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Wind Saber  

Lore Item No Trade Placeable
Skill: Archery Atk Delay: 22
DMG: 13
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
DEX: +5 WIS: +5 AGI: +5
SV COLD: +10
WT: 4.0 Range: 150 Size: MEDIUM
Class: RNG
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)
Slot 2, Type 20 (Ornamentation)

Item Type:Archery
Submitted By:Seandar Phoenixfire
Lucy Entry By:Elured - Fennin Ro
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-02 11:43:21
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

Expansion: Ruins of Kunark Ruins of Kunark

Rarity: Ultra Rare
Level to Attain: 50

[Drops | Comments ]


This item is found on creatures.

Old Sebilis
NPC Name
sebilite guardian

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Old Sebilis
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My Experiences & Actively Updating Current Spawns / Drops!
# Feb 04 2024 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
9 posts
Hi friends and fellow adventurers,

This post is simply based on my own unique history with successfully (yet painfully) camping the Wind Saber twice in the past. As I write this, I am camping it for the third time and enjoying it less and less yet again :)

The Basics We Always Hope Someone Posts:
Named Mob: "sebilite guardian" (uncommon to rare spawn; more-so rare)
Place Holder: "a sebilite golem" (always the same static PH standing at the top of the pyramid entrance)
Variable Spawn Timer:
Day One of camping this, every spawn was exactly 20 Minutes, 20 Seconds
Also, oddly and ironically enough, the first 20 mobs were PH golems before I even saw the named...
Day Two of camping this, every spawn had been betwen 24 Minutes and 25 Minutes.
*Note* I had also read earlier on that the actual spawn timer "was" approximately 27 minutes... so I am assuming it is just simply variable spawn, a Plus or Minus sort of spawn for each day. (20 Minutes, 20 Seconds yesterday was very nice comparatively!).
Named Loot Table:
- Larrikan's Mask (Common Drop)
- Lamentation (Uncommon Drop)
- Bone Mask of the Jarsath (Rare Drop)
- Wind Saber (Ultra Rare Drop)
- Spells (Various)
- Gems / Jewelry (Various)

Here is the best sample size I can give you, as I am not sure how much longer I will be able to stick it out at this camp a third time around.
Below is the R.N.G. of 60 Spawns / Item Drops from the named as I conclude updating my post; unfortunately without the bow at this point.

(1. PH), (2. PH), (3. PH), (4. PH), (5. PH), (6. PH), (7. PH), (8. PH), (9. PH), (10. PH), (11. PH), (12. PH), (13. PH), (14. PH), (15. PH), (16. PH), (17. PH), (18. PH) (19. PH), (20. PH) (21. Named - Larrikan's Mask), (22. PH), (23. PH), (24. Named - Larrikan's Mask), (25. PH), (26. PH), (27. PH), (28. PH), (29. PH), (30. Named - Larrikan's Mask), (31. PH), (32. Named - Larrikan's Mask), (33. PH), (34. PH), (35. PH), (36. PH), (37. PH), (38. PH), (39. Named - Larrikan's Mask), (40. PH), (41. PH), (42. Named - Larrikan's Mask), (43. PH), (44. PH), (45. PH), (46. PH), (47. Named - Larrikan's Mask), (48. PH), (49. PH), (50. Named - Larrikan's Mask), (51. Named - Larrikan's Mask), (52. PH), (53. PH), (54. Named - Larrikan's Mask), (55. PH), (56. PH), (57. Named - Larrikan's Mask), (58. Named - Holding Lamentation), (59. PH), (60. Named - Larrikan's Mask)...

Okay, 60 kills with that many named + common drops is probably as good of a sample size as I can provide for you! I did get another Lamentation as I finished up this post, so basically all named were the common drop, two uncommon drops, no rare drops, and no ultra rare bow. I am not sure if I will stick it out the whole way for the bow this time, as I have other fun meaningless things I would like to do as well! Best of luck to you all, and feel free to read my memories of this camp and EverQuest below; you will undoubtedly have time to do so if you camp the Wind Saber! :)
The rest of this post about Wind Saber is informative, experience based, and simply my own opinion at times. After playing real EverQuest since 1999 (never on "P99"), I feel there is some purity to my experience. Also having played on 5 "regular-ish" (to put it loosely) TLP seasons (including the first and most basic one - never on the weird ruleset ones), I feel I can summarize this camp a bit more for those interested in continuing to read further.

After I read all the previous posts about Wind Saber, including the long past dated ones, I was seeing the typical jumbled mess of questions, complaints, and successes that are often the case with any item, mob, or quest; so it is completely up to you as to what you wish to take from my own post. Wind Saber is a unique camping experience because of the PH aspect along with the extensive loot table and the pure ultra rarity of the Wind Saber itself (although there are many other items and mobs to camp in EverQuest that are very similar in nature). Many of the posts I read seemingly underestimated or misunderstood the painful (and yes, often excruciating) R.N.G. of EverQuest! At the same time, I am certainly happy to see posts where some people got the Wind Saber to drop while grouping (sometimes sadly without a Ranger to loot it). I am also happy to see a post or two with someone getting the bow to drop rather quickly whilst intentionally camping it. However, this does create confusion for the readers of these jumbled posts because like myself, I never know what I should expect to encounter!

The "Ultra Rare" drop tag on the Wind Saber is definitely appropriate - and it's not just the drop, it's getting a shot at killing the named itself too. I could not agree more with the idea that Wind Saber is "Ultra Rare" to obtain because of these two things combined and my past experiences. Also, as I mentioned, I am in the midst of camping my third Wind Saber as I write this. When I have gotten it twice in the past, it was not an easy or fast camp for me either time. Thus I have experienced many a PH, and looted many a mask and sword before getting the prized bow.

I do not box, so both previous times I either had to key (or have the zone already unlocked) to skillfully park a level 1 Ranger here on the pyramid to log in and loot it when I did get it to drop (and I have done the same as I am camping it now). To pass the time as I camp the Wind Saber for this third time, I thought I'd attempt to summarize all the posts I have read into a current 2024 fashion on a rather dated TLP in stasis mode; but keep in mind that TLP rulesets and loot mechanics have changed a lot of things throughout the years, and rare mob / drop rate bonuses now exist too, so there are those opportunities as well.

At the top I have included my own current kill count for this session only, on a server I have not been on for very long. I have never cared to keep track of things like this before at any camp, really. It will show my current R.N.G. for both the spawn rate and drop rate - which will undoubtedly be completely different than your own and that of everyone else; past, present, and future. At the time I am typing this I only know how it has been going for me this time around on Agnarr which is an older TLP locked at the PoP expansion and has some slight quirks compared to newer TLP servers. I do not play Live either, so regardless of my success, I will update this post at the top between each kill. Despite being a determined person; rarely giving up on anything in EverQuest until I succeed; real life happens in the meantime, so I cannot guarantee that I will even be able to succeed before the completion of this post here.

The Wind Saber itself is certainly out of era on the PoP locked Agnarr server I am camping it on at the moment, so it really is just a fun thing for me to do. I just joined this server recently because I suddenly got the EverQuest bug and really don't want to do any more TLP grinding with the speed, greed, nasty, ruthless, (could go on forever) environment they create. If I wanted to get this bow in-era, especially on modern-day 8 week expansion TLP servers, then yes it would be a far more accomplished and awesome item to have amongst the amount of grouping and competition in this zone.

So, in summary, if you are looking for that "fast delay" bow that is Best in Slot for the current content, you can look toward getting your Ranger (or WAR, PAL, SHD, ROG) to level 61 in the PoP era and craft or purchase a Featherwood Compound Bow (24 delay, 1.00 ratio @Lvl 63 and the best stats). Previously, in the Velious era, you can also kill Dagarn the Destroyer in ToV with a raid force to get a Bow of the Destroyer (17 delay, 0.588 ratio with better stats than the Wind Saber) and (RNG, WAR, ROG useable). However, in the marvelous Kunark era and the topic of this item, prior to even Velious, you can actually camp beyond camp, group beyond group, and hope beyond hope to get this very rare and neat Ranger only bow that we are all posting and reading about: Wind Saber (22 delay, 0.590 ratio. Kunark, the first expansion of EverQuest, and the fact that this is a groupable item is what makes it neat to me.

I personally do things like this for fun, not for torture. I choose to do things in EverQuest that are challenging, often out way of style, and rather worthless in the eyes of others because they are not considered best in slot. I also love to try and solve unsolved quests (haven't yet succeeded on that one!). I do this just to simply have fun and share my experiences with whomever might appreciate them. To me it is my playstyle, and writing this is a more productive way to spend my time at a loathsome camp for this ultra rare item; more-so than complaining about it and creating more confusion on Allakhazam forum threads. I spend my time mostly in the initial expansions of EQ because to me, those truly had the love instilled into them.

Otherwise just have fun and do you. Enjoy EverQuest as you remember it or are learning it for the first time. In the end it is simply a game of fantasy, excitement, and leisure. Platinum and Krono are pixels, not a career (as many spiteful people would like you to believe and have attempted to make it for themselves, thus creating an entirely too toxic environment for others). For me, I can still see and remember the early development of EverQuest as priceless love and lore put into a game of nostalgia to me, as opposed to the greed machine it has become today; which takes advantage of that same original love and nostalgia that a lot of us long for. We will never get that true experience back, as with any experience in life. But there is nothing wrong (again, in my opinion) with taking a step back from the "Best in Slot" mindset and the grind of a new bizarre TLP each year that is simply NOT EverQuest anymore by today's standards or rulesets. Enjoy some reliving and exploring of original EverQuest if you so choose! The true original EverQuest development that had love instilled into it from the very beginning still exists out there for those who seek it. It was for us, and as its players and fanbase it keeps many of us coming back... despite the cost and causal effect of the greed machine(s).

Again, best of luck to you all!

Edited, Feb 5th 2024 7:59pm by Ersatz
got one
# Sep 15 2016 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
09/14/16 Last night after about 3 days of camping. I lost count but I killed dozens of PH's and maybe killed about 20 Sebilite Golems. I got 3 lamentations, 1 wind saber and the rest were the masks of course.

The bow is old school but it's really neat to have since it's ranger only.
Some info on what to expect from the camp
# Jun 11 2012 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
211 posts
Some data on the Sebilite Guardian camp at the Pyramid:

From May 31 to just a few minutes ago, GamParse reports that I killed 184 Sebilite Guardians or their placeholders. Of the 184, 53 (28.8%) were Guardians and the rest PH's. The actual number of kills was slightly higher than that, as I have 57 loots. I suppress fights under a specified damage amount and I do not log DPS from others in the group, so some kills were missed.

Of the 57 kills looted, the mask dropped 41 times (73.2%), Lamentation 13 times, nothing twice, and Wind Saber once.

Lamentation is always visible (any primary weapon is, apparently), but Wind Saber is not.
Some info on what to expect from the camp
# Jan 14 2021 at 6:06 PM Rating: Good
211 posts
I regret to report that on the Mangler server my 53 ranger only had to kill four Guardians to get the bow.
Some info on what to expect from the camp
# Oct 09 2013 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
Got it today. 26 Kills. 7 Guardians. (4 masks, 2 swords, 1 bow.) Three guardians spawned in a row at one point, but the bow didn't drop during that series.
Some info on what to expect from the camp
# Aug 08 2013 at 4:07 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
aye just like everyone says
# Apr 16 2007 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Get a mini timer and camp the your char on top of the entrance .... and then every 27 min log on and kill ph . Just like the last guy I was over 150+ kills. On the bright side i got a lot of gems and tribute and now I have the 3 of the fastest bows in the game...... Bow of the Destroyer,Windsaber, and Featherwood. I dont need it I just wanted it.
Dances : gainus pass me my bow
Gainus : which one is it?
Dances : the one that says bad *************
Still dropping, very rare
# Feb 02 2005 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
Finally got one to drop Feb 2 2005. I've been camping this on and off for 10 months.

The best way is like the other guy said, just AFK at the pyramid while doing other work on the computer and check back every 25 mins to kill the PH or the guardian. I'd estimate I had to kill 150+ Guardians to finally get this to drop.

Edited, Wed Feb 2 18:35:39 2005
RE: Still dropping, very rare
# Feb 26 2005 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
56 posts
Just killed my first Guardian today, 26-2-05, Trying to get sword for my new Ranger and this dropped. Had to let it rot coz RNG is only lvl 10 and can't get in zone. Bummer :-(
RE: Still dropping, very rare
# Apr 27 2007 at 11:06 AM Rating: Good
36 posts
hehe, had the same thing happen here....poped 3 times in bout 2 hours, Lar Mask 1st time, Bow second (noone else in zone, rotted)and my ranger only is only 11, and got Lamentation the third.
wind saber
# Dec 26 2004 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
just looted one of these bows on 23 dec 04

no idea what the parse is compared to the bow i use from rss, but when doing faction work in some zones or farming green mob compos.. this is a nice tool to have to speed things up
# Jul 02 2004 at 9:38 PM Rating: Default
what was old proc?!??!!?..... ima newbie
# Jul 02 2004 at 9:38 PM Rating: Default
what was old proc?!??!!?..... ima newbie
# Jul 02 2004 at 9:38 PM Rating: Default
what was old proc?!??!!?..... ima newbie
Does this still drop?
# Jan 22 2004 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
I was told that this bow no longer drops, is this true?
RE: Does this still drop?
# Feb 20 2004 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
one droped a few nights ago. Ummmm, tues?
RE: Does this still drop?
# Feb 01 2004 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
155 posts
Far as I know, it still drops... It has always been pretty rare, and far less people hunting seb than before pop, LoY, and LDoN.. Very few that I know of exist on MT server, but have not seen anything about it actually being removed from game... Just that the proc was removed a ways back.

# Jan 06 2004 at 6:47 AM Rating: Decent
98 posts
Must get this bow for headshot farming ;p
# Dec 15 2003 at 3:50 AM Rating: Default
Was whirl wind, i think. Or the other spell that a targeted ae.
No Rangers
# May 18 2003 at 12:20 AM Rating: Default
Droped tonight from gaurd, grats rot!
ok now 65 and......
# Apr 21 2003 at 7:54 AM Rating: Default
672 non trueshot
1266 Trueshot.

Very good to solo with in pov.

get your *** kei vog shammy fos all ur attack buffs and Gwolf form. and u will rock. mobs donate 9-12% AA xp per kill. SOLO! ultra fast attacks!!!!!!! lots of eye candy crits!!!!!!

im kinda glad i switched from a 46 war to a 65 Ranger

RE: ok now 65 and......
# Jul 16 2003 at 6:39 PM Rating: Default
don't forget wolfform is aggro to almost all npcs in PoP though )
just a tip

hunter Roxas Nitehowler
62 warder of illumanati
hunter Roxas Nitehowler
Plainswalker of illumanati

hunter Roxas
WoW retired
fast and fun
# Nov 05 2002 at 8:03 AM Rating: Good
Nice FAST bow with AM3/champ arrows/fos/vog and haste cap. 580+ crits are common. ill post my best once I get 305 DEX.

ps.War bow of zek is fun too.
RE: fast and fun
# Dec 21 2002 at 1:50 AM Rating: Default
1 question, How do you get 305dex? )
RE: fast and fun
# Dec 28 2002 at 12:15 PM Rating: Default
64 posts
Some of the PoP skills allow you to raise your stats above 250 havn't read enough to know the new cap...
RE: fast and fun
# Feb 16 2003 at 7:54 PM Rating: Default
305 is the new cap on all stats but takes a lot of AA points
RE: fast and fun
# May 08 2004 at 12:33 AM Rating: Default
Not true, casters and priests get an additional AA that lets them take their wis or int past 305, to 355
# Sep 14 2002 at 6:38 PM Rating: Default
only thing this bow is for is to get bow skill up...dmg is weak... even with TS and maxed skill its inferior to thunderbolt
RE: naw
# Jan 14 2003 at 3:07 PM Rating: Good
Not True. First of all, rangers get damage bonuses on bows (mine is 8 dmg at lvl 49). Plus, add in the damage of the arrows (mine do 4). So, adjusted my dmg delay using this would be 25/22 which is much better than the rain caller (20/45) which adjusted would be 32/45.
RE: naw
# Jan 23 2003 at 9:37 AM Rating: Default
There is no damage bonus on arrows. If there was, you wouldnt hit for 1 dam every now and then. The only dam bonus is main hand weapon.
# Aug 12 2002 at 7:32 PM Rating: Default
Correction best crit lvl 60 with tolan bracer arrows is 320. lots of 64's 119's . Ill keep the "UZI" tell AM3 and EQ. combined with top of the line arrows. Kinda makes u wonder. With epic that so called fleeting quiver , VoG, shammy buffs , eagle eye spell + TS = Some nice eye candy crits i bet.

well anyways i got 33 more AA's to go. so all you fellow ranger's out there. plz be dedicated in your class cause in the long run no more melee. Im sure better bows will drop and most of you all prob got some good ones. but just makes you wonder.

60 Warder
Baron Barron
Ammo Quality
# Jul 10 2002 at 11:37 AM Rating: Default
i know it would be expensive but has anybody tried this bow with high quality arrowz like the mithril 12dmg, acrylia 10dmg or even steel 8dmg? seems like a good bow to take if your going along on a raid and your at the minimum level required to go. basically you could sit back and watch the more experienced players take on the boss mob and still do your part although you may need to take 4 or 5 quivers of good arrowz.
ranger 44
no proc
# May 13 2002 at 9:07 PM Rating: Default
Looted this bow off the golem. No more proc, max dam is 189 with trueshot and summond arrows. Ill just use it for extra wisdom. Often wonder when eq will ever make a Crossbow. do you?
RE: no proc
# Jun 10 2002 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
Crossbows are in the game, just arent any decent ones.. 8-) NORENT crossbows drop during the ring war in GD. Looks sweet, to..
figured it out
# Feb 18 2002 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good
Ok the endless quiver does exactly what i thought it was gonna do.
I got the info from a 60 ranger on my server.

Basically what it does is whatever arrow is in your ammo slot it fires without using essentially the deal would be to put your absolute best arrow in there and pluck away.
Of course with the new bane arrows in luclin youll need to carry around 3 or 4 arrows boohoo /laugh
still i wish i would have played a ranger just for this.
RE: figured it out
# Feb 27 2002 at 6:40 PM Rating: Default
Heh, thanks for that bit of info, and this is a sweet bow, only like...14 levels before i'll be hunting in/around seb :)
alt adv.
# Dec 31 2001 at 9:46 AM Rating: Default
Did anyone see the ranger class type alternate advancement ability endless quiver?
Will this constantly keep your ammo slot full?
If so this would be the perfect bow for tearing up some elites in GD.
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 17 2001 at 11:35 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) u have a tolan bracer right? ah u dont well go buy one
# Oct 06 2001 at 2:31 AM Rating: Default
This bow no longer procs
RE: Proc
# May 16 2002 at 10:57 PM Rating: Default

it's aight
# May 02 2001 at 1:29 PM Rating: Default
I have one and it's not all that with trueshot. i use a double recurve velium (30/37) for trueshot. What it is great for is playing in the arena with casters who have rooted you, and for practicing archery. A novelty really.
Tolans + Wind Saber
# Mar 08 2001 at 2:31 AM Rating: Default
Yes, and 3 dmg arrows at that ) I think it's funny in Sebilis when a froglok wizard stops to nuke before it reaches the group. In the time it takes for the froglok to cast, I can pop off 3 arrows usually ) I now keep a full pack of arrows on me at all times with this bow in mind. Gotta love that bracer heh.
RE: Tolans + Wind Saber
# May 23 2002 at 4:39 PM Rating: Default

I use this combo myself. when i first got this bow, i already had the bracer (got it the same day). I had archery skill of only 96 at the time, i used my spells to much for pulling. So i went to EW Ry`gorr fort and pulled Elites out and started Root and Shot tactic. in 2 days time, about 10 hrs total, my skill hit 203. Gotta love this combo :)

Zarlore Bladespinner
Veeshan Server
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