# Jan 26 2002 at 11:01 PM Rating: Default
yup, looks like a fighting baton, one of my guild mates has one. the item itself is quite nice (for beating the crap out of things anyway), but the graphic isnt so hot
RE: Graphics when equipped?
# Apr 26 2002 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
It's similar to a Fighting aton, but it is not the same. It is the same size, but it has a slightly different shape, and is a lighter color. It looks a lot cooler.
# Oct 14 2001 at 1:30 AM Rating: Default
748 posts
Was the juniormost member of our guild raid on Kael Drakkal last night. Was getting almost no experience, but was getting good faction with the dragons and a little with coldain. We were fighting in the arena, where the neighboring guild was also donig a raid. They killed this guy, but since they had no monks with them, let me loot this. Again, thanks to Cult of the Ancient Wurm, not only for letting me loot this, but also for helping with rezzes when most of our guild got wiped out on an overpull. Wow! This is an awesome weapon, great dmg/dly and have to love the extra agility and stamina. Never thought I'd get this, at least not at my level. (note: I was level 32 when I wrote this.)

Edited, Fri Sep 6 02:31:57 2002
damn !
# Oct 11 2001 at 5:49 PM Rating: Default
just cant stop drooling

Caraen Izdaman
55 master
Mithaniel Marr
# Sep 27 2001 at 4:54 PM Rating: Default
397 posts
sorry get this confused by calling it baton =P had a fighting baton for so long its sad... meant scepter
get real
# Sep 27 2001 at 4:51 PM Rating: Default
397 posts
you wouldn't even pull this guy if a monk didn't need his loot... get real... hes below 3 lvl 56ish cleric mobs that are very hard to even feign split. Hell I don't think anyone except an expert monk or sk could split these dudes and bring back a mob to your party without dying...

The trick to protectors of zek is get them solo, have chanter drain mana (they'll still prolly cheal unless you got 2 chanters) then when poz get about 15% nuke the crap outta them before they have a chance to gate...

PoZ hit about 365s and cheal... people don't even pull bjrakor unless a monk needs the baton. If yer monk isn't skilled enough to feign split the 3 poz guarding above bjrakor then he don't deserve this fine weapon.

baton > celestial fist primary slot
sos > baton secondary slot
RE: get real
# Nov 13 2002 at 10:23 AM Rating: Default
Bah this guy is easy to pull... I began pulling the Arena at 54 and now at 60 it is even easier (due to experience only). The PoZ's can be warp split as mentioned above or can be split with another Monk or SK (snare). Once the PoZ's are gone, Bjrakor and a Gladiator can be pulled without aggro from the Clerics in the room above them. I n the 50 times or so I have camped Arena, and all the times I have pulled Bjrakor has only had this weapon in his hands 4 times. Last night I finally got a chance to loot it. As far as weapon speed goes, using the Fist/SoM combo with Epic/RBG gives the same DPS as the Fist/SoS does. I will probably use these combo's until I get Vex or Sleeper's weapons....

Sayint Fissteecuffs
60th Grandmaster of Veeshan
The Wrecking Crew

Edited, Wed Nov 13 10:02:57 2002
RE: get real
# Mar 21 2002 at 7:33 AM Rating: Default
The Prots are easy to pull. You just warp split them. In terms of damage output, epic fists are better than the SoM in primary because with the lower delay, you get the str bonus more.

Valerius Blacklung
56 monk

Edited, Thu Mar 21 07:39:53 2002
RE: get real
# Jan 23 2002 at 10:03 AM Rating: Default
19 posts
I agree with Jarrnu, the clerics arent that hard to pull. Typically, at least one will stay back and cast, possibly 2, making it very easy to split them. I am far from being an expert monk and I was able to do it.
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 29 2001 at 11:01 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Actually, I pull this bad boy every single time I am pulling in Kael regardless of what he is holding in his hand.
RE: get real
# Oct 29 2001 at 11:01 AM Rating: Default
Actually, I pull this bad boy every single time I am pulling in Kael regardless of what he is holding in his hand.

Raiders like to hear named mobs are coming their way and he has some very nice leggings as well.

A monk not pulling a mob because he doesn't have monk loot should not be pulling in the first place.

I find the Arena surprisingly easy to feign pull from.

Jarrnu Tr`Xytl
53 Iksar Monk - Order of the Eternal Moon
# Sep 16 2001 at 2:53 AM Rating: Decent
Planning on getting one of these (I'm higher level than my sig by now). But why the 3wt? it's a tiny lil thing, afterall...

It's not like it would be all that broken if it weighed 1... oh well, still gonna get it.
# Sep 07 2001 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
just wondering for a pre epic monk which is better Tstaff or this and say a jade mace?
RE: Tstaff
# Sep 21 2001 at 12:58 PM Rating: Default
Tstaff, but not by much.
# Sep 05 2001 at 11:10 AM Rating: Default

I gave a shout in guildchat for some help on this mob. We did it with 1 group. 60 Cleric, 60 Enchanter, 60 Warrior, 60 SK, 55 Monk (Me), 60 Druid. Bjrakor was holding the Sceptor. We fought him in his little area down below the Protectors of Zek. Slowed him, Charmed the Frost Giant Guardian and went to town. Easy fight.
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 07 2001 at 4:15 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Just hearing that these things rot makes me wanna cry. *sniff*
very nice
# Aug 02 2001 at 2:43 AM Rating: Default
the giant only hits for like 250 max and hes a very easy pull just have to take out the zeks and u can snag him .. hes like lvl 53 or somthing not sure but if ur not kos to him u can pull him single to the zone if ur a monk that knows wut hes doing good luck prety nice wep =)
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 09 2001 at 1:19 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hey, if you are a newbie monk then you should read this. This is a no-drop lore item and only for monks. From reading the post i have figured that this thing rots alot. So, what do you do, you get your scaley but over to Velious (get the no drop lore item while you are at it so you can just get a tp next time) swim around ooc, swim around the eastern waste, stay by the side and go to Kael Drakkel, ask the group who is camping it if you can loot it if they are not because it is not right letting things to root. Once you get it haul your butt to where-ever you call home and there you have a weapon tht is 13/21 and most people cant get till 55!! By the way if anyone is having a raid on him on Drinal can you plz send me a tell or an email, or send me a tell:
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 09 2001 at 1:27 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Oh yeah, i forgot to add a few things, it isnt ooc it is ice clad ocean and this can be done by anyone on anything that is a no drop item. Oh yeah, monks, while you are there ask the people who are camping the statue of ralloz zek if you can loot the Hammer of Battle and the Cloak of falling stars.This was just my way to giving back to the EQ community. Bye all, hope to see you all on-line.
RE: Newbies can get it!!!
# Aug 25 2001 at 9:41 PM Rating: Default
Well you know once when i was a little lvl 1 monk I desided that I wanted a Bo staff of Throrsmag, its nothing really serious, just the best weapon in the game:) so yeah I took my scally butt over to VP entrance and when a guild was going in there for a raid I asked them if they didn't need THE BEST MONK WEAPON IN THE GAME, they said NO!!! take it, so yeah and the thing was that the dragon who drops this killed everyone from that guild on that raid so as I was a cool monk I punched it for 1 point of dmg and yeah! I killed it!!!
and guess what, it had the Staff and a bunch of other things, I went to Gfay, sold them for 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999k pp and than I...I woke up:)
He's not that tough really
# Jun 26 2001 at 10:45 PM Rating: Decent
Bjrakor the Cold is not that tough, 2 or 3 groups of 50+ can take him with ease. When he carries the scepter, it looks like a hammer on him. I've seen one or two of these rot since I have one and no other monks were present at the time. :(

Shinijo Yodama
Nameless, SoN
# Jun 11 2001 at 6:05 AM Rating: Default
How common is this Bjrakor the Cold? The scepter itself?
Getting the scepter
# May 14 2001 at 8:41 AM Rating: Default
hehe, im only lvl35, but im on a server with ALOT of high lvl guilds. And my friend on another server said that this SIN"T killed just for the scepter....hes just killed for exp to be killed, and he said since the thig is no drop that i might be able to get one if i sat around the arena long enough and there weren't any other monks.....anyone else think i could do this? cause theres no need in letting one rot.
#Anonymous, Posted: May 29 2001 at 2:53 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) First, learn to spell, second, shut your ******* mouth and work for your stuff like everyone else.
# Apr 17 2001 at 4:45 AM Rating: Decent
Bjorkar the Cold does indeed drop this, ive led 3 kael raids of over 50 people each time into the arena area and he has dropped it 2 of the 3 times it dropped. one time some random priest or cleric dropped this, the priest however, unlike the Cold, was not weilding it when we discovered it as loot. Bjorkar will always be wielding it if he has it on him.
Killer Combo...
# Feb 09 2001 at 9:20 PM Rating: Default
Just imagine a Monk dual wielding this and the Tri-plated Golden Hackle Hammer (14/24 + stats, weight 2.0) off Dain in Icewall Keep. *drools*
RE: Killer Combo...
# Mar 16 2001 at 3:58 PM Rating: Default
heh epic and SOS would blow that combo away
RE: Killer Combo...
# Jul 03 2001 at 6:12 PM Rating: Excellent
97 posts
The scepter, SoS and epic owns both ;)

Sceptre Damage
# Feb 09 2001 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
Yay, the author of the damage table kindly added the sceptre. Ready for this? It beats the jade mace, hands down, all the way to lvl60.

At lvl54:
Sceptre of Mastery (13/22) = 13.33 dmg/sec
Jade mace (9/18) = 12.94 dmg/sec

Oh btw, the mob that drops this wields it, it looks more like a Sceptre of Rahotep than a fighting baton.
yes, it is very nice
# Feb 08 2001 at 5:06 PM Rating: Good
Yes, it drops in the Kael arena behind the protectors (they are a tough group to split up); I was lucky enough to receive one of these last week and it is a very sweet weapon. As I don't have a spread sheet to do exact calcs, I'll interpolate from the posted damage tables (see monkly business for link).

At lvl 54 (10 damage bonus on primary attacks):
*assuming 130 str and 60% attacks landed*

Primary fist (14/28.4) = 10.86 dmg/sec
Knuckle duster (14/28) = 11.01 dmg/sec
Trance stick (7/18) = 11.26 dmg/sec
Ykesha mace (10/22) = 11.27 dmg/sec
Jade mace (9/18) = 12.94 dmg/sec

So if you look at a 13/22 weapon in the primary hand with the above figures in guess is this owns the jade mace. I will look for the formulas and get some hard numbers here.

RE: yes, it is very nice
# Apr 19 2001 at 6:21 PM Rating: Default
You also need to factor in the Wu stick proc as well as the Ykesha mace proc. That will add a bit of damage to these two.

One of these dropped my last trip to the arena. Too bad I wasn't on my monk 8-/
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