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Elbow Spiked Arm Plates  

Lore Item
Slot: ARMS
AC: 28
DEX: +5 CHA: +5 WIS: +6 INT: +6 AGI: +5 HP: +40 MANA: +40 ENDUR: +40
Recommended level of 50.
WT: 4.0 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)
Slot 2, Type 21 (Special Ornamentation)

Item Type:Armor
Appearance:Velious Plate 2
Color (RGB):85, 97, 20
Lucy Entry By:Atarak
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-12-11 23:57:47
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

Expansion: Planes of Power Planes of Power

Average Price: 1,250pp Pricing Data...
Rarity: Rare
Level to Attain: 60

[Drops | Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Thelin's Torment (Access to the Lair of Terris Thule)


This item is found on creatures.

Plane of Nightmare
NPC Name
a construct of nightmares

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Plane of Nightmare

Uploaded November 27th, 2008
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# Jan 04 2004 at 8:51 PM Rating: Default
Got these bad boys for my 51 Warrior tonight!!! That was one heck of a rush fighting through there. If you go, you had better have people that listen and a leader that can keep things in line!

We had a few deaths, but nothing close to a total wipe ... not even much grumbling with the deaths Smiley: smile. From the get-go some of our party trained about 5 hobby-gobbies and a tree or two to the Hedge, but after about 30 min. of rezzes and meds we kept on trucking! GL to any going on this trek, it is a blast! Oh, and the sucker dropped an Ethereal Parchment and we also had a few drop throughout the maze.
2 out of 5
# Nov 20 2003 at 6:28 PM Rating: Default
have done the event about 5 times now, saw arms 2 out of those 5 times.
As a Bard.
# Feb 12 2003 at 12:51 PM Rating: Good
93 posts
I would love these. However, so would most of my guildmates. Everyone who can equip has a valid case for why they should be allowed to lotto. Between the HP, AC, and resists, anyone would want it; the DEX/CHA/INT make it even more attractive to bards (dex = reduce missed notes, cha = lower resists on lull/mezz/charm AND reduce missed notes, int = mana).

As for what bards use mana for:
1. Denon's Desperate Dirge. Never heard of it? It's on page 50 of most bards' song books, and rarely sees the light of day. 800 mana for about 300(varies greatly based on equipment and instrument modifiers) ae dd, pretty easily resisted. Later nukes do about as much damage to a single target with far fewer drawbacks.

2. Charm. Pre-60 a Bard is likely to use charm a 60, it is much less useful 8( our level 39 charm is all we have until level 64; the 39 charm hard caps at level 51 MOBs. At 64 we get a new charm that works on up to level 57 MOBs...but that song is from a spectral parchment; any Bard who has hit 64 and has the song is likely to be fighting mostly level 60+ MOBs and very rarely encounter any level 57 or lower in any serious encounter. 60 mana used for level 39 charm, 90 for level 64, one minute duration for both. Level 27 charm caps lower, lasts 18 seconds and has no mana cost.

3. Fading memories. It's a level 63 aa skill that is essentially feign death + invis. It doesn't ALWAYS work (the invis component) but the feign death part can make a bard one of the best pullers in the game. Problem: 900 mana used.

Bards regen mana at a rate of about 1 per tick and are not affected by manasong/clarity/mod rods/manastones/meditate or ANY other mana regen spell. The only way to increase their regen rate is mental clarity AA and flowing thought items. I have a grand total of 3 mana/tick (1 natural 1 MC 1 FT). I can Fade roughly every 30 minutes.

This item is still worthwhile for a Bard to get, but Bards do not argue for +mana items; it's FT that we really need.
#REDACTED, Posted: May 29 2003 at 12:39 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) dude you should learn a few things about bards before you make worthless posts
RE: As a Bard.
# Sep 29 2003 at 12:02 AM Rating: Default
I can't believe someone would flame the Cuddly Furball of Doom. :\

I totally agree with Talanic, +mana items are cool, but FT is much better. It takes my level 57 Bard approx. 90 minutes to med from zero mana to FM. Sometimes longer, and this is with 2145 mana and FT1. I can't really afford to buy myself Ornate Boots for FT3, but a bunch of Mana I can... so right now, that will have to do. :P
RE: As a Bard.
# Aug 24 2003 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
Medbreak, excuse me but it seems that YOU are the one who knows nothing about bards. Everything the original poster said was true.

How bout you actually play a bard past level 20 before you flame real bards who actually know what they're talking about?

# Jan 08 2003 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
Just got these from the maze this past weekend very nice...Better than our SS arms ugly puke green but oh well

and i'm a Cleric :-)
# Dec 23 2002 at 8:26 PM Rating: Default
Ok just to say something here...Why are you all concerned over which class it fits best? It fits all the classes listed just fine, the only thing i suggest is that it be an upgrade for the person that gets it. Im tired of people just saying its for one class because they can use the saying an item with mana isnt fit for a warrior cuz they cant use it or an item with wis isnt for a SK cuz they use int..Why dont you just post helpfull info? where it drops, mob stats, strategies, what drops it..So c'mon people, lets not discuss who it is suited for and just help those out who need the info. plzkthnx

#REDACTED, Posted: Dec 11 2002 at 9:22 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I currently use Hardened Grey Flesh Sleeves, and its harder then heck to upgrade as an iksar / sk. These are very Nice, any idea on the force required to take this maze on?
RE: Probably the best buyable Iksar / SK Arms
# Jan 10 2003 at 10:53 AM Rating: Default
40 posts
Malkinere, the maze is a quest that takes a maximum of 3 groups. Your task in the maze is to defend Thelin from his nightmares. Thelin will walk the maze trying to collect the pieces of Thelin's dagger (see description elsewhere). If Thelin dies, your 18 person raid loses. Some helpful hints - Thelin can be mezzed, rooted, snared, and mem blurred. All of these are useful techniques for controlling the pace if your raid force cannot handle the spawns.
drops from ...
# Nov 16 2002 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
name slips my mind but it droped from the PoN maze trial boss mob today when we hunted there. i was the lucky ******* to get it so im happy...great upgrade for a paladin...

someoen said olive green look, with luclin models on a human (my settings) they look like deepwater but darker in the color...dark gold.

gl doing trial...easiest trial from what i seen =)

// $ean
RE: drops from ...
# Nov 27 2002 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
Drops from Construct of Nightmares, boss monster of Hedge Maze, Thelin nightmare mini event.

with new models, it pale (sickly) green on humans and wood elf.
What Drops these?
# Nov 09 2002 at 4:23 PM Rating: Default
What drops this item in Nightmare?

Teremont Valorius, Warlord of Rallos Zek
Tarew Marr Server
Another stupid argument
# Oct 29 2002 at 12:08 PM Rating: Excellent
As long as this is an upgrade for the character that gets it, then this is great for any of the classes that are able to wear it. Nuff said.... and its droppable, so if the warrior eventually gets something with better AC, he can hand it down to the cleric that kept him alive, the SK/Pally that fought beside him, or the bard that roused him to battle.
useful info here would be great, like what kind of fight the mob was, the drop rate of this item, etc etc etc.... not this junk about who could use it best, argued by people who will likely never see it drop.
RE: Another stupid argument
# Oct 31 2002 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
THANK YOU!!!! somebody with a REAL opinion and some common curtisy.. this is a nice upgrade for anyone that can use it, it would be one for me, still using Blood Ember arms...Those of us who are not always shouting Melee or Caster!!!! Thank you for your biast post. =)

53 Reaver of Bristlebane
what about the clerics
# Oct 29 2002 at 10:34 AM Rating: Default
sure its great for melees but when the roll comes up for it dont forget the cleric that died trying to keep your group alive because their AC is important too them more AC they got the better chance they will live thru the next big fight for even better things

fallaienea hallowheart
54 vicar of tunare
sacred brotherhood of the wolf E'ci server
Just got these.
# Oct 28 2002 at 11:22 PM Rating: Default
Good upgrade for me and my Vambraces of Forbidden Rites (Thurg/Cleric Armor). They have an olive green look.

Moshimoshi of Vae Inimicus
61 Cleric of Tunare Server

Edited, Mon Oct 28 23:03:22 2002
uh dont forget...
# Oct 28 2002 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
Just look at what tanks get ::cringes:: Pallies get great arms, dunno what crack yer smoking, their arms are one of their best pieces of the velius armor set (see scaled knight's vambraces)... compare that to myrmidon

Grendon, Lvl 61 Ogre Warlord of Rallos-Zek
Bristlebane Server
#davidjerry, Posted: Oct 28 2002 at 8:55 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This isnt just good for bards, pally's dont always get great arms, the wis/dex/hp/and mana would help alot too.
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 28 2002 at 7:11 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I hate to say class only on specific items..but with the dex/cha/int these are bard all the other melee class uses these stats so equally and by the time a war or hybrid can get these they most likely have better ac arms
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 29 2002 at 12:28 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ok not just bards. SK use dex for self proc and weapon proc. INT for mana (bards rarely use mana except for mez?). and anyone can always use CHA. and 28AC on arms rules.
RE: Bard all the way
# Oct 30 2002 at 10:54 AM Rating: Default
Bard mana is for their CHARMS, which they use a lot, and their nukes, which are not so bad.

Dunno about the others but the 3 bards lvl that are playing in my cyber are almost always OOM, and would love to have a larger mana pool.

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