I have gotten many shields of the immaculate and many of the other loot from the named chest but this shield , although crappy now days, is one of the rarest items in Everquest in my opinion. Even the preserved vocal chords from Chardok drops more often. I would have to say that out of 200 named it may drop once.
I have an Erudite Pally and an Erudite SK (OK the SK is 70 and the Paladin is not yet there) but she rocks with this shield and Jeldorin or a Guardians Mace. Bought it for 100plat in baz on Luclin.
Admittedly SK is probably easier for Eruds because of the INT, but I had this shield with the extra 25STA and STR, so I was able to put a bunch into wisdom and agi knowing she would have an extra 25 on top to both STA and STR at the start.
The rest of her gear is Crusty Shell stuff, and she is pretty solid with some WIS items on belt and face. Love playing her. This shield really does make life easier though, she is blind as a bat.
I'm not sure what it is , but MY Erudite Pally has gotten more complaments about how kewl he looks & how nice it is to See a Erudite Pally ! If a Erudite Pally was smart theywould build there character round this shield ! sounds strange but hear me out ; Build high AC & Sta , Make 1hs Plus shield your main ! There rare but try & find a High damage & low Delay 1hs to go w/ shield ! You will be unstopable & the talk of the town ! I hit 100+(normal) 200+(high), Crit for 250 ot 320+, & bash for 70+ crit bash for 187Max ! at 59 lvl when i YualpIII , i'm max'd for Str !
Sir ZFerg Battousai 59 Knight http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=218172 Check him out ,tell me what you think ! I've never been apart of any Uber guilds ! This was all me !
LOL Using a shield and 1hs is no new idea. Since the start of EQ a Paladin has been able to pull off better tanking stats including more HP/AC using a shield and a one handed weapon. For every Two hander with 20AC 50HP theres a Sword/Shield combo with 50AC 100HP. For Every Two hander with 50AC 150HP theres a Sword/Shield combo with 90AC 350HP. And yes, for every Two hander with 60AC and 300HP (ptch thanks GoD) there is a sword/sheild combo for 140AC 450+HP.
This is all going without mentioning basically double the stats from using a 1h/shield combo... but in high end game there are many benefits to using a nice slow (by slow I mean 30+ the higher the better up to a point) heavy hitting two handed weapon. The Knight classes get Bonuses to hit% when using a weapon with 28 or higher Delay, as well as the damage bonus going up on the sword. Since procs arn't effected by swings, the weapon's speed doesn't really matter. For keeping agro hitting hard a few times takes the cake over quick little slices. For enrages slower attack will allow the tank to cut off attack with a better chance of not taking massive damage and for reposting him/herself the Tank will hit higher for the same number of repostes. Finally, crits with one handers do nothing, I often find myself critting for less than my average hit... Crits with 2handers, however, can often increase damage greatly although they are more rare since your attacking slower.
All of this, of course, not factoring in AAs that Knights get for two handed abilities including a Bash which adds in damage/interupt/agro and makes the extra shield's bash obsolete.
Yet, in end game the 1h/shield combo is always a great option for Paladins and SKs because you will always get more HP/AC and much higher stats/foci/battlefoci for equililent gear.
Posted:Mar 29 2004 at 5:15 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) LOL Using a shield and 1hs is no new idea. Since the start of EQ a Paladin has been able to pull off better tanking stats including more HP/AC using a shield and a one handed weapon. For every Two hander with 20AC 50HP theres a Sword/Shield combo with 50AC 100HP. For Every Two hander with 50AC 150HP theres a Sword/Shield combo with 90AC 350HP. And yes, for every Two hander with 60AC and 300HP (ptch thanks GoD) there is a sword/sheild combo for 140AC 450+HP.
Posted:Sep 09 2003 at 1:41 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Do these even drop anymore? They use to be trash of Hate prevamp Maestro.
I'm one. I like being absurd combinations (like my old, retired Gnome SK). An Erudite tank was absolutely ridiculous (at least before twinking was the norm), so that's my new baby character.
I am a FEMALE Erudite Paladin. Probably even more rare! :)
I have this shield (rocks for Erudites, lemme tell ya!), but I've been a 2H Slash girl my 25-level career. I bought a Centi Shortsword, and started building up my 1HS. OH the PAIN! I'm used to seeing 50-70 damage per hit (Mithril 2H Sword) and now I'm hitting for 20-30. Ouch.
What is a really good weapon to have with this shield? I was looking at the Centi Longsword but they seem awefully overpriced for the stats.
Feel your pain sister. Erudite Pally was my first player in the game. Nearly gave him up. Put some crusty armor the shield of the seas and a wurmslayer on him and fell in love with my pic again. Have since added a haste item and he is once again my first choice to play.I am sure there are races more suited to the class, but it is nice to do a /who erudite paladin all..... and see three or four on the game. Stick with your first choice, it will always be your best.
Posted:Sep 23 2002 at 5:39 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ive got one of these for sale on the nameless. not many erudite pallies, if i dont find a buyer soon i'll just make one myself. If interested send a tell to Arraegath, Omedon, or Sollaufein.
I bought this shield about 2 weeks ago on Morell-Thule server. if you wanna make an Erudite Paladin, go for it. i get compliments all the time on the way i look. Well my sword doesnt look as good as it could, but you just look different. you have a huge forehead but a DW helm covers that up just fine. as for the stats, i have 148 WIS, more than most paladins of another race. My other stats arent exactly commendable, but then again this is my first char. Just throwing in my 2 cents worth, so you guys can go back to arguing about damage/delay and haste percentage and stuff.
Nagejirok Sheerblade 50th Erudite Paladin of Morell-Thule Prexus
Yeah, just bought this uba shield for 200pp on Rallos Zek server. Pretty good shield IMO. Except on PvP it is sort of underated with no resist stats. Once I get a full set of no drop gear with great stats that make up for the shield, I can switch to a possibly better resist shield like that of a Rainbow Hues.
Posted:Mar 04 2002 at 9:49 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I have one for sale on Ayonae Ro Send tell to Alchy
Posted:Feb 08 2002 at 8:11 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I'm interested in buying this on the Nameless. Send a tell to Dryadia or an email to berserkerhall@yahoo.com.
Does anyone have one of these for sale on Erollisi Marr? I know one player who does, and he's asking 1k pp for it, which I'll probably pay if I can't find a better offer.
that bites for other pallys... but They did need something to make up for Erudite's total incorrectness for being a paladin... anyways most pallys i come across dont use 1hs after a while, which means that you woulndt even use a sheild... if i had this i would be though =)
i got this thing for 300pp and i am an ench. i figured i could sell for more then i remembered eru pally = rarer than trakanon ****! It is quite tempting to make an erudite pal and have other pals drooling all over it :). any way its pretty awesome and erudite pals probably are also. may make one myself:)
You know..I weild an ACGS now..but I'd go back to my old Wurmy if I could have this shield...very very nice. A goal for many paladins...too bad I'm a dorf 8)
Sigoniax Eve 80 Paladin Erollisi Marr
*The beginning of the end or the end of the beginning..Choose your path*
I play an erudite paladin on Tholuxe Paells. A high level ogre recently sold me this for 760pp (which was basically all the money I had). I am shocked to finally have this in my possession, it is not something that I EVER thought I would get. But, as mentioned in other posts, erudite pallys are so rare (the most I have ever seen on at one time on TP is 5, usually there are maybe 2) that people will sell them for whatever they can get.
I love this shield, but I wish it looked different. It's basically one of those bone ribcage shields. The ribcage graphic always has me mistaken for a Shadowknight, and never mind the fact that it doesn't remotely resemble anything from the "Stalwart Seas". As a paladin of Prexus I would expect something a little less ghoulish than a shield made from a corpse.
And actually, the scarcity of Erudite paladins makes this item pretty cheap on some servers. I got mine for a steal.
Posted:Jul 20 2001 at 7:53 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I want to buy this from you as soon as possible. I talked to you online under you alias, who's name I forgot. I talked to you in oasis a few days ago. I've been trying to contact you under faek online. Please send me a tell(I'm online 24/7) or email me at primal_creed@cablelynx.com as soon as you can. EQ name is Meursault. Thank you.
Posted:Jul 14 2001 at 1:27 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) That sure would look great on my paladin, too bad he's half elf. Oh wait, he also uses 2hs. Who cares forget it.
Posted:Jun 06 2001 at 8:55 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) well i could see the problem with a lvl 5 having one of these...but theres no reason why a lvl 20 shouldnt have one :) i think ill have my guild get me one! oh joy! a very nice shield just for me!