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Sash of the Cave Lord  

Quest Item
WT: 0.0 Size: TINY
Class: NONE
Race: NONE

Item Type:Misc
Merchant Value:10 pp 0 gp 0 sp 0 cp
Submitted By:Fleven
Lucy Entry By:Chromite
Item Updated By:Gidono
IC Last Updated:2021-07-27 18:10:37
Page Updated:Fri Oct 16th, 2020

Expansion: Legacy of Ykesha Legacy of Ykesha

Average Price: No Data Pricing Data...
Rarity: Rare
Level to Attain: 55

[Drops | Quests | Comments ]


This item is found on creatures.

Temple of Droga 2.0
NPC Name
a goblin cave lord


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

Firiona Vie
Quest Name
Revenge for Gillia

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Temple of Droga 2.0

Uploaded November 27th, 2008
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Lcuky I guess but who knows what tomorrow brings ...
# Apr 13 2004 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
Went hunting with my shammy and necro today with Mr. Dronan. Killed only about 4 or 5 cave lords and was lucky enough for one sash to drop. Since I camped Nurga first PLing my necro to 50 then grping them together from then on out for the next 13 lvls (the necros next 13 that is) I know the drop rate is extremely, extremely low.

I hope this won't be like the first Fetish that dropped for me in Nurga that I got on my first hour or so there and then turned out that I didn't see another for at least 3 weeks. Flame dancer beads are another that is extremely rare in nurga. I have done 3 of the nurgan quests and, of course, am looking forward to doing more in droga, especially this one.

As for the ppl who say the cost of these is insane I must agree with Chasteen in saying that most FT items are outrageously overpriced and if you can get an FT item for 75k, haven't checked the price range on Rodcet but normally they are a bit cheaper, then your not doing bad and you can get the item immediately compared to the probably month I am going to have to do it.

I did finally trade nurgan fetish in nurga for a flamechanter bead for my necros face item but for the most part I have just killed and waited, albeit sometimes impatiently, but they eventually do drop.
EQ is Harsh
# Feb 01 2004 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Sun Feb 1 01:55:55 2004
EQ is Harsh
# Feb 01 2004 at 1:54 AM Rating: Excellent
I was reccommended to do this quest by a stranger on the auction channel... Told me quest isn't too hard and nice stats (exp. the FT). Look up the item and get all excited and head straight over to the Temple thinking this will be cake. I get there and was surprised by the revamp which i hadn't seen before. I may be a 65 Enchanter but being alone in a cave like zone with dark blue scowling mobs all over still freaks me out. Anyhow, I get the courage to invis (did not run into one mob that saw me) and look for some of these cave lords. After looking for awhile noticed most were around the temple area as EQAtlas calls it. I tried my luck charming a mob, hastein it, and sicking it on the lone cave lord. I DO NOT reccomend this to any other enchanter. Very hard to charm fight in a cave like environment unless u have a snarer. I killed the one cave lord even though he agrod 2 more mobs while walking away... looked on corpse and was like " all this for a cloth cord"... was the sash. Loot it and gated at around 35% hp.

All pround of my mission and thinking this isn't bad at all (my first kill and i get the loot). I go back there with a full group and camped tempel area. Killed tons of cave lords for about 3-4 hours and no luck again... though we had the king pop for us once.

Well, sorta halfway through now but i've found out what you guys are talking about... very low drop rate on sashes. If you plan to do this quest be prepared to camp this zone for few days or pay the 15-20k+ each for the sashes. EQ just wanted to be mean to me and make me think this was going to be a breeze.

On the bright side... camp seemed to give the 50-60s in my group decent experience. Fighting was safe except for random HT mobs. Also, I get to look forward to my Chardok faction going ally. :p
shame shame
# Jan 28 2004 at 2:00 AM Rating: Default
Ok first and foremost let me start by saying to every one shame on you 2 contributing to the recent slump of an economy now known as eq now i also know some one will post after me there two scents and blah blah blah.trying to insult me etc. i also say shame to you.truth be told when an economy goes into a slump like this its the reason people stop playing. Now its a well known fact EQ has not seen half its previous glory in a while do to incidents as this and rude people etc etc. because eq is played by people give people a chance and it is human nature they will destroy something buetifull so they can benefit themselves but when that destruction starts to affect themselves they cry why me why does over prices cause this u ask cause people either get agrievated or just plane depressed and down and disscontinue playing this great game so now when you are lfg and cant find a grp or if you have that great group almost together and you cant find that last player to fill the last slot like a clr etc etc etc. because not enuff people play anymore while dont cry to me argentina.Back to the issue at hand these are such rare drops and the fact you need three of them to complete the quest then also must complete another raid only doable quest to cause gilla to spawn for the turn in constitues 10k tops they usualy use to sell for 5k because the quest is the biggest pain in the keester.also lets not forget same as the overpriced ornate gear this item after recieved becomes NO DROP!say it with me NO DROP! Now the stats and ft3 are beyond buetifull.But people lets get real cause the odds of seeing another 2 belts are as about as slim as Michael Jackson beating this malestation charge.Now dont get me wrong you have all three sahses and the earing sell it in a combo package for like 65k to 80k but otherwise get real.And to conclude all you people selling this stuff at outrageous prices.are also curssing and talking in ooc bout the outrageous prices in the bazaar for spells and all the stuff you want but when you have sumpin you dont need and you know it isnt worth half what the people are charging nowadays like the obulus deathshroud selling for 30k OMG What are you people thinking.but after complaining bout that you go and sell this item for 25k which cant even be used untill after a long and frustrating quest is completed.Well seems I must share a verry wisemans words with you all "NOW LETS NOT HAVE A DOUBLE STANDARD 1 STANDARD WILL BE JUST FINE!" To qoute the wise and all powerfull George Carlin comedian extrodinare

ps sorry for the long post i needed to vent It wasnt toatly bought the sash it was just a good reason to let it all out.(woahhh i feel beter now! lol)

Edited, Wed Jan 28 02:06:07 2004
RE: shame shame
# Mar 17 2004 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
I hate it when people bash on a poster's spelling or grammer, so please don't take this response that way. I understand that there are all sorts of reasons why, in a global forum, spelling and grammer may suffer, when one language is chosen to be used.
But please, a small tip...when you are posting almost a full page of text...sooooo much easier (and desireable) to read when paragraphing seperates ideas.
Seriously, this is not a bash on chat window grammer/spelling, no one is perfect. I'm just trying to point out how difficult it is to read a full page of text, when looking aways for 2 seconds requires you to spend 5, trying to find out where you left off (not to mention, picture how bug-eyed you'd be if I actually spoke to you in the same flow that a huge run-on paragraph depicts).

Sorry if I sound critical, I don't mean to. I did read the whole post, and you have very valid points.

Worked it over
# Dec 25 2003 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
Been here for Days And Days No Sashes Come on Lets Turn up the Drop rate on this one Just my 2 Cents
# Dec 09 2003 at 2:43 AM Rating: Decent
ive probably killed about 250 - 300 cave lords and have only had 1 sash drop

couple people in my guild want this item and have probably spent 40 + hours there and only have 1 or 2.

I will keep fighting there in hope of getting the item as it is Really nice, but i think its gonna be a LONG while
What would PC be
# Nov 05 2003 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone have a pc on these sash's by chance. I have 2 of them just curious of pc as I play a druid and quest is not for my class; too bad though.
RE: What would PC be
# Nov 12 2003 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
On Saryrn, I have seen them going for 15k apiece. That is insane to me.. but if you can get it, go for it.
RE: What would PC be
# Jan 14 2004 at 9:17 PM Rating: Decent
I don't know about the economy on Saryrn, but i know that on 7th Hammer, Spiritmaster WAr Beads are priced at 90k. The stats on the warbeads suck compared to the sash quest reward. So, as a result, the price of sashes on 7th is around 25k at the moment, which = 75k for all 3 if you buy all of them, which is cheaper than the lame war beads, so a good deal in my book.
# Oct 14 2003 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
81 kills counted. No sash drop for me yet. A guild group was able to get 2 sashs in one session of maybe 3-4 hours in the jail area. Maybe this helps?
drop rate...
# Aug 11 2003 at 12:53 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Well, probably camped King's room for probably 15 hours or so now. 1 sash drop. Think it dropped off king's ph but dont remember. Sashes dont drop off seers, Drogan Earth Totems drop off seers. There are random mobs around the Earth Seer camp, including the occasional cave lord which is what dropped the sash for your friend.
# Aug 09 2003 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
I camped the king room with a group of friends last night for about 6 hours. We killed the King twice and a ton of Cave lords. Still not a single Sash of the Cave Lord.

A friend in the Seer camp upstairs said they had one drop...but it was off one of the Seer's of all things. Not the named Seer, just a normal Seer.

Anyway...I have prolly spent about 12 hours in that area myself. My good Warr and Cleric friend who camped the spot without me once were also looking for the Sash for me, no luck either.

I had this guy tell me he had looted two from the King area, but when I asked for a link he could not produce one. He agreed with my presumption that they were uber rare.

I'm now not certain if this area even drops them. To me, even if there was 1 in a 100 chance of the sash being on a cave lord, I should have seen at least one by now.

Well, I hope someone finally figures this out...I would really like to get the 3 sashes required.


Enchanter, Solusek Ro
RE: Sashes
# Aug 27 2004 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
I camped the king for only about 4 hours my 1st time there. He spawned twice.... In that time I collected 2 sashs and the earring.

Now it is 3 weeks later and I still do not have the 3rd sash...
# Aug 07 2003 at 1:38 PM Rating: Default
I haven't seen one of these drop yet...wondering if ANY cave lords can drop 'em or I should be looking in a specific room?

Toucan Tanksem
of Vallon Zek, Sebilis, Venril Sathir, Antonius Bayle, and now Toukan of Povar
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