who cares what ya got or if ya got it cheap we all have but still no point to come braging OMFG i got a wurmy! ya well beetch thats not ubah now buyin a fungi for 12k is and getin free necklace of the Neopyth is ( not sure if splet right was a bit ago but the necklace that changes ya into a skeley ;-) ) So in joor face fat ***
I traded an iksar berserker club and a kunzar ku'juch for this thing... the person wanted 4k for it. I gave it to my level 16 warrior and with 140 str he is/was hitting for max of 22 with it (in primary slot). Also, the highest crit Ive seen him hit with it was 44 (again, this is only at level 16...). For my off hand I have a ykeshan war club but only 16 1hb. With a level 16 shaman partner I was killing the sabratooth tigers in LOIO (aprox level 18-20) with ease.
K, I just checked out the heavy velium warsword 12dmg/ 23 delay..and weighs 3.5 stone. Now this "light" weapon is 10dmg/ 23 delay and weighs 2.5 stones. Why is this thing 5 times more expensive than the heavy velium warsword?? Is the 1 weight difference that imporant??? weird
Yeah, geez. Don't brag about stuff like that. Oh yeah, I just bought a slime coated harpoon for 200pp and one of these for 1k. I'm doing pretty good, especially because I bought some dwarven work boots for 300pp and 2 electrum black sapphire earings for 650pp. Also I bought a velium warsword for 150pp and sold it for 1k (all these things really did happen and who cares if you brag about something that happened to you).