You are gonna hate me for this story. I was looking at this and decided I'm gonna get onto a fear raid for this specific item. I needed the 10MR in order to get 100+, which most 55+ guild require before getting in. So I look up the Mith Marr news page and sign up. There were 4 other wizards in there and I'm thinking I'm never gonna get it. Raid was horrible, everyone would get aggro and run around like a chicken with its head cut off gathering more mobs. Anyway enough was enough, the other 4 wizards gated themselves the hell out without concideration for the remaining people. One mob left everyone was gone except me and a druid cause I was TL'ing everyone to safety. Guess what happened, a finger aggrod us. Me and the druid stuck it out killed the damb thing. Last mob, no more wizards in raid and I get the kill. I'm lovin my hat now