So far in my experiences I haven't even thought about using 2HB until now. This'd be a fun soloing item for this long nights down in LGUK. Too bad I'm level 52 with exactly 0 skill in 2HB. I'll have to work on that
Picked up on Saryrn for 1700 but had to talk him down from 2500. This will be great for soloing as long as your dex is high enoough for the proc to go off fairly regularly. 180pt heal, can't think of a much better proc than that!
Purchased this on Xev today and after using it would have to say it was underpriced at 2k. Graphically, it has a nicely decorated handle and head is massive stone with spikes on one end. The proc is a 180 hp heal (most of the time) and has been proccing 0-4 times a fight for me with dex at 140. Very nice, if not incredible, 2HB weapon.
If you ever need to look up a weapon or an item to find out when the effect is usable, check out LUCY.FNORD.NET -- data is directly polled from everquest itself.
I know it was not proccing at 47. Unfortunately, my paladin blew through 48 so fast, I forgot to check if it would. But when the opportunity came around at 49 to play around a bit, it was, and pretty often too. 180 point heal, rarely needed a CH and the cleric was nuking.
It's not SOE's fault, it happens when a) new items are introduced and b) the item that its inventory icon is linked to is either corrupt or was not downloaded properly.