I wouldn't get too excited yet. This guy's a bit different from what he used to be...hits for about 1.2k max (could be mis-remembering), procs a 1.5k DD tap on his target, a la Venril Sathir and a few other mobs, has the adds to contend with...the encounter is wholly different from what it used to be and shouldn't be treated llightly. Saw a few groups of Elemental-geared 65s get eaten quick due to not being prepared for his upgrade. Then we dusted ourselves off and got revenge. ;)
well it's about time....PoH hasnt been upgraded for a long time on the regular servers, so if it happened on SH, there's a chance of a revamp for the regular players. And about time too, I say!
SOE has said that they plan to release it to all servers for free -- they're just releasing it on legends for the time being, like they did with jaggedpine forest. Now, who is laying odds on any of these items making it off Legends? =x