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Spell: Ethereal Cleansing  

No Trade
Charges: 1
Skill: Alteration
Mana Cost: 150
Effect: Ethereal Cleansing
WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL
Class: PAL
Race: ALL

Item Type:Scroll
Merchant Value:22 pp 6 gp 6 sp 1 cp
Lucy Entry By:Archonmaster
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-08-26 08:14:02
Page Updated:Sun Jul 22nd, 2012

Expansion: Legacy of Ykesha Legacy of Ykesha

Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 44

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This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Ethereal Cleansing


Vendor listing - Premium only

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Gulf of Gunthak

Uploaded August 10th, 2023 by Drewinette
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Black Skull Necklace
# Jul 30 2009 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
was in Dulack looking for this piece, well passed up several Black Medalions before ran out of suplies. Took one anyhow and turned into Millius Darkwater and guess what I got, A Black Skull Necklace. so info above needs corrected.

# Aug 01 2006 at 8:07 AM Rating: Decent
2,308 posts
Can also drop off of a boat engineer in Dulak.
Dropped by a *Marauder*
# Jul 10 2004 at 12:36 AM Rating: Default
Had the medallion drop off of A Troll Marauder ... could be that the Marauder beat up the Plunderer and stole his medallion, hehehe

I am not sure where the Marauder was, because a couple people next to me pulled it. We were both (groups) at the mouth of the village are where the tunnel leads to the trolls, erudites, and such so it was close to they are I think.

I got very lucky ... I zoned into Gunthak to LFG and see about camping the Plunderer, and a guildy of mine was in there PLing his alt so he started to PL me at the same time because noone was LFM. We started near Nadox, then worked our way toward the camp. Got there after clearing the tunnel mobs and there were people there so I sent a tell asking about the luck. So I started pulling my side and 15 minutes or so later, I get a tell that the medallion was rotting!!! WOOT! It was on the Plunderer /shrug

Then they trained us and I had to run my little flippers off and come back and rez his alt ... but that was okay - I was too happy to care and so was he! Then I was at the bank about to log out when he told me the male erudite was up!!! WOW my luck was good. Went back and handed in the medallion, after mistaking the female erudite for the mob he was talking about (I thought they spawned in the same spot, had not read that far yet).

I am 37 now, cannot wait to make use of this sometime soon :o)

Edited, Sat Jul 10 01:39:20 2004
# Apr 15 2004 at 1:44 PM Rating: Default
The only complaint i have while doing this quest was the female spirit floating over there in her spot for the clerics temp spell quest. That spirit kept sitting there just taunting me, "nanny nanny bo bo" just telling me hey look im up and your male spirit isn`t. But i got her, after i was done killing the 5 mobs in the area i ran over and killed her.

Now for the PH loc of where he spawned for me. I went by the loc numbers from posts in this thread. I placed my back to the boat, had 1 mob to my right against the wall, one mob to my left around a ring sticking out the sand, then 3 mobs infront of me by some rocks. The male spirit spawned as the middle mob of the 3 infront of me.
The sad part i feel about this is the the female spawns more often than the male, she spawned and died by me 8 times while waiting on the male
extra damage
# Apr 15 2004 at 1:29 PM Rating: Default
I did it and love it. As a paladin, i can buff myself with a few buffs. Thank about it, your hitting a mob with the weapon damage and any proc damage your weapon has, now add in the 65 proc`ing damage from this spell buff. I`m glad i did it.

opps, wrong spell. this is the divine might pally spell quest. plz disregard.

Edited, Thu Apr 15 14:43:28 2004
Quit your whining
# Oct 19 2003 at 9:25 PM Rating: Good
I got the black medallion after a few trys in the Gulf of Guthank zone. I went to the village area inside the tunnel. As always, I did an OOC asking for the Black Medallion. After maybe a half hour a friendly Necro sent me a tell and showed me where the medallion was. All total, I spent about 3 hours trying to get it.

As far as Sony making things harder for you, did you ever think that they are making game play more even? Granted, Sony is about money, but I dont think the profit margin is huge. Before the nerf on KEI, I was able to take my lvl 12 Wizzy up to lvl 21 by myself with just a KEI in PC. Is that fair game play? If I was doing that, you can bet others were too!

All in all, I am happy to pay for what I get...

Baron Armyeric Warwhore
"Viva La Monkey"
Unity of Light, Druzzil Ro
Black Medallion
# Oct 02 2003 at 10:22 PM Rating: Default
[b][/b][Black This is impossible to get. It involves more time than any epic on everyquest. It is obvious that Sony makes it hard so you spend hours, days and even weeks trying to get it so you will keep paying for the service. Just like taking away Kei and Aego from the lesser players. Dont take a Rocket Scientist to figure out that the name of the game is money !!

Black Medallion
# Oct 02 2003 at 10:22 PM Rating: Default
[b][/b][Black This is impossible to get. It involves more time than any epic on everyquest. It is obvious that Sony makes it hard so you spend hours, days and even weeks trying to get it so you will keep paying for the service. Just like taking away Kei and Aego from the lesser players. Dont take a Rocket Scientist to figure out that the name of the game is money !!

Black Medallion
# Oct 02 2003 at 10:21 PM Rating: Default
[b][/b][Black This is impossible to get. It involves more time than any epic on everyquest. It is obvious that Sony makes it hard so you spend hours, days and even weeks trying to get it so you will keep paying for the service. Just like taking away Kei and Aego from the lesser players. Dont take a Rocket Scientist to figure out that the name of the game is money !!

Our tale
# Jul 27 2003 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
We had a group of 3 pally (lvl 46, 47, 50)
and a low 50's shammy. We spent all our time
on the docks from Stormwave to Dandolak, plus
the 2 small docks without a named ship.
Got 3 black medallions in one 6 hour session.
We killed everything on docks except rats.

We had bad luck with the Oceancrasher dock.
It has lots of mobs at entrance and 2 party
members passed away.

Some postings have implied that male and female
erudite spawn in same place, they don't. I have
seen both at same time.

When you do the turn in the erudite disappears.

I have seen the erudite there with skelly around
it and they left each other alone. We cleared
the skelly anyway so we had easier turn ins.

I don't know about the need to be far away to get
erudite to spawn, but it fits my experience.
When we camped close, it did not show. I was
a little farther away when he did show up.

Huberto on Karana
Easy Medallion
# Jul 18 2003 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
Just got the spell 10 minutes ago. I would get this spell if it was just the beam of heavenly light. ;-)

My 48 Shaman friend and I had been camping at the Dulak docks; mugging any mob we could snag alone and drag to a little safe corner we found by the rightmost dock behind some buildings and the wall. I had read that the dock engineers dropped the medallion; and we were working our way up and down that dock with no ships; just little boats.

Oddly enough, we killed a Fisherman troll, when lo and behold; HE drops the medallion!

So we run back to the docks. Get the dude to make it Glowing; and then head to the left or undead side of the beach. There we proceed to engage in black ops; and waste all witnesses around loc -1100, -1000. My friend said there might be a space issue with the male erudite spawn; so we backed off and pulled to a location about 20 froggy hops away. The spirit popped about an hour later and ((woot!)) I get my spell and the medallion back.

48 Dwarven Paladin of Prima Nocturnae,
Morell Thule server

# May 13 2003 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
2 posts
Ok i got the medallion off of a pillager but turned it into the guy at the light house and have been at the erudite spirits camp for like 5 hours!!!! Who is his place holder some please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE: Grrrrr
# Jun 30 2003 at 6:31 AM Rating: Decent
Random undead mobs are his PH. Usually spawns right past the Troll Quest guy on far left side of beach. Just before you get to the boat on the beach where the captain spawns.

Hope this helps.
# Apr 28 2003 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
OK, my 2 cents on this. I got my medallion the other night, thanks to a higher level char that was there killing things. He gave me the loc of the medallion from a mod that he killed. Went back to the beach waiting for the erudite to spawn and withing 15 minutes, he had called out 3 more times that the medallion had dropped. When I was looking...I stayed near the entrance to the troll fort and never saw a one drop...and I spent a good 12 hours of the course of a couple days. The high level was to the left of the entrance, around the wall to the back. So, take that with a grain of salt. Talked to other palis that stayed near the front, and they never saw the medallion either. Also, they werent just dropping of the plunderers, they were dropping off pillagers. One out for the mystics. I, as a level 42 pali, and my bud, a level 43 ranger got taken to an inch of our lives. Lots of hit points, and can cast everything under the sun it seems.
Dulak Drop
# Apr 27 2003 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
Got my medallion from a boat scrubber on the first pier as you zone in and follow the right wall.

Waited about 30 mins for the erudite spirit, but the night before a paladin in my guild was there 6 hours straight!

Duskeh Empyreus
54 Paladin on Ant Bayle
Proud member of Wyrd Angles
lousy fort camp
# Apr 15 2003 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
Well I have about had it with the fort and am ready to try the Dulak scrubbers/engineers.

I have camped the Fort for 2 days now. First, using Calm, went around and killed all the troll marauders/ pillagers / Plunderers. Then I camped near the gates and killed all Pirate races and Broken Skull Trolls. Had friends drop by at various times and my log says I have killed 72 trolls and 114 of other race pirate-types. The Mystics and the SK type Marauders are the hardest and Lt Blue to L52. Died once to one of the Mystics.

So Questions -

Someone said any race of Marauders, Others say any of the Troll Marauders/Pillagers/Plunderers.

Has anyone looted one off a non-troll Pirate near the Gunthak Fort? I can't think of any reason for this to be specific to the Troll Pirates.

Has anyone looted one off the Broken Skull type trolls In/Near the Gunthak Fort?

#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 13 2003 at 10:19 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) 1234567890
Black Medallion in Dulaks
# Mar 10 2003 at 5:18 PM Rating: Good
I'm a lvl 52 Paladin on the Nameless Server that spent 10+ hours camping Trolls at the first fort in Gunthak. I saw the Deepwater Emblem drop several times, but never saw a Black Medallion. A couple of Paladins told me to try Dulaks Harbor and kill the Boat Engineers. (They are on the dock by the boat and conned LB to me.) As soon as I zoned into Dulaks there was a /OOC saying there was a Black Medallion rotting on a corpse. I drank Cloudy Potion to invis, took a swig from a sow potion and hauled butt. (All of the MOBS I passed were DB) Unfortunately I was to late, another Pal beat me to it. I sat on the steps and 10 minutes later another Engineer spawned - I quickly dispatched her and couldn't believe my eyes. There was the Black Medallion. (It looks like a junky little necklace.) I looted it and took a seat. I joined up with a group of low 50's and we chain pulled DB's for two hours - Great XP and Great Loot. During that time 2 more Black Medallion's dropped off the Boat Engineers. There are only 2 Engineers that spwan on the dock at 10 minute intervals, so I'd say the drop rate is alot better there then the Trolls at Fort 1. Plus you get great XP and Sweet loot. I got 16% xp in the 2 hrs and made around 800pp with vendor gems and weapons - plus won a couple of rolls on nice earrings, capes, and mantles. (Saw the earrings posted for 2k in the bazaar but doubt either will sell for half that.) I drank another Cloudy potion, zoned and headed back to Darrius near the Lighthouse. Gave him the medallion, he returned it (it had changed to a skull necklace) and I headed off for the second part of the quest. I finally got a break, the Euridite Spirit was up on the beach at loc n1100, n1000 with 4 undead mobs around him. (All green) I got the undead spells memmed and Instrument of Nife cast and used Holy Might to pull them. They came to the slaughter one by one and in total did maybe 40% damage to me. I never healed myself and had one or two Nife procs per round. I hailed the spirit and got no response - so I just gave him the skull necklace. He said thanks and all that and returned the necklce (Now glowing) and the spell Ethereal Cleansing. I promptly sat down, memmed it and cast it on myself. Awesome graphics and a 400 hp heal! I swam back to the Lighthouse and logged so I could do a quick post to hopefully save you guys alot of time camping the Trolls. I'll follow-up after I do the second part of the quest. (tonight if all goes well) I like the spell, but am not going to say 10hrs of camping greens was worth it. Maybe if the Light of Life portion is easier I might change my mind. Definately a nice spell though.

Edited, Wed Mar 12 12:51:37 2003
RE: Black Medallion in Dulaks
# Mar 29 2003 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
Could anyone Cofirm this? not that i dont belive the poster but i have spent about 6 hours total hunting the dock engineers to no avail. though i did get a deep water ring thing for the cleric quest i havent got a Necklace yet, and its about a 20 min spawn for those mobs not ten. there are 3 spawns near the ship stormwave two on one dock and another on the dock on theo other side of the ship. the thing is the other spawn just freaks out and jumps in the water and poofs when pulled. so i just stick to the other spawns, i kill them then log out to conserve my kei. so any further information on the Black Necklace would be great, thanks

Tirpitz Luminare
Paladin of 56 Crusade

Juules Winnfield
Ranger of 40 hunts

RE: Black Medallion in Dulaks
# Mar 30 2003 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
Ok it does drop there, took me a total of 12 or so hours over a number of days. I got mine of a Boat Scrubber though.
# Mar 10 2003 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
Vendor sold now

Edited, Mar 11th 2019 12:16pm by GOMN

# Mar 05 2003 at 9:46 AM Rating: Excellent




Black Medalion
# Mar 04 2003 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
Hello there fellow paladins I have now done this quest 3 times lol first 2 I handed in to wrong Ghost on the beach I handed it to female erudite when I should have given it to the male erudite spirit.

Ok I only ever got the medalion off of the trolls marauder/pilliger/plunder ok and I know that 4 other paladins all got there Black medalions form the trolls so if you want to get yours faster hit the trolls let me know what mob you got yours off but form my own and others experiance the troll marauders/pilligers/plunder seem the only ones to drop it.
RE: Black Medalion
# Mar 06 2003 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
got mine off a pilager , then as i was helping a beastlord do a turnin i killed a plunderer and it droped again , both in the first camp in Gulf of Gunthak , i was pulling with stuns and running back to camp , at 55 none of the greenies added to my pulls but do aggro on me if i get to close , so i would recomend going with an inviser so you can run around looking for a troll to target then get to a safe spot and drop a stun , other than finding the trolls and avoiding aggro this camp is easily soloable by a 55th Knight , gl to you all.
RE: Black Medalion
# Mar 04 2003 at 2:52 PM Rating: Default
Female erudite spirit? what was her location? Assuming she has to do with the lev 52 spell, anybody have those details yet?
RE: Black Medalion
# Mar 10 2003 at 1:18 AM Rating: Decent
The female Erduite spirit DOES NOT have anything to do with the Pally spell quests. She is for the cleric spells.

There are three NPC's for Paladins:

1. Darrius (can't remember last name) the quest giver by the lighthouse.
2. The MALE Erudite spirit on the beach. You know it's him because he is near a rock and has about four mobs around him. The female spirit spirit spawns alone next to a wrecked ship.
3. Chester Steelblade. He spawns in the secret caves in Dulak and is a random spawn in the lower rooms you get to by taking the right-hand branch off of the octopus bridge inside the caves.

I finally got the second spell two days ago and let me tell ya, the two of them together are a big boost to us 50-something pallys.

Good luck to all who are still trying.

And by the way. The particle effects for these spells are among the coolest in the game...every time I cast them I get people asking me to do it again just so they can look at it!

Ehre Firestrike
<Reductio ad Absurdum>
53 Paladin
Prexus Server

Edited, Mon Mar 10 00:46:40 2003
RE: Black Medalion
# Mar 06 2003 at 4:08 PM Rating: Default
i dont know where the female ghost spawns , i sat near the camp where the male one spawns for quite a while and never saw the female one , but from what i have read the female ghost is for the lvl 44 cleric spell
RE: Black Medalion
# Mar 13 2003 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent

Imagine walking straight up from the beach to the point where the male spirit spawns (I believe that is heading south) and stopping with the male spirit directly in front of you by the rock. If you look to your right you will see an old wrecked ship not too far off. There should be a single skellie or other such beach mob standing near the center area alongside the ship. That single mob is the PH for the female spirit.

When I did my EC turn in it was right after a server patch (only 2 peeps in zone) and both spirits were up at the same time.
Alternate camp
# Mar 02 2003 at 10:50 PM Rating: Decent
I read on the Palaldins of Norrath board that the black medallion drops in Dulak as well. I have not personally verified this information but if you are tired of killing green mobs you might want to check it out. Good Luck!

Edit.. I personally saw the black medallion drop off "a boat engineer" in Dulak after only an hour in zone. Exp in Dulak is much better needless to say!

Alderic Lionhart
54 Paladin
Vazaelle Server
Order of Antondwer

Edited, Wed Mar 5 10:39:29 2003
# Mar 02 2003 at 3:28 AM Rating: Default
65 posts
Finally got my medallion today after two days in Gunthak.

I hate the aggro greens here. I never want to see another damned marauder, even if they do drop seafury-class loot at times. I hate feeling like a damned noob having to zone a train of twenty greens... because it's ALWAYS fully respawned on the way out...

But it was worth it. I love this spell. :) Now, I need to grind out some EXP before I go after the next stage...
# Mar 02 2003 at 2:18 AM Rating: Default
I wanted to say thanks to those brother Paladins who solved the quest and took the trouble to post it! I'd never have figured it out. I agree that the black medalion drop was a royal F'ing pain! I camped it for 4 days, 2-3 hours each before getting it tonight. I got mine off a Troll Pillager. Good luck to everyone else!

Alderic Lionhart
54 Paladin
Vazaelle Server
Order of Antondwer
Pain in the @$$
# Mar 01 2003 at 5:33 PM Rating: Default
I camped the fort for 5 hours killing any marauders and plunderers i saw. Not one medallion dropped. Someone shouted one but one of the three other paladins around the corpse got it before me. Another paladin friend of mine was also there and got one after 8 hours of camping the fort. This seems like it is an extremly rare drop, more so then any other spell pieces. Either that or i was just extremly unlucky. Verant needs to increase the drop rate on this i think by at least three times. That seems fair in my opinion considering how hard it is to get compared to the other spells which you can buy from an npc or pc. It also seems like it is one of the harder parts to get compared to all the other spells. Anyways, thats just my experience, not sure if I was jsut EXTREMLY unlucky or what, but at any rate be prepared to camp this at least a few hours.
I got the Spell....
# Feb 26 2003 at 1:09 PM Rating: Excellent
How bout time for a friggin detailed post already. LOL I spent bout 3 days straight getting this spell. Here's how it goes.

1. Talk to the Erudite Pally that gives the quest.

2. Loot a Black Medalion (no drop) off of Marauders in the Fort area of the zone. It only drops off of marauders. And they sometimes drop a pirate card that is no drop. That is not the item you need.

3. Give the Medalion to the erudite you get the quest from. He will give it back to you, and it will be changed.

4. Go to loc -1100, -1000
There is a ship with 2 boulders in front of it. A Male Erudite Spirit Spawns there. Spawn time is 20 mins...and he does have a place holder. Give him the changed Medalion that you have on you. He will con indifferent and if you attack him there is zero loot. IMPORTANT NOTE: The other undead in this area will attack the spirit and kill him. So keep the entire area around the rocks clear while doing the quest. Just give him the medalion....he won't say anything when you hail him.

When you give this guy the medalion...he gives it back. And it's changed again. Plus You will now have the spell scroll. :)

5. Take the changed amulet back to the guy who gives the quest. He will tell you that you still didn't find Chester Steelblade. He gives you the amulet back again and asks you to find him.

Has anyone ever found a guy actually named Chester Steelblade? I wonder what the end of this quest will get you. Maybee a quest charm perhaps?

There you have it. The spell is awsome for recovering when soloing. I may just have to stop using my Deepwater Helm :) Have fun.

Volaris Steelsoul
51st Paladin

Just wanted to add an edit to this. I have seen the Black Medalion drop in Dulaks Harbor. Especially off of the little gnomes that hang around on the docks called Engineers. For those of you sick of campin the fort, this could be a good change for you. Dulaks Harbor is higher lvl zone though.

Edited, Fri Feb 28 02:52:33 2003
RE: I got the Spell....
# Feb 27 2003 at 1:10 PM Rating: Default
80 posts
Is the spell no-drop?
RE: I got the Spell....
# Feb 28 2003 at 3:26 AM Rating: Decent
Yes. Spell is No Drop. Another way for EQ to make you pay for LOY. <shrug>
RE: I got the Spell....
# Feb 26 2003 at 9:36 PM Rating: Good
From what I understand Chester is behind a hidden wall by the lighthouse. He is surrounded by 4 guards.
I would assume the rest of the quest will give you the other spell.
I will post the location if I get around to finding him.
Hope this helps

Edit: Behind a hidden wall in Dulak by that lighthouse

Qedin Truespirit
47th level of progression
Rodcet Nife

Edited, Fri Feb 28 16:48:14 2003
RE: I got the Spell....
# Feb 26 2003 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent

How tough are the Marauders? Can a 46 Paladin solo them?

RE: I got the Spell....
# Feb 26 2003 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
How tough are the marauders? Well...some of them are dark blue to green to me at lvl 51. And let me warn you...the Maraudres are all Shadow Knights. Get ready for some HT's. Gawd...that camp is pretty dangerous to solo. Everything is underconned plus you have people pulling trains all day through the caves.

As a side note I heard that a few people looted the medalion off of a plunderer in the fort. I can't verify that though as I have only see it drop off a marauder.

I'd say a good group of three people in their upper 40's could pick a few of them off. Good luck though. This is the toughest part of the quest.

Volaris Steelsoul
51 Paladin
RE: I got the Spell....
# Feb 27 2003 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
46 posts
I can confirm that I did indeed loot the a black medallion off of a Troll Plunderer from the huts around the fort.

I'm thinking the items are random off the mobs in that area.

RE: I got the Spell....
# Mar 02 2003 at 12:40 AM Rating: Default
got mine off a pillager

elroc stoutblade
51 cavalire
RE: I got the Spell....
# Feb 26 2003 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
Awesome Volaris, Awesome! Question though, how does a Deepwater Helm help recover? Isn't it just a buff?
RE: I got the Spell....
# Feb 26 2003 at 3:22 PM Rating: Default
The Deepwater Helm effect is Daring. You need to have it equiped and you have to be at least 45th level. It is a slow casting but manaless buff that can be used for healing. It is only about 90 hit points (I forget exactly) and you can't have on a better buff of that type.

Edited, Wed Feb 26 14:53:37 2003
RE: I got the Spell....
# Feb 27 2003 at 6:37 AM Rating: Default
Actually it is a 200hp heal. The buff add 200 to max HP and 200 to current HP. You can chain cast this and it will heal you but the adds to max HP do not stack. A good tactic is to root a mob, back off and use your helm to heal yourself.
RE: I got the Spell....
# Apr 15 2003 at 5:11 PM Rating: Decent
Yes it is 110 points.

Question - does anyone know a way to program a macro to chain cast this "Hat Heal"? I would like to make a social key or similar that activates it several times in succession but I have not found a way to perform the right click effect from inside a social.

RE: I got the Spell....
# Feb 27 2003 at 7:45 AM Rating: Default
Actually, it does not heal 200hp. Unless it was changed recently, it adds around 110hp, as it did for me ever since I started using it.
Sigoniax Eve
80 Paladin
Erollisi Marr

*The beginning of the end or the end of the beginning..Choose your path*
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