Di!zok Insignia sells for absolutely nothing when offered to Sateal Deirosap vendor in the bazaar by level 3 human monk with 143 cha... Current bazaar price not available...
Di!zok Insignia sells for absolutely nothing when offered to Sateal Deirosap vendor in the bazaar by level 3 human monk with 143 cha... Current bazaar price not available...
The only server you could get a Bazaar price for the insignia is FV, as this is a NO TRADE item...
It is for some various task quests from the taskmasters in the Dreadlands. I needed to kill 4 sarnaks and get 4 of these. And Abtbbm, don't spam post. The task quest should give you instructions on who to turn them into. For mine it was Lehell Sithmoor.