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Trueshot Longbow  

Lore Item Quest Item Placeable
Skill: Archery Atk Delay: 45
DMG: 20
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
WT: 3.0 Range: 100 Size: LARGE
Class: RNG
Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)
Slot 2, Type 20 (Ornamentation)

Item Type:Archery
Merchant Value:2 pp 9 gp 0 sp 0 cp
Lucy Entry By:Kerasota
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-12-19 05:32:47
Page Updated:Tue Apr 11th, 2017

Expansion: Original Original

Average Price: 200pp Pricing Data...
Rarity: Rare
Level to Attain: 8

[Quests | Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Trueshot Longbow

Crafted: This item is crafted by players.


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

Greater Faydark
Quest Name
Rain Caller

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Greater Faydark

Uploaded February 8th, 2020 by nytmare
Updated February 9th, 2020
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Srvos and more
# Jul 11 2002 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
111 posts
At skill around 100 (102 I think) I succeded on the first 2 attempts, so hence I sold a bow while a friend kept the first succes on him.
Haven't been able to do it since, though I haven't tried as many times, nor raised my fletching a lot more.
Agree that the most tedious part is getting the servos, but I've had a lot of luck killing the big clockworks outside mino caves and tracking down the smaller runnaways.
Try shouting to pay for looting them too. Practically wortless if you're not questing with the servos, so many are most willing to give you a loc to loot. Easily made enough for 5 attempts per day while I was here. Although I was hunting them while I still got xp from the bigger ones, so I actually got smoething else out of the killing too.
Tough to make
# Jul 11 2002 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
I attempted this 4 times with my lvl 18 ranger, his skill at fletching was only in 150's and had no succsess. At lvl 20 and a fletching skill of 201 succeeded on first attempt. The hardest part of this quest is camping the ever elusive micro servers, must have camped these greenies for a week to get enough for the 5 attempts.

Marlus Wyndsonorth
54th lvl barb warrior
22nd lvl human ranger
I loved this quest!
# Jul 08 2002 at 2:11 AM Rating: Decent
Um... I did this quest with my ranger, which is my second character. He (Tosheben) was level 15 when he completed the quest. I had to try to make the bow a few times, because it's so expensive to raise Fletching after you become a master. Being my second character, I started with no equipment and no money. I've been using this bow for eight levels now, and haven't come across anything that even comes close to being as good. Furthermore, this quest was easy to do without anyone telling me how to do it. All the information you need is obtainable from the NPCs. This is the best quest I've done in this game, with the best reward.
Fletching or buying-
# Jul 07 2002 at 5:49 PM Rating: Excellent
The bow itself is quite impressive for the average ranger. Since it costs about 200pp if you are interested in buying it, the 20 45 dmg dly is very impressive compared to other bows youll find in the price range. Anyone who uses this obvioulsy knows that they are a long way off from the 35 38 bows or whatever those crazy 60 warders with trueshot discipline criticaling for up to 2000 have. If you are interested in fletching, I can't say much besides the fact that it takes a bit of luck- though the most consistent piece of information I've heard is that with a skill of about 160 you can make this reliably, though if you are looking to gamble a little, I've heard of 40 skill fletchers lucking out and making one. To dispel a certain rumor, gathering the pieces is very easy, I trust that all of you concerned with getting this bow are rangers and therefore have track. Though it is time consuming, there is a difference between difficulty and time consumption. I doubt that you will have a druid capable of port other being dragged around with you, however if you did it would be very helpful. Here is some advice for getting the pieces-

Micro Servos- These are the most annoying of the pieces to get. You'll need 2 per trueshot attempt. They drop in the gnome newb zone, that being the steamfont mountains, off rogue clockworks. There are all sorts of clockworks but these specific ones that you want are rogues. When i was there, they didn't drop very often so prepared to be bored- and when you are tracking, don't be tempted to go over the little mountains, because you have to go around.

Treant wood- At first this was very odd to me. There are 2 Jyle Windshots. The one in East freeport is the WRONG one. He is not interested in whatever you have to say, so just leave him alone. The one you want is in west freeport, in a tavern of some sort (easily tracked). He wants small lanterns, or normal lanterns, lanterns of some sort. Most merchants will sell these, but for sure I know there is one in north freeport near the bank. Lanterns do not stack, so clear out your inventory and then buy as many as you can and give them to him in bulk, he will thank you every time as if he needed over 20 lanterns to make whatever trip he wants to.

Dwarven wire- a mini quest all on its own. You need to speak to trantor everhot or whatever, he'll tell you to go get his favorite booze from tumpy irontoe, who will tell you that he needs these kiola nuts. If i had a dime for every quest that needed these elusive kiola nuts...well nevermind that. When you are heading back to Kaladim from Jyle Windshot in freeport, be prepared to make a dash. When the boat stops at the sister island (or whatever they call it), one of the first huts you see contains the merchant who sells the nuts. These nuts do not stack, but they are like a gold a piece, so buy as many as you can, and run back out to the boat before it leaves the dock. You then need water flasks, which you can buy pretty much anywhere from vendors, 1 nut and water flask make a tumpy tonic. You need to give everhot 2 tonics per 1 dwarven wire, therefore making it hard to get many dwarven wires per trip.

Spiderling silk- At last, a break! Any newb zone, for instance misty thicket, greater faydark, etc etc, anything with spiderlings or something that drops spiderling silk, get a few stacks of these in 10 minutes.

Now, I hope you didn't just do all of that hoping to get the bow afterwards. The cheap ******* in the ranger guild in greater faydark doesn't make the bow for you, even though he brags about being a master fletcher and all that, no, he gives you the stave so you can make the bow yourself. And to do this i recommend having 160 fletching skill or so. So basically the quest sucks because it is designed for a low level to enjoy and gain exp, though only higher level fletchers with money can do the quest. Good luck anyways.
RE: Fletching or buying-
# Jul 11 2002 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
A few more notes,
Micro Servos drop off the runaway clockworks (the spiders, not the gnome shaped clockworks).
About every 4 lanterns you give Jyle Windshots, you'll get a trent heart (I believe thats the name) which is used in another quest somewhere.
You can make tumpy tonics yourself with brewing. You need to combine one kiola nut and a water flask in a brewing barrel. It trivials at 135.
I believe the Trueshot trivials at 235. So with a fletching of 1 you have a 5% chance of succeeding, or so says varent.
RE: Fletching or buying-
# Jul 21 2002 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
the treant heart is used in the quest to upgrade the trueshot to the rain caller bow, so if your a ranger keep it=)
Usable by Halflings
# Jun 13 2002 at 6:59 AM Rating: Decent
This bow is indeed now usable by Halflings.
# Jun 10 2002 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
I made one last night (hurrah for me) and I remember seeing four races (didn't pay much attention to which) so I think they must have added halflings.

I was 0/9 at skill 119 and 1/3 at skill 139.

Gathering the components sucks so I would get your skill as high as you can bear platinum and patience wise. Damn fletching is hard on the fingers!!!!!

Time to soak my aching carpals.
RE: trueshot
# Jun 14 2002 at 6:38 AM Rating: Decent
1 for 12 is not bad at all. I made my first Trueshot bow at a skill of 169 after 63 previous unsuccessful attempts. A high fletching skill is paramount to a successful bow attempt. I have seen extensive discussion as to the benefits of WIS to improve success rates, but from personal experience, I didn't see any difference when I increased my WIS. The ONLY thing that helped was getting my fletching skill up.

Abishot Swiftarrow
Lvl 46... no 45... ahhh 46 again Ranger of Tunare
# Jun 02 2002 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
Have they changed this to allow all ranger races to use it yet?
# May 23 2002 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
I've been camping the clockworks for the past week (Tunare server) and there have been a lot of clockworks spawning there. I'm trying to stockpile servos for my first (and probably not my last) attempt at the Trueshot. Unfortunately, there haven't been too many servo drops. Maybe it's the Tunare server...maybe not. But there have been lots of clockworks.
What happened to the Clockworks?
# May 16 2002 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
Is it just me or did the clockwork spawn drop drastically with the patches a couple of days ago? It seems now there are a gazzillion different spawns in steamfont, and a rogue clockwork is never one of them, not to mention it seems clockworks are dropping more and more items except for serveos. ARGH!!!!! Still this is a fun quest when you a newbie, I kick myself for not working at it harder when I was young enough to get exp from all the mobs, Now I just find myself camping out waiting for the darn things to spawn when none of my friends are on and I'm sick of soloing. I hope to make this confounded bow some day. Wish me luck!
Treant Wood
# Apr 25 2002 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
Wondering if someone could help. I went to jyle Windshot in West freeport and gave him the small lantern and all i got was Wooden Shards and no treant wood. Could someone explain to me why lol
RE: Treant Wood
# May 24 2002 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
You combine the wood shards, a micro servo, a dwarven wire, and a spiderling silk in the bag given to you by the guy in the Ranger guild and then return the closed bag to him and get a Treant staff to make the bow out of.
RE: Treant Wood
# Apr 28 2002 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
Im pretty sure that that is the item you need (the wooden shards). Good luck making your bow.
My Experiences
# Apr 18 2002 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
OK, let me tell you what I have found. I have made this bow over 8 times, and sold all but 3 for 200p each. My first success was at fletching of 90; and then not again until skill level 145. At my current skill of 178 I think I have to be REAL close to the trivial point, though there is no known such point. Here is why: 5 of my 8 successes have all been back to back, first try success, and all since skill level 175, and all within the same calander week. My most recent attempt (success number 8) is the only one to not succeed first try since the 175 level, and it succeeded on the second try.

On another note, I have seen this hit for above 50 damage when using 4 dmg 150 rng arrows. It seems to hit high 40's to low 50's about 1/5 of the time for me.

These are just my personal experiences, take from it what you will.

If you are in need of this bow, and on Seventh Hammer, send me a tell. I will gladly sell the one I am carrying. I have a spare on an alt, and stockpiled supplies.

As always, stay safe and have fun :)

Ranger of Tunare

Seventh Hammer Server
131 skill
# Apr 13 2002 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
With a 131 Fletching skill it took me 20 trys, I suggest getting your skill up as far as possible before trying to Combine this.
Trueshot easy?
# Apr 11 2002 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
I was going to wait till I had an outrageous skill like 150 or better but decided to give it a try at 85 and made it on my third try. Two thoughts from this, don't wait till you get an incredible skill level to try because you very well may succeed...and...don't expect to succeed. On the lack of success side I count myself lucky since after giving my new trueshot to another char to hold, the next seven attempts (I had gathered comps for 10 tries) were failures. Give it a shot, It'll take more time and money to improve fletching than to gather a few more microservers.
Fletching Skill
# Apr 10 2002 at 12:04 AM Rating: Decent
I've had my Trueshot since level 20 or so...took me MANY attempts, but I did manage to make it with a Fletching skill of 101.
spawn rate..
# Apr 05 2002 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
Just something i noticed today. I have been spending a lot of time hunting clockworks to get a stockpile of micro-servos and i noticed the spawn rate jump up dramatically when a group started hunting the minataur slavers. Hope its not just coincidental cuz like many i have wasted hours trying to get microservos and a spawn turbo would definitely help. Tried 3 times so far making the trueshot and failed. (skill lvl 117... gonna get it up some more before i try again)

"...the poppy blooms where battles were waged. Does it tribute the dead, or torment the aged?"

Tiernaan woodelf ranger 18 seasons E'ci
RE: spawn rate..
# Apr 14 2002 at 11:19 AM Rating: Excellent
113 posts
I found that to get the rogue clockworks to spawn...

You need to be killing everything in the area around the Mino Caves (well except for the skellies, and you can ignore the Kobold Missionary as well, though he may not ignore you =). Everything seems to be a random spawn in the area, you kill one of the mobs and a random elemental, harpy, drake, rat or clockwork will eventually replace it. By killing only clockworks, you will eventually run out of clockworks. By killing everything clockworks will continually spawn.

Just my observance of being in the area... now if I can just get the Hero to spawn <grumbles>

Edited, Sun Apr 14 12:17:52 2002
Wulfgarin Dergeistdesmonds
RE: spawn rate..
# Apr 26 2002 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
Fletching skill of 137 and still trying :(
Anyway i to have found that killing averything around mino caves helps to speed up the clockwork spawn rate. Also have had great success looting micro servers off runaway clockworks that spawn by the druid ring. Hope this helps and good luck.

Ranger of the 17th season
Bonus Damage
# Apr 04 2002 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
I was looking at my Trueshot when I noticed it now lists BONUS DAMAGE 1

Is this true for anyone else?

Jalynn Firehand
<Utopian Eventide>
Ranger of 30 Seasons
RE: Bonus Damage
# Apr 05 2002 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
Hehe... well it might help if I wake up from my endless EQ sleep state long enough to remember that at higher levels, you start getting damage bonuses.... LOL....
My experience
# Feb 22 2002 at 12:38 PM Rating: Excellent
190 posts
Tried once at 112 and up to 145 and made it.
My experience
# Feb 22 2002 at 12:36 PM Rating: Excellent
190 posts
Sorry...double bad.

Edited, Fri Feb 22 12:50:31 2002
# Feb 08 2002 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
Hey, can we use a geerlok plane instead of a normal one? Even just 5% better chance of making it is looking good now.

4 failures later, still at it!

LvL 23 Fletch 122
RE: Geerlok
# Feb 11 2002 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
Hello! I am gonna reply to my own post. The Geerlok plane is held in the primary slot while your fletch. You still need a normal plane to make the bow (Or anything for that matter).

You stupid nOOb! Why don't you look things up before you post! Man what a ******! You suck! Your main is probably a lvl 23 RNG! You stink! Don't post if you are a ******!

Sorry....I always wanted to flame. Doing it to one's self is actually kinda fun (although it hurts...*sniff* /cry).
RE: Geerlok
# Mar 30 2002 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
Bah, lay off yourself. Making a mistake can happen to anyone and jumping down your own throat like that can hurt your feelings! Remember you're a human being too, and stop being so mean to yourself! ;)
RE: Geerlok
# Apr 02 2002 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
52 posts
Well I just want to say...


Aww /comfort don't cry but flaming yourself was rather funny. =D

Failed attempts
# Jan 05 2002 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
I tried it at lvl 15 with a fletching of 102. 10 attempts, 10 failures. I've since raised it to 140. But a note on coin. I'm finding that using the cheapest skill raising method (most complex component and 3 cheapest ones) I can make around 65 arrows per stack and have it only cost me around 3 or 4 pp or so. And that's without any cha raising buffs or gear. So, if u're buying components with a mind to just raising u're skill, then just make u're arrows at the merchant and sell them right back to them...a good hint is to do it in u're home town. U're amiable, mostlikely, and u'll get the better price, both for components and resale.

But now that i'm 140, i have around 200pp on me, and i'm going to do the quest again. Using the method above, i should be able to get to 180 or so, i hope.
I hope this helps.

Kyldall Thenastythings
Ranger of 20 knife fights
# Dec 11 2001 at 1:45 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Sat Dec 15 01:41:39 2001
Hard to Make
# Dec 10 2001 at 5:33 AM Rating: Good
Well I have tried 20 times or more right now and no success's. I am actually thinking of giving up. I do want to ask is there a bug going around I was making some arrows the other night and every time I had a success I made 10 arrows from 1 of each component. Not complaining cuz I made a lot of money back for selling those arrows.

Well headed to Luclin to be a better Ranger
RE: Hard to Make
# Dec 23 2001 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
Magic arrows resulting from the use of Silvertip Points yield the 10. Check out
Missing the boat
# Dec 03 2001 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
For those of you with bad timing or bad luck getting your nuts, I made a L1 pali and did this part of the quest. I missed the boat 3 times (3 different trips) and never got attacked by anyone (although the rangers around me were).

Hope this helps

Lost track of the seasons but not the prey.
RE: Missing the boat
# Feb 04 2002 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
I found that if I stood on the end of the dock and minded my own business (didn't go exploring or even try to talk to any of the NPC), I wouldn't get attacked. All it took one time was to walk to where the dock joins the land and a NPC agroed me and... here I go again on another CR.

Great time to work on fishing, tracking, sense heading and magic skills (and if you are of a mind, driking). If you want to do that, I suggest bringing an extra fishing pole. Nothing sucks eggs more than halfway through the wait having your pole break.

It is DEFINATELY worth it. I finally made mine (g-d knows how many failed attempts) at 128 fletching.

Graldon - <Enlightened Circle>
Ranger of the 15th season
If I had this much LUCK in real life...
# Nov 01 2001 at 1:10 AM Rating: Decent
I would hit the lottery every week. I had collected enough material in the quest to try twice. As everyone says, getting the microservos in Steamfront was hardest. Did a lot of tracking over about a week to get enough. I only have a fletching/bowyering skill of 75. I shot the dice on the first set, thinking what the heck? Snake eyes. No problem. I headed back to Freeport for a change of scenery from Kelethin. Hunted in NRo and the Commons's. While banking in FP I met a lady dwarf who was retiring and GAVE me a GLOWING BLACK SWORD! Dam 9, Delay 22 and +20 DEX! So...while fletching some more arrows I looked at the remaining components and thought "What the heck!" Put them in the kit, Combined, and....
BINGO! I had a Trueshot Longbow. Skill level 75. 11th season in the service of the Lady Tunare. After I finished fainting I went out and tried it. Sweet!

I have a name for this bow, and will adopt it for my own surname when I reach level 20. Then you can call me:

Munkustrap LONGSHOT; Veeshan server
"Have Bow, Will Travel"
Some additional quest info
# Oct 29 2001 at 12:42 AM Rating: Good
I realize now I should have posted this message under the link for the quest itself.

I read all I could find about this quest from this and a couple other sites and thought I'd add a few details that might help others that follow. Many posts are from the point of view of what I consider to be high level characters. For example, they simply say to collect Kiola Nuts on the island in OOT but due to the warnings I found in a couple of posts and speaking with other Rangers in game, I knew that a pirate patrolled the island so lowbies should either buy quickly and get back on the boat or hide while waiting for the next boat to arrive.

Because my intent was to collect enough components for 20 Trueshot attempts, I planned on two quick visits to the island to get 40 Kiola Nuts. The first trip was uneventful. I ran to the first hut and quickly bought 20 nuts and returned to the boat as it departed. However, on the next trip I left from BB and didn't get off in Freeport before continuing on, so was lagging slightly when I got to the island and just missed the boat. I had no idea how long it would take for the next boat to arrive so I hid under the dock and cast camo once, then twice. While waiting I saw a level 9 character get attacked by Dayle Jornin and killed just before being attacked myself. I started out into the water to evade my attacker who was doing 30 hit points of damage but he followed me so I started fighting back before I noticed he conned blue to my level 15 ranger. Once dead, I looted a pirate's earring that identified him as the pirate to watch out for.

The other difficult part of the quest for lower level characters involves farming Micro Servos in Steamfont. They have a very low drop rate from the Runaway Clockwork spiders in the newbie area near the druid ring and south of the windmills so most of my time was spent hunting Rogue Clockworks out in front of the mino caves and on the ridges NNW of the windmills. The biggest hazard was the Missionary who killed me twice in the 25 hours I spent in Steamfont. Also, the plague rats were a pain because they deplete health and consume mana trying to regain enough health to continue hunting. At level 15 I could handle a couple clockworks at a time but sometimes the earth/steam elementals would gang up 3 at a time and I'd be out of commission again regaining health.

The last problem I found was once all the clockworks were killed and looted, a lower level character isn't able to kill enough MOBs to get the clockworks to respawn quickly. It might take over an hour for them to reappear and because of the low drop rate I once spent 4 hours killing the few spawns without getting any Micro Servos at all. The best hunting I had was logging on for 20 minutes early one morning before work and getting 4 servos. I found that if there are any other rangers hunting in Steamfont, it just isn't worth the spending the time if you have to share in the loot, neither one of you will be getting much in return.

I finally left Steamfont after collecting 33 servos so decided to increase my chances by raising fletching from 102 to 138. Even then, I became worried until success on my ninth attempt though I got two skillups, 140 on my successful attempt.

Based on various posts, I'd say I had average success on this quest. I didn't succeed easily on my first fletching attempt nor did I fail miserably for 20 straight attempts. I didn't give up during the dry spells when collecting servos because of that memorable 20 minutes when I looted 4. The only advice I can offer would be to hunt in Steamfont in the early hours before anyone else arrives and the zone is fully spawned or when it is busy (but with no other rangers) with others who will keep the spawns going and /auction to pay some plat to anyone giving the location of a dead clockwork with a servo they aren't interested in anyway. Good luck to all who follow.

HE Ranger on Zebuxoruk
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