Ok, I have a question. I was fortunate enough to run into somebody that just gave me this item. Now, I am a noob and this item was given to me at level 4 but the stats when i equiped this item were no where near what is being posted here. What gives? do you need to be a higher level to use this thing correctly? and also I can't even equip it in my off habd..the only thing i can put there is a fire beetle eye of a parrying dagger? How do i use 2 weapons? Thanks for all replys..I know these are probably very dumb questions but I will appreciate all replies.
It is recommended level 53 which means you will not get the full stats or benefits of this weapon until you have reached the recommended level of 53. Same goes for all other weapons or gear that mention recommended levels. If mentioned required level is on the link for an item then you can not equip it until you are at least the level mentioned for requirement.
i paired this with the legendary dagger of might and the effect is awesome. not only do i look like a pimp, i issue the smackdown like one -- YEAH BABY! i am sure that i will drop this when i get RB -- already have a BP for lifetap proc at 50 or i can move LDoM to offhand for VENG effect. but now it rocks.
gotta quick question. If i have epic should this be equipped in primary or secondary. I know the delay is less on this but could never REALLY understand which weapon with which delay goes in which slot!
Bought this item just the other day. I think this weapon is definitely worth the price as it is so difficult to find any rogue piercers better than 10/22 that won't break your bank or ar ND. Being only 39, I see it as a growing in-to weapon. If you can work up the $$$ (bought mine for 4k), definitely pick one of these up. Then save for an FBSS or SCHW to speed up your aciton... then u don't have to blow your bank on Horn of Hasagra. IMHO of course. For anyone else considering the samething, here are the stats at 39:
got mine yesterday for 100pp :) replaced my crystaline spider fang, it was right for the price and i don't really miss the proc from csf(12 damage, ooo)
I think the price up there is WAY off. But this for my rogue to test it out for 500pp, and there were like 8 others being sold for 800pp. But i am on Mith Marr...
Posted:Jan 31 2003 at 3:34 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i must be a stupid noob rogue but i really dont see the reason so many people are buying these and using em in their off hand cos it has no proc and no effects and well i dont know i like my veno axe for off or when the mood strikes the serrated bone dirk or whatever from l guk with my fungusbeast in my main hand for the bs power i guess i see my procs as a helping hand in killing the mobs not as and if i get unlucky and proc cap my hits and bs all at once and gain a little agroo i can evade it real easily would someone fill me in on why this is so popular
Second, people use these because in the higher end of the game, agro gets you killed and stuff that procs like VAoVB garners a lot of attention from mobs. Sure, you can evade, but evade isn't 100% and you really don't want to be taking hits all the time. This piercer is DAMN nice with the DEX and STR and the SvDis. Over time, a lower (better) weapon will do more damage than a higher ratio weapon with a proc.
i think the fact that Horn of Hsagra has a ratio better than the epic and this does not might have a small effect on it being so much cheaper than the horn
It's because you have the wrong (or missing) files for dragitem23,24,25.tga in your skin folder. Delete them from the default folder, repatch, copy them to the custom UI folder.
I had this same problem...your missing entries in your UI's egui.animations.xlm file....there are to places where you have to add the info for those 23-25 dragitem.tga's