I got nothing for my first flag (Solsek Ro) and I got the first increment for my second flag (Grummus).
We had a huge raid to kill Grummus, major overkill, but it was because there is no limit to the number who can do the hail after Grummus is dead so as to get the flag and the free AA. So rarely do you get significant experience from a raid that this was a major selling point - everyone stayed throught the end.
We lost no one to the Boss fight...we lost some on the way in, but mostly because of poor communication.
Well, this charm provides a good place to store my LDoN charm augment - for a while, when charms were first implemented, this was the only commonly available charm, and the only place to store that green stone. Now, charms are much more common, but this is the one that you can get just for a short conversation.