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Skyiron Cudgel of the Ancients  

Lore Item No Trade Placeable
Charges: Unlimited
Skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 22
DMG: 14 Dmg Bonus: 33
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
STA: +10 WIS: +15 INT: +10 HP: +50 MANA: +75
Effect: Carnage (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 15.0) at Level 45
WT: 4.0 Size: MEDIUM
Class: SHM
Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)
Slot 2, Type 20 (Ornamentation)

Item Lore:Cudgel of the Ancients
Item Type:1H Blunt
Submitted By:Cradossk Trandoshan
Lucy Entry By:Yrys
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-15 18:42:57
Page Updated:Wed Oct 21st, 2020

Expansion: Ruins of Kunark Ruins of Kunark

Rarity: Uncommon
Level to Attain: 50

[Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Shaman Skull Quest No. 8

Modern UI stats

Uploaded October 20th, 2020 by Samor
Updated October 21st, 2020
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# Mar 23 2006 at 4:26 AM Rating: Default
soloed all with my Shammy - lvl 65 (51AA) and Necro 7O (363AA - GoD, Time equip)
really not hard
RE: +
# May 16 2006 at 2:36 AM Rating: Excellent
135 posts
it's not soloed if there are two...
A bit of clairification.
# Aug 05 2005 at 7:49 PM Rating: Excellent
21 posts
One more very enjoyable quest complete. There were a few sticking points, so let's lift back the thin veil on these quests. this is not meant to be a guide, so much as a list of tight spots and my humble suggestions on how you might want to approach that part of the quest.

Mud crab quest: Found mine in the bazar, forage them in LOIO if you like.

Skull quest#1: Gathering these three skulls, Logrin, Morgl, and Waz in the East Cabilis tunnles took me an hour or less. Uncommon pops.

Skull quest#2: the Stuffed Barracuda is the easy part. The crafted skull sucks. The Rogue Shaman in the Field of Bone spawns, but rarely behind Kurn's tower and wonders as far as the ruins of Kaesora. I got lucky and found him up at a very low lvl and hung onto the mandible.
The Jawless skull would not drop for me after keeping the bandit camp clear for three staright hours. I gave in and pickled this up in the bazar. the medenglow clay was rather easy to come across in baz as well. Make sure you get 2 pieces of clay, you will need another for quest 5.

Skull quest#3: Welcome to suck land. I hope you have some free time. You need 1 Lore and 5 non-lore "Skulls with an X". The Undead Crusader who drops them in Kurn's isn't really all that rare. The problem is the Lore skulls drops alot. This should be taken a hour or so at a time. If you spend too much time here you might just go bonkers.

Skull quest#4: The Goblin Bloodtracers in Warslik, who drop the tiny glowing skulls you need are easy. 1 lore 5 not lore. Did it in one setting, took me about 2 hours or less. I did see a few in the Bazar as well.

Skull quest#5:Iksar Skull helm from Sarnak fort in LOIO easy and needs no discussion. The Ton Warriors, who drop the totem and totem pieces in the Swamp of No Hope are spred out pretty well. take a tracker and this shouldn't be tooo bad. You will need another piece of mendenglow clay here again too.
The sucky part is getting Overseer Dublish, who drops the Skull canopic to show his face. He pops in the Gobby caves in the Frontier Mountains. I kept the caves clear for 5+ hours before he spawned. He pops at the bottom of the ramp to the room where King Rotgus spawns.
*While your in FM you can knock out a good bit of the coming quests while you wait. You might as well kill the Iksar slave and loot his skull, you wwill need it.You can Kill the Sarnaks at the ruins and get the Sarnak Partisan who drops some dust you need. You can also nab the Changling Essence from Thuuga Dengibl. lastly, pop into Nurga and forage your Sponge Mushroom while you are near as well.

Skull quest#6: On the way

Skull quest#7 : On the way

Skull quest#8, the finale : On the way

Note: The information I used to complete this quest came from the walk through originally done by Cradossk, and a heapin of advice from Ishy. Thank you.

Ykari Cazicbrood of the Champions of Cabilis
The Nameless server

Edited, Sat Aug 6 01:28:05 2005
A bit of clairification.
# Jun 02 2016 at 2:28 PM Rating: Good
24 posts
Are you going to finish these steps??! Been waiting here...
# Mar 12 2005 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
I'm assuming that since this pic is old, that the froglok shamen can do this, even though they aren't listed above?

Edit: NM. Finally came across a post that answered me.

Edited, Sat Mar 12 20:46:10 2005
# Nov 01 2014 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
It surprises me how often people ask a question, then take the time to come back to their old questions and say "never mind, I found the answer" instead of just posting the answer. For anyone else that is "curious", yes, Froglok's can do the quest and use the item, per the item listing on Lucy.

Edited, Nov 1st 2014 3:51pm by DarkarkEQ
# Nov 02 2004 at 2:12 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
This sold in bazaar for 44k on Firiona Server.
Not as good as the time range items on sale,. like the stone with remove greater curse. or 190 hp/mana items... but then they go for 300k..
# Sep 09 2004 at 11:59 PM Rating: Default
145 posts
I completed this quest as a dark elf rogue. The 6th cudgel was clickable from inventory (counteract poison). The 8th cudgel was not.

"Your race, class, or deity cannot use this item."

The picture above is still accurate; it does not say "must equip" to cast.

It was a long quest, tedious at times, but it was absolutely worth the risk to find out if it worked. Being a rogue made it a bit easier, having iksar illusion at will and being able to pick locked doors in Howling Stones.

I personally believe it should work for anyone willing to go through all the quest trouble; particularly rogues, since deception is in our roleplay...if I could fool the Cabilis Shaman Guild (Scaled Mystics) into thinking I was their savior, shouldn't I get to use it? I think so. Overpowering? If there are weapons that proc Avatar, I don't see how this could be overpowering.

Note, if you are a rogue wanting to MQ this for others, and did the faction work, do NOT have sneak up when you do any of the handins, because they "will do nothing to aid the likes of you!"

Also...if "Dark Elf" was the reason for it not working for me (because obviously deity was not), then perhaps it would work for a non-shammy if they were among the listed race. Worth the risk to find that out too, but I'm not rolling a new char to find out.
RE: usability
# Oct 21 2004 at 1:12 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
Also, you forgot the "Class" part of the "Your race, class, or deity cannot use this item." Very possible you can't use it because you're a rogue, not just a DE.
RE: usability
# Sep 11 2004 at 11:20 AM Rating: Excellent
I have to disagree. The clickable on this is obviously a secret known only to shamans. You may be able to imitate them, but you can't imitate knowledge.
RE: usability
# Mar 23 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Good
145 posts
It's not about imitatng knowledge. I stole their secrets.
RE:Cheers and Pic
# Aug 30 2004 at 1:46 AM Rating: Default
A Exuse For startin a shMMM??? Sigh imma come to ur house
# Aug 30 2004 at 1:40 AM Rating: Default
Only a Iksar Can do this quest or person will not respon
RE: Races
# Aug 30 2004 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
120 posts
Not true, he will respond, but you have to have the faction to do it.
# May 20 2004 at 5:15 AM Rating: Good
Doesnt say must equip, anyone know if another class could click from inventory?
RE: Inventory
# Aug 07 2004 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
Yes Must equip to use message comes up when clicked from Inv. slot.
RE: Inventory
# May 21 2004 at 9:45 AM Rating: Default
An other class can not do the quest.

You need alchemy for the "Shaman Skull Quest No. 6"
RE: Inventory
# Sep 01 2004 at 2:01 PM Rating: Good
145 posts
looking at the quest, it seems to be possible to MQ past the alchemy part
RE: Inventory
# Jun 04 2004 at 9:09 PM Rating: Good
It IS clickable from inventory but as with most items that are it is probably now keyed only to work for the specified class/race/diety. While I haven't tested this with the cudgel I have with black fur boots which are useable from inventory, it tells you you are not of the appropriate classe, race or diety to use the item.
My infos
# May 13 2004 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
Faction :
You only need illusion Iksar. (with illusion iksar you are indif at start, if you dont have killed iksar). And your faction will incrase to ally with the quest. (illusion iksar = alchemy loy for 80pp or spell ench...)

Effect :
Dont stack with avatar, but dont need any composante.

Edited, Thu May 13 08:11:10 2004
Easy with Chanter
# Mar 05 2004 at 4:49 PM Rating: Default far as getting this and not being an evil race, let's not forget what chanters do best eh? Make a pet give to pet, get the goods. All you would need is to setup inside of cabilis, form up in a place that is fairly neutral, get a puller, pull to that spot, carefully, and do the turnin. Dedication. that's what it comes down to, how bad do you want it. It's eff doesnt work till 45 so why bother getting it till then. Just wait till 45, half the mobs in most city zones would then be green, meaning you could practically pull on top of them and charm and get it done. I doubt Cab is any dif. Great wep, every shammy should try for an item that gives such good buff stats free of mana.
Innoruk shammy wanna do it
# Feb 04 2004 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
Any hints for an innoruk troll shammy on this case of a wonderful weapon? :)
RE: Innoruk shammy wanna do it
# Mar 25 2004 at 12:52 AM Rating: Decent
Not to difficult for a troll shammy which I have. Just takes time to build faction. Turning in bones, killing explorers and turning in knives, etc.

Again, not hard just time consuming. In my opinion, worth it though. Not to many range items with 15 wis that are reasonably easy to get.

Once you get faction set the rest is pretty easy with a single group through the entire quest. A tracker helps in some instances also.
Cheers! and pic
# Oct 04 2003 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
me new beater

Edited, Sat Oct 4 18:06:00 2003
RE: Cheers! and pic
# Nov 22 2003 at 3:31 PM Rating: Default
435 posts
Nice graphic.. almost worth starting a shaman just for that :).
RE: Cheers! and pic
# Feb 24 2004 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
*cough* You don't need an excuse to start a shaman :)
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 15 2003 at 7:26 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) WOHOOO
Common drop / MQ
# Sep 13 2003 at 12:36 PM Rating: Default
all shamans but..
# Aug 23 2003 at 1:09 AM Rating: Default
Does this need to be updated? Can a froglok shaman try fer this? I killed Thuuga Dengible and looted the Changeling Essence.
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 17 2003 at 8:59 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) is this item useable by from shamans yet? if so can we get an updated pic?
# Aug 03 2003 at 11:01 PM Rating: Decent
Just curious, my Ferine Avatar maxes just about anyones stats, but I plan on getting this for fun :-P Any idea if this stacks with Ferine Avatar? I highly doubt it.. but 180 to str/dex/agi would max my wizard friends str... Smiley: yikes
RE: Stacking
# Aug 17 2003 at 5:54 AM Rating: Default
It doesn't stack with any Avatar spells, or any illusions that grant melee stats, such as wolf form, greater wolf form, boon of the garou, nights dark terror, etc etc.

It is however usable on anyone, regardless of level, so it's fun for using sub-47 friends that can't take Ferine.

And it looks cool. Thats what really matters.
RE: Stacking
# Oct 06 2003 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
I'm pretty sure it's the +atk that it clashes with. Should stack very much like Bih'li
Shammy epic?
# Jul 26 2003 at 2:44 PM Rating: Default
Is this like Greenmist in that shammies that do this as well as their epic be seen as dual epic'd?
RE: Shammy epic?
# Oct 30 2003 at 7:03 AM Rating: Decent
57 iksar shaman. although with some iksar epics like the greenmist iksar have trouble doing both. however I am close to having both my epics and have helped several people find components for this that are not iksar. Shaman is dual epic'd for sure, if you can earn the faction to do it or gutsy enough to illusion your way thru go ahead. it's a nice piece
Kill em all, let Cazic-Thule sort them out!!
# Jun 22 2003 at 10:07 PM Rating: Default
Just curious, does this effect stack with our normal buffs?
8th cudgel complete
# Jun 12 2003 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
Greetings, all..I am a troll who worships CT..and I completed my 8th cudgel last night. I used this incredible guide to help me.

I didn't need to MQ the newbie cudgel though, because I hunted Explorers in Loio for faction and turned in their knives for more faction. Once I hit Amb faction, I did the penance quest listed in the above link and got my newbie cudgel..then went from there:)Don't know if my being a CT worshipper helped or not. This quest can be boring as hell and frustrating sometimes...but it is so worth it in the end:)
RE: 8th cudgel complete
# Jul 28 2003 at 8:21 PM Rating: Default
Grats on your cudgel! I just recently made a troll sham who worships CT also so it's great to know that it can be done. I had actually spotted that thread on the crucible and that is why I was looking it up on Allak, to see if it was worth it. Looks to be so by all accounts, and I think I will start factioning pronto while I still get exp for it! Long quests don't scare me because I just work on them when I can't find a group or don't feel like soloing. First time I tried a shaman and I love them, especially since I picked a troll!

Salkan - 54th Druid of Tunare
Ulic - 54th Warrior of Ralloz Zek
Crocodillia - 35th Shaman of Cazic
Walk thru
# May 19 2003 at 11:54 AM Rating: Default
here is a nice walk thru i plan on doing this quest soon sounds kinda of boring but what the hell....=)
Barradoom 61 shaman...Seventh Hammer
# May 10 2003 at 2:57 AM Rating: Default
can frog shammys do this quest as well it doesn't say they can on the picture but i'm sure that picture is old
RE: frogs???
# May 12 2003 at 3:26 AM Rating: Default
If you don't mind being killed by Iksars, you can.
(j/k) No, you have to be an Iksar Shaman to get the initial weapon to turn in first.

Edited, Mon May 12 03:47:33 2003
RE: frogs???
# Jul 20 2003 at 11:30 PM Rating: Default
There is Such a thing as a Pennance quest. I know because I deleted my Turn in note from my Iksar Monk. And if you have the suffecient faction you can tell the Shaman GM that you lost the piece you were given and there is a big long quest to get it back. After you complete the quest, which if it is anything like the monk pennance quest which is a BIG pain in the a$$, You return the item(s) you were sent to get and you recieve the item you WOULD have gotten if you had Turned in the note. So Any Race can do this. Its just easier to have Some one MQ the first one for you since the second isnt No Drop.
RE: frogs???
# May 12 2003 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
Other races who want to do this quest need to MQ the initial weapon with a noob ikky shammy, after they get faction up enough of course.
RE: frogs???
# May 19 2003 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
114 posts
Actually there is a quest, penance i believe it is called which you can do to get the newb weapon again. First you must work up faction, the bone chip quest is a popular one.
RE: frogs???
# May 14 2003 at 8:08 PM Rating: Default
There is a quest that can be done by Iksar shaman to regain their newbie cudgel, if they've lost it. I wonder if it's been attempted by any non-Iksar? I'm going to give it a go as soon as I get the faction.

guess I should have read a little farther down the page............

Edited, Wed May 14 20:33:44 2003
RE: frogs???
# May 24 2003 at 10:15 PM Rating: Default
Yes i have a Barb Shaman that did complete the penance quest, twice in fact. First time i did it i turned in items for 1st main cudgel and lost them cuz she was only indifferent faction (need to use iksar illusion to boost faction high enough for good races to do turn ins). The walk through on the Shaman's Crucibal is great, explains it all, person doing write up said that good races can't do penance because you have to go to SK guild to get the mortar and pestle, but the mortician is away from KOS mobs so it does work just fine. BTW, even as a good race i didn't need Iksar illusion to compelte the penance quest, as i had to do it twice, lol.
RE: frogs???
# May 19 2003 at 10:05 AM Rating: Default
Works for monks.. lotsa softskin monks do the penance quest for the noob item to hand in.

As for faction, there's a knives quest in (I think) LoIO, which is reported to raise faction faster. Think it adversely affects you FV faction tho.
Right Clicky
# Apr 06 2003 at 5:30 AM Rating: Default
Anyone know what level you need to be to get this effect to activate? Also anyone know if you can clicky it from the range slot, or just from main?
RE: Right Clicky
# Aug 17 2003 at 5:59 AM Rating: Default
You can click it from ranged, yes. Effect works at 51, and I've heard it works well before that.
Race ?
# Mar 19 2003 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Right, so im a barbarian i have to be an iksar to do this quest, or do i simply have to go back to LOIO and kill about another million sarnaks and goblins ? or are there faction quests ? thanks much as id love to start this hammer quest

Phorm Phactor
Shaman of <Punch and Pie>
RE: Race ?
# Mar 19 2003 at 6:52 PM Rating: Good
Everyone I know who did this quest as a non-Iksar did it by doing a quest where you hand bone chips in to an Iksar. Apparently it takes like 1200 bone chips to get your faction high enough to start the cudgel quests.
RE: Race ?
# Mar 19 2003 at 7:02 PM Rating: Good
19 posts
right, but the quest says that you have to have the hammer that you get as a noob iksar u not need that, or how could u get around that ?

Phorm Phactor
Shaman of <Punch and Pie>
RE: Race ?
# Apr 06 2003 at 5:32 AM Rating: Default
Phorm you need to complete a quest that is given out that allows you to earn the first hammer, requires getting this hammer and making it proc a whole bunch of times. Then a couple of combines and you have your shiny new cudgel.

RE: Race ?
# Apr 14 2003 at 12:49 AM Rating: Default
yes... the bonecrusher quest. when you hail one of the heirophants he asks you if you have your cudgel or your symbol of your caste or something to that effect. if you say no he tells you to talk to the toilmaster and he give you a book with directions to follow. as an iksar, i don't really feel other races deserve this item, but... what do i know. :)

hope that helps (i guess)

[calm down, it's called roleplay...]

heyokah Ishkandar Fireshackle (that's EEsh...)
L52 scaled mystic, hierophant of Cabilis
officer of Song of the Raven of Povar
RE: Race ?
# Apr 29 2003 at 6:51 PM Rating: Good
Yes, I would imagine that my ripping the flesh from your bones and using it to make a potion to look like you so I could do these quests might annoy you. ;-)
RE: Race ?
# Mar 19 2003 at 7:04 PM Rating: Good
Perhaps they have a friend make a lvl 1 Iksar and MQ the first part?
RE: Race ?
# Mar 19 2003 at 7:14 PM Rating: Good
19 posts
I'll have to give it a shot...i found the faction quests, and i think as soon as i finish up my level and get my new spells ill give this thing a shot- just gotta go buy about 2000 bone chips to turn in to this Trooper...sheesh.

Phorm Phactor
Shaman of <Punch and Pie>
RE: Race ?
# Apr 24 2003 at 12:30 PM Rating: Default
You could buy the bonechips ... or you could go to Kirns tower in FoB ... all undead ... well some mole things but most stuff drops bone chips ... can either slaughter everything or buff newbs for bonechips ... or both.
RE: Race ?
# May 11 2003 at 8:13 PM Rating: Default
its a completely different kind of bone chip, i think they were called bone fragments or something.
Barbarian Shaman
# Feb 27 2003 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
113 posts
My barb has reached max faction with all except the necros, but remains at indifferent. As such they will not give me the quest. Any help out there would be greatly appreciated, especially if it means I don't need to spend my money on the Ornate Velium Pendant for the alliance effect.

Thanks in advance!
Wulfgarin Dergeistdesmonds
RE: Barbarian Shaman
# Mar 11 2003 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
I am also a barb and have turned in over 7500 bone chips to get my faction to max with the Scaled Mystics only to find it wasn't good enough. But you can get around this by using illusion potions (essence of iksar - iksar meat and wormwood, trivial around 170) or a chanter with the AA 'project illusion'. Am up to the 3rd cudgel and have the components for the next 2 just need to find more ikky meat or a chanter with the time to help me out. Good luck to all who go through with this quest.

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