Slot: LEGS
AC: 10
STR: +3 AGI: +5 ENDUR: +12
WT: 5.5 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL except IKS
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group) Slot 2, Type 21 (Special Ornamentation)
Silver-Plated Leggings
Slot: LEGS
AC: 10
STR: +3 AGI: +5 ENDUR: +12
WT: 5.5 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL except IKS
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group) Slot 2, Type 21 (Special Ornamentation)
i was in The Bazzar on morrel thulle and picked them up for 400pp . i didnt know what they were so i was skeptical but after reading this im glad i paid for it. i was looking for plate at the time and was sitting for 2 hours to have someone make them for me when they finaly told me they couldnt for whatever reason . i shouted for plated legs and arms and a bard shot me a tell with this telling me ite a GREAT deal and rare item . i had trouble believing her cause i never met here.
I have a DE Rogue with these on and was wondering what other items have the same graphics or graphics that look decent with these pants..right now she is a terrible fashion statement :-( Thanks alot !
I was looking to get a good deal on these (under 1kpp) for a looooong time on Xev with no luck. I even tried auctioning for them down in Guk, and it seemed to me that noone was camping that area of the zone much, so maybe they're getting rare. I finally did get them for about 1kpp (mostly cash & a trade item or two), and I've seen many other people sitting in GFay trying to get a pair since (had to refuse a few offers for them). Not worth quite as much as mithril I would think, but if you think you'll find them for 500pp or so on Xev you're crazy (or extremely lucky).
These are very nice leggings and probably worth the price. Someone auctioned them in GF on Rodcet last night several times. I sent a tell and the individual wanted 100pp only for them. Being fairly new, lvl 21 warr and lvl 9 Ranger, I told him it was out of my price range. I was actually looking for a 1h slash weapon and had about 40pp to spend. He asked me how much I had and I told him also telling him that though these were worth what he asked that I needed to hold on to my plat. He insisted that I come to the bank where he GAVE these leggings to me! His name was Queyuint or something to that effect. I should have written it down. Though there is nothing at all wrong with making a profit on your adventures, I find it refreshing that individuals who play this game display such generousity.
Any1 know where i could buy some of these? i got the bracers i just need the leggings,gimme an email on if you know any deals on it or anything, thanks
Why don't you stop insulting people and find out what you are talking about? The price has risen a lot, since SPL became a component in a quest, I don't remember if it's an epic or not. It's normal price has risen to 1-3k.
Way back when, before Kunark and Velious, these definately went for well over 1k. I think they were the best non planar ranger legs. But, due to inflation, easier to get and better items, this have fallen to 500p and under on Mith Marr