Grab your friendly neighborhood bard with a mez high enough to hit her & a nuker or two. IMPORTANT! TIMING is crucial, use this to practice on the surrounding mobs first to get the feel of timing... Nuker tells bard how long the cast time is on highest nuke.. then, practice nuking a mezzed mob and having the mez hit a second after the nuke.. ( have used this technique in an LDON too.. 5 wizzies and a bard sweep through...) This does NOT need a buttload of AA's on the bard, believe me.. I have about 50, but am a tradeskiller so most of my AA's are in tradeskill related stuff, not where most bards would put them. Spent January-march outfitting most of the plate classes in my guild with this mask.. Mistress L spawns every 3 days not 2. Wizzie and I duo her down, needy person looted the mask.
Just wondering if anyone has seen this mob drop anything besides the Flawless Steel Mask and spells since they revamped SG? I have been off'ing her continuously on Bertox- about a dozen times now - and have been outfitting my guildies with just the Flawless Steel Mask. I have my paladin parked there so that she can loot this mysterious bracer that alakaz says she drops but have seen NADA but the mask.
This question also goes for the High Priestess. Everyone I've spoken with since the revamp says all she drops are the Coral sleeves and maybe a spell. Has n e one see her drop n e thing besides the sleeves since the revamp?
***EDITED*** WOOT, on Sept. 14th right after the patch for OoW I went in to off Latazura and she dropped the bracelet. High Priestess still dropped the sleeves tho.
dont you just love when someone with a 65 warrior with 85 AA's come in and says how easy a mob is? Well she isnt easy. Did her tonight with a 65 cleric, 64 shammy, 55 war and a 53 druid. She hits hard, summons alot, mitigates slow, and rampages. We killed her, but it sure wasnt a walk in the park. She dropped mask, and spell ageolism. I'm sure we will go abck and kill her again, since it was a fun time.
Posted:Mar 24 2004 at 8:23 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This mob is the newb haxxorz, she hits for maybe 150 - 250, and she is an enchanter obviously, when i did her with my 65 war with 85aa, she was cake, had 2 druids and I think a newb 55 paladin or something, took maybe 20 seconds? but the point is, she is cake, and soloable, so yeah.. and stuff
We killed her twice last week.She spawned exactly 48 hours apart.I have since parked my druid in by her spot since I am last one that needs the new mask she drops and have not seen her spawn for several days now. Anyone have any info on her new spawn times?I hope sony did not remove her to upgrade her :(.