I've searched every place I can find and everywhere seems to have the Drakkel Wolfhide gloves and leggings but nobody has the Tunic. I have the Tunic but need to know its price. its 12 ac .1 weight no +s, any ideas how much thats worth?
Believe it or not, I found the leggings AND the tunic mentioned by Smackin above, on a vendor. I was absolutely dumbstruck to see that he wanted only about 3 (yes, you read that right: THREE) platinum each for them. Couldn't pull out the purse fast enough.
Gave the leggings to my Erudite paladin. The legs are 1AC better than banded, and weigh virtually nothing, so it really helps him with his relatively low strength. Haven't figured out what to do with the tunic yet, he's got an etched Iron BP (AC19, +3MR,) that he ain't giving up for a good long time. Incidentally, I bought the BP from a vendor for 60 plat. And no, I'm not telling who the vendors are. I don't want any competition. :-)
And the Drake Scale Legs as well... Not too shabby when you need some cold resistance for a raid either.. Anyone ever seen these for sale? Don't want to kill my giant faction.