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Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 19
DMG: 12 Dmg Bonus: 33
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
HP: +75
Required level of 51.
Effect: Fireblast (Combat, Casting Time: Instant)
WT: 1.0 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)
Slot 2, Type 20 (Ornamentation)

Item Type:1H Slashing
Merchant Value:20 pp 0 gp 0 sp 0 cp
Lucy Entry By:Kerasota
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-12-11 23:47:43
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

Average Price: 5,000pp Pricing Data...
Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 57

[Drops | Comments ]


This item is found on creatures.

Cazic-Thule 2.0
NPC Name
a Thul Tae Ew adept

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Cazic-Thule 2.0
Fleshgrinder item window 2016

Uploaded November 3rd, 2016 by snailish
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Axe or Sword?
# Aug 08 2002 at 8:39 PM Rating: Excellent
Is this an Axe or Sword? What do the graphics compare to?
RE: Axe or Sword?
# Aug 11 2002 at 10:24 PM Rating: Excellent
It has the luclin axe graphic. It looks like a stone axe. Sells for 50k on Sullon
Axe or Sword?
# Aug 08 2002 at 8:36 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Thu Aug 8 21:29:25 2002
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 06 2002 at 8:01 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) do you morons even realize that rangers get a spell called call of flames that makes them proc a 75 fire based dd and they also have spells called jolt and cinder jolt which decrease aggro.
RE: hi
# Nov 14 2002 at 3:28 PM Rating: Default
1) call of fire is a 65DD fire based with a zero second stun.

2) jolts are great and all. assuming the mob doesnt resist, and that happens enough to make reliance on it very stupid.
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 06 2002 at 5:39 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I love how someone would assume a 55th war > 60th ranger for playing MA.
# Sep 03 2002 at 5:47 PM Rating: Default
well, seeing as how i play both a ranger AND a warrior, i would take a 55 warrior over a 60 ranger any day. rangers never have been and never will be able to take the kind of punishment warriors can, and as MT both with my warrior and with my ranger, i can definately tell a difference in both damage dealing and the ability to take damage. Dont get me wrong, i like to play both classes, but the way i see it, ranger as MT = mana drain for cleric.
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 24 2002 at 2:53 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) As both a warrior and a Rogue, I will say when XP grouping gimme a 60 ranger in good gear over a 60 war any day, the ranger will keep a mobs back to me way more often than the warrior usually. Personally I think the ranger will soon come out from under the rock of inferiority that everyone see's them under. I think rangers are amazing, even in dungeon play if equiped as well as warriors. Now, I'm not saying they gonna tank AoW, Emp, XTC etc... But, for xp grinding or partnering in VL, I love partnering with monk and secondly rangers. /shrug.
# Aug 13 2002 at 8:17 PM Rating: Default
361 posts
interesting - you're arguing specific examples (ie you) against generalities (ie average warriors).

You're arguing AA points on one side but not the other.

I'm not disagreeing with the fact that rangers can tank - hell, I'll galdly sit back and let a hybrid tank - just with your arguements :)
# Aug 27 2002 at 12:47 AM Rating: Excellent
My thoughts exactly. basically he said "ok warrior is equiped with a rusty knife and I have machine gun, contary to what you all think I can kill him easily"
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 16 2002 at 8:40 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) In fairness to his argument, a 55 warrior can't have spent AA on more than general skills
# Sep 02 2002 at 6:49 PM Rating: Default
361 posts
bah completely misread your post when I made this reply.
agreed, 55 warrior can only have general, and they won't do much for agro

Edited, Tue Nov 12 18:00:23 2002
ranger + aggro = DEAD ...hmmm
# Jul 26 2002 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
Interesting post this ... I read these and laugh but never bother to reply as it just amuses me ... however ...

To say that Ranger + agro = dead ranger is rubbish and is coming from the mouths of people who it would appear know nothing about the game ...

When we talk of damage dealers ... you have rogues / monks / rangers.

Each class has the ability to evade by certain means .. but I will tell you this ... any ranger who can play his class will evade much longer than a monk or rogue ... a rogue can evade . yes but in that time a ranger can jolt 2 or 3 times ... getting much lower on the list ..

A monk can FD .. but still no guarantee its held ..

I play a dual epic ranger ...and yes if I just stand by while my epic is procing like mad on the uber mob ..I will die .. If doze or rumble or doomshade turn on me ....dead ranger ..

But I dont stand by ... after each proc I jolt .. ...chuck in another jolt every 10 secs or so .. and the upshot is ... I dont die period..

The only time I have died on a boss mob was when my epic procced 7 times in the space of 10 seconds ... .. I didnt last long ... just a bit unlucky really .. the same would have been true for any monks and rogues to .. the have no better ability to tank than rangers .. and if you claw so high on the mobs list you cant get off ... you die..

So to those who think Rangers die ... we dont if played right .. to those who think we cant tank .. your right ... we cant ... but then neither can rogues or monks ... none of us are made for that ... warriors / SK's / Paladins are made for that ..

To those of you who think we are useless ..

Well lets just say in ToV on a hard mob .. I can guarantee i'm among the last standing after having dealt 30K + damage :) and isnt it a ***** when you want a rare quest mob tracked but cant do it because no rangers are about :( bet your **** you love us when we drag kozz to your door for the strenght of Elements quest

Bottom line is this .. all classes have there place ... its just a case of remebering yours ... dont ask a ranger / monk / rogue to tank .. dont ask a SK / Paladin / Bard to be the main damage dealer ...

Nough said
RE: ranger + aggro = DEAD ...hmmm
# Sep 03 2002 at 10:16 AM Rating: Default
Umm.. just a few minor points..

rangers have taunt, thus they are tanks.. they are not a pure melee class like a monk or a rogue. Give a monk/rogue a tank to take damage and they will handily outdamage the best rangers everytime(discounting the ones with the bow mastery... I have seen some incredible bow crits!). An equally equipped warrior will outtank a ranger every time as well(have been in enough groups to see the rangers health drop ALOT faster than the warriors while tanking. NOT being critical here, just stating a fact).

that all said.. rangers are a GREAT class! They can do many wonderful things other classes do not even realize they are capable of... they CAN inflict ALOT of damage.. and once they get the bow mastery(not sure if this is the name of the skill.. do not have a 60 ranger), they tend to turn a few heads with their incredible crits.

All classes have their uses.. instead of being picky with your groups, try some variety.. you might be pleasantly surprised..
RE: ranger + aggro = DEAD ...hmmm
# Aug 28 2002 at 5:15 PM Rating: Default
31 posts
Finaly a post worth reading! Agree completely on everything in the post (now that's not happening often!)

Velk 60 Grave Lord of <Europa Mangler>

Velk 65 Arch Lich of <Europa Agnarr> (Retired)
Argolas 90 Huntmaster of Bristlebane <Jaggedpine Defenders> (Semi-retired)
Lolien Windblade 60 Warder of Morell-Thule <Retired> (Retired)
RE: ranger + aggro = DEAD ...hmmm
# Aug 16 2002 at 12:59 PM Rating: Default

THANK YOU! Finally someone who doesnt narrow mindedly flame every class except their own, pahtfinderboy is right, every class has its role, know your role and you'll enjoy the game and other people will enjoy playing with you.

Afmo 35 Warrior
Jeravin 15 Ranger
# Jul 24 2002 at 11:41 AM Rating: Default
I am sick and tired of other classes telling me what my ranger can and can't do. Oh you can't use that weapon cause it's too much aggro and aggro = dead ranger. You can't tank cause rangers have no ac/hps. Haha rangers suck, you wasted 60 lvls worth of playing.

There is a common coincidence with the a holes who make these ridiculour comments. NONE of them have their own ranger. They know jack sh*t about the ranger. Their assumptions are baseless in both fact and application.

So retards, please shut your f*cking mouths because until you play the class you have NO idea what the ranger can do.

P.S. If warriors are so good, how come I can kick their sorry ***** in a duel every time?
# Jul 25 2002 at 7:45 AM Rating: Decent
While I agree that a ranger plays a important part of the game and has the ability to hand out great damage, it is not their role to play MT in the highend game. Can a ranger hold taunt? sure, as well as paladin's, which is very well. But the problem lies in the ability to take large amounts of damage in a short amount of time. A great example of this is rumble crush in UP. Everyone knows that RC jacks out a ton of DPS and without a warrior who has a fair amount of hitpoints ( 6500 to 7k ) it won't be long before other classes are dead as the MT. Why? Well your going to bleed your healers right to death of their mana. The same goes for DoomShade who is not slowable. Does that make a ranger any less valueable in the end game? No. Everyone just needs to play their part. Besides I would much rather see my guildee ranger buddies handing out large amounts of damage with TS then trying to compete with our MT's. Team TS in our guild is a huge advantage when taking down uber mobs, no need to waste their skills on being the MT.
#REDACTED, Posted: Jul 24 2002 at 11:32 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) HAHAHAHA......<<<<<</Flexes and snaps neck.
# Nov 14 2002 at 3:38 PM Rating: Default
i truely hope you dont play on sayrn
# Jul 24 2002 at 5:29 AM Rating: Decent
well I must say, I picked up this item, and I heard from many people that the proc would not generate much agro, but I must say it really does... think about if your a mob and your getting hit by a 12/19 weapon, so average 45 damage per hit, then suddenly WHUMP: You feel your skin ignite, you have taken 160 points of damage. Thats just like the person whipping out a big 'ol two hander an thumpin you over the head with it... I care not if dd produces the least agro, its still quite a punch, and mobs certainly dont ignore it. I truly cannot see how this would be a beneficial item to a ranger, it just produces far too much agro, and agro + ranger = dead... everyone that says a ranger tanks as good as a warrior is dealing with a seriously overgeared ranger vs a seriously undergeared warrior, because rangers do not have a prayer of standing up to a good warrior as MA... I'd take a 55 warrior over a 60 ranger any day of the week.
Grendon 59 Ogre Myrmidon
60 druid
60 enchanter
60 rogue
RE: agro
# Aug 24 2002 at 7:26 PM Rating: Good
56 posts
Hey Grendon this is Midgebil! :P
I play a level 60 warrior ... In most cases a 55 warrior > 60 ranger for MA. In a raid situation even a horribly horribly equipped level 55 warrior has the disipline defensive which makes us undoubtedly the best tanks for the 3 minutes it's up. In normal grouping situations it does depend. If the ranger has very nice gear and/or plenty of AA they might be better than a 55 warrior. Even though that I've noticed when I was level 55 I had more HP than most level 60's non paladin / SK / warrior. True on some cases rangers and monks did have more AC that were level 60 but that's to be expected. I would suggest to avoid any situation where you're questioning who would make a better MA your ranger or your warrior. I never like to join a group nor do I make a group where there is such a large difference in level of tanks that somebody would consider a non-plate class over a plate class... Ranger should be in CT getting experience not seb, unless he's a ghetto ranger, and then he's not going to be better than the warrior for tanking anyways. :P
tanks forget that who wants to tank
# Jun 27 2002 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
Hi all,

man would I love to get my hands on this axe/sword or whatever it is lol. But my chances of getting a pick up group in CT is pretty slim. About the above posts with rangers as main tanks, I would like to say hell no I dont wanna tank, dont have the hp or the ac like warriors, but I can usually get all the aggro I want lol. I prefer to stay back as a secondary melee/snare when needed after MT gets good aggro etc... hell after MT gets aggro controlled I can chain cast firestrike and still not take a beating. Rangers work best IMO as secondary melee's and yes we can tank but come on lets be real here!

Danuvil Shadowtracker
55 ranger of karana
RE: tanks forget that who wants to tank
# Jul 12 2002 at 1:31 AM Rating: Default
Rangers are underappreciated in what they can tank. Yes, they are not a warrior, or any plate class, but we hold aggro well, and it really is not all that bad on mana.
RE: tanks forget that who wants to tank
# Jul 23 2002 at 4:50 AM Rating: Default
yesterday hunting in DL with warriors and rogues and monks high lvl than me and i was main tank for 5 hours+... my lammy and frosbringer helped.. (hehe) i didn't find it all that hard.. the healers kept healin me and we kept killin.
RE: tanks forget that who wants to tank
# Jul 17 2002 at 3:03 PM Rating: Default
Ranger's aren't underappreciated dope. He's talking about tanking on a planar raid. Good luck havin a CH on yer butt before yer pounded into the ground. Why don't we have our rouges tank next. Ranger's are great but know you're role.
RE: tanks forget that who wants to tank
# Jul 22 2002 at 2:47 AM Rating: Good
104 posts
Ranger Role: Back up tank when things go very bad. Peeler of mobs off of caster, moving them away and rooting when needed for chanter to mez. Buffer, mostly attack buffs or utility buffs, sow/regen/levitate/enduring breath/invis/see invis/minor resist buffs/skin like Nature if no better buffs available. Damage dealer, pretty good at that. Tracker of rare spawns, able to con red/yellow/white/blue/green from tracking screen, as well as sort by distance, how high they con, what just popped, etc. Snarer, saving adds from joining and possibly killing the group when something runs/is feared. Minor healer of party between fights to save cleric or healer mana. /trueshot discipline means major damage dealer every so often. Harmony mobs outdoors for single pulls with no FD person. Kite additional mobs using root or snare/bow when no chanter, or aggro kite using flame lick, or fear kite against animals. Occasional DoT. Minor nukes, also some nukes vs. summoned pets. Slow mobs via a proc from Swarmcaller if you have to or Earthcaller if you have epic. Ability to lose aggro from mobs to the main tank via the Jolt line. Damage shield on main tank if none better available. Sneak/hide to buy/sell to unfriendly merchants nearby for the group if needed. Forage/Tolans bracer to provide a bit of food/water/arrows when needed, or never run out yourself.

I am sure I am missing some things here, just a quick list from memory. A lot of things we can't do until higher levels, but that goes along with all the other classes as well. No we cannot main tank planer mobs, or hard hitting mobs in general. I can live with that. If someone tells you a ranger stinks because of what they CAN'T do, remind them of what they CAN do. Most often they arn't underappreciated, just misunderstood by people that don't understand what they can really do.

There are no poor classes, there are however, poor players of those classes. Avoid them.

Safe Travels
RE: tanks forget that who wants to tank
# Aug 13 2002 at 4:53 AM Rating: Default
agreed, nuff said.
anyone who has done this camp
# Jun 24 2002 at 12:58 AM Rating: Good
Can anyone who has done this camp tell me: how hard the guy who drops this is, and any other info pertinant to getting one of these?
thx info ~la
# Jun 23 2002 at 10:46 PM Rating: Default
You warriors takin the opportunity to point out how fragile Rangers are need to learn a bit more about the game.

DD procs don't taunt nearly as much as some of you may think. Procs on weapons that taunt are ones that directly add to agro, stun the mob(even if it's a 0s duration stun), those that slow a mob(i.e. Earthcaller, Swarmcaller, Wavecrasher, or Willsapper), and those that debuff a mob in some way/shape/form.

Sceptre of Destruction procs Anarchy, it's a 288dd with small stun. SoD doesn't taunt more than Fleshgrinder due to it doing 288dmg vs. 160dmg, it taunts because it stuns.

I'd be willing to bet that Earthcaller taunts more than Fleshgrinder. Of course, DD weapons that go off constantly, CAN produce a lot of aggro, but no more than when I proc Earthcall 6times in the span of 10swings.

Another thing, not all rangers are as fragile as you wish to believe. Yeah, we won't ever see 7800hp+, but 6k is attainable. Non-Uber rangers can achieve 1200ac and 5k HP reasonably.(that's raid buffed). And defensive ain't needed for HoT, so you tank no better than an equally well equipped Paladin/SK casting Flash of Light or AC taps.

Edited, Sun Jun 23 23:40:30 2002
no rangers
# May 24 2002 at 11:54 AM Rating: Default
Any ranger who thinks he can MA in a place like ToV is a total, utter, and complete FUGGING MORON!!!


Anonymous 60 Warrior of Tunare
RE: no rangers
# Aug 18 2002 at 10:26 PM Rating: Good
Anybody that can't read a post and then reply in a somewhat intelligent manner is as useless to a thread as breasts on a nun.

I said HoT dogwater. While there are some lvl 66 quad hitters in HoT, they are easily identifiable. Can a Ranger tank in HoT? Yup. You want me tanking a Flurry Drake in NToV? Nope, and if you asked me to, I'd say you were on crack.

You work on your reading comprehension, then get back to me.
RE: no rangers
# Jun 20 2002 at 9:28 PM Rating: Default
ok well i agree rangers shouldnt tank but i must say this weapons rocks for a ranger...hehe
as a 60 ranger on Veeshan I got me one of these expecting to die alot =)... unfortantly it not as bad taunting as i expected...(that and my guild has really good tanks and aggo control).. though i can see how it would be good for a warr too.. rangers dont worry the taunt on this thing isnt bad at all.. want to se bad... go buy a wavecrasher... hehe that boy has some taunt...
(was fun to mess with clerics though)

oh well there is my 2cp...

Baylen Nightshade
Wader of Tunare
Blue Cloak- Veeshan
#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 19 2002 at 2:32 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You obviously don't know many rangers and probably aren't smart enough to know that with heals pretty much any melee can tank in tov.
# Apr 05 2002 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
I just attained this beautiful weapon and now i cant use it! a message says you are not of the right race class diety to equip. I am a dwarf rogue, agnostic. I do not see why i cant use it. If anybody can help I would appreciate a post.
RE: Arrrg!
# Apr 11 2002 at 5:14 PM Rating: Default
You must be lv51 or greater to equip it.
RE: Arrrg!
# Apr 08 2002 at 4:22 AM Rating: Default
I assume that you are probably under level 50 if you are a rogue and can't equip it...
# Apr 03 2002 at 4:55 AM Rating: Decent
Can anyone disclose the camp that this fine wep is found at?
# Mar 22 2002 at 11:53 AM Rating: Default
What lvl and races can equip this machine?. do u have to be a certain lvl?
Item changed.
# Mar 21 2002 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
Fleshgrinder is no longer no-drop, along with most of the loot in CT.

A common opinion is that this was a database error from changing the tradeskills items to droppable though, so don't count on it lasting ;)
# Mar 10 2002 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
This is up there with Sceptre of Destruction, which used to drop off one of the warders in Sleeper's (Ventani I think), and it was 12/18
# Mar 18 2002 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
I believe it still drops ;)
#REDACTED, Posted: May 07 2002 at 9:11 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) IT DOOS DROP INDEEDEE DO!
#REDACTED, Posted: May 26 2002 at 2:23 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) actually it doesnt, and it stopped a good while ago. you should prolly gain a few levels and actually go there before you post useless info.
# Aug 13 2002 at 6:59 AM Rating: Excellent
SoD still drops ...
less the sleeper is awaken~
#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 09 2002 at 4:17 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) 2 lvl 60 chars, a lvl 59 and 55..someone has a life to insult others...NOT
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 09 2002 at 8:36 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This axe is nuclear! However, I'm still banned from the Cazic Thule zone for excessive lizard training ... so I won't be getting one ( or two ) Fleshgrinder(s) anytime soon. ^_^
# Mar 09 2002 at 3:59 AM Rating: Decent
How can an axe grind flesh? Shouldn't it be more like flesh slicer?
Hmmm... Lamentation: Part 2?
# Mar 09 2002 at 2:11 AM Rating: Good
308 posts
I can imagine that a LOT of main tanks will want to get one, or maybe two, of these awesome little swords. They look like they could produce a few metric tons of agro. :)
Don't get me wrong.
# Mar 13 2002 at 3:21 AM Rating: Decent
The group I was in today was working 4c for quite a while and managed to pop this guy twice. The first axe went to the Warrior but I ended up with the second one. I do not know if he always has it or if we got lucky.

Now, as a Rogue this is offhand and so far has really produced no aggro problems. I would imagine a Ranger wouldn't have trouble controlling it either, although it would obviously be a strong contender for MTs seeking attention. The encounter itself is a tough one but more to do with the need for strong fast pulls to clear to the target than anything else.
On further study
# Mar 15 2002 at 4:52 AM Rating: Excellent
Ok, I've hunted with it a few times now and need to correct my intitial impressions. The DD componant is not an all-or-nothing as I initially thought. It can be resisted partially but seems more often than not to hit for full or none. Against the lizards in CT, it was almost a never hit for example. That might be a level and resist problem though. In Velk's it was hitting for full 95% of the time though, with partials on the rest.

The aggro (off-hand with RB in primary) is manageable. It certainly taunts some and a few consecutive procs can cause headaches but it isn't anything that I can't manage. In the main-hand I can certainly see it building good hate for a tank though.
RE: Hmmm... Lamentation: Part 2?
# Mar 09 2002 at 5:45 PM Rating: Default
"Leave weapons like this to the real tanks"


Now kiddies, i dont want to get into another ranger discussion, but I have seen Rangers MA all the way up to 48 so far, an have read many a forum about them MA ing in places like ToV and other huge raid points. Its about cleirc timing.
We keep aggro better than most when we pull out all the stops. Snare, Immolate/flamelick, procing wepaon with procing buff spells, taunt skill, yadda yadda yadda.

A good cleric who knows how to heal a ranger can
feel secure knowing that he/she wont get jukmped by the angry mob, and all they need to do is start casting CH at 50% instead of 20%. Ive had many clerics comment thast they feel safer healing a Ranger as a MA than a Warrior.

Just my 2cp. We are "Real Tanks", but only when played well. Any meathead can pick up a couple lammies and swing.

(Montegue admits he *prefers* being a 2nd tank/caster protector, but can Tank if needs be. Montegue also recognizes that most warriors arent meatheads, and need to be smart too)

Preserving nature through force of arms and magic

Montegue Lonerunner
RE: Hmmm... Lamentation: Part 2?
# Mar 28 2002 at 1:07 AM Rating: Good
Heh, a ranger can't tank for a damn in ToV. Mobs there triple and quad for 350 and up. A ranger takes approximately double the damage that a warrior does, they have less hit points, and they lack the defensive discipline, which if invoked, can cut 40% of the damage taken for 2 minutes.

You will never, ever, ever, ever, EVER see a ranger tanking (successfully) a mob like Vindicator, etc. It's -not- their role, and they're -not- good at it. There's no reason to be offended by people saying that.

It's these level 47 rangers who run around Dreadlands and "tank" drolvarg ravagers who are the most amusing. Hell on a ToV mob I think I'd rather have a monk tanking than a ranger. :P

Any cleric who says they'd rather have a ranger tanking a major encounter is full of baloney. I won't argue that rangers -can- outtaunt a warrior, but that's a terrible, terrible idea. Rangers are hitters/scouts, not tanks. Part of the challenge 55+ raids is keeping your rangers/monks/rogues alive to keep dishing out damage. As such, they keep their taunt down so the mobs focus on the warrior, who is best equipped to absorb/deflect the damage.
RE: Hmmm... Lamentation: Part 2?
# Jun 17 2002 at 10:38 PM Rating: Default
300 posts
A couple comments about the above posts. First off, Rangers don't MT in ToV. It just doesn't happen. Could they? Sure, and I've seen it happen, but only in emergencies, and not for very long (either the Ranger dies, or the mob does). Now, I don't mean they tank named, but I have seen a ranger tank (successfully) a flurry drake. However, that being said, Rangers make fine tanks in XP situations. As for the comment about a 47 Ranger tanking ravagers in DL, er, I *have* done that when I was XP'ing in DL. At level 47 I was partnering with Shamans and making many mobs quite dead. That all being said, am I offended when people tell me Rangers aren't supposed to tank? Hell no. I prefer to stand back and let somebody else take a beating while I pummel mobs with abandon. But, I'm not afraid to tank, I do a damn good job tanking, and I do somewhat get offended by people who say Rangers *can't* tank.

Drienne Gardairne
58 Ranger
The War Council
RE: Hmmm... Lamentation: Part 2?
# Mar 11 2002 at 11:57 AM Rating: Excellent
The reasons Warriors are normaly the MA has as much to do with how long they can go between heals as it does with how well they can hold the mobs attion. On avg warriors have higher ac and hit points that rangers. Therefore they take damage slower and get more hit points back per compleate heal. That is why for the close fights the ones that are not easly wone by the PCs you want a warrior. Other than that it is only a question of weather the cleric gets mana back fast enough not to need med brakes when other class are MA

Any melee class can MA, it is just more mana efficent to have a warrior as MA.
RE: Hmmm... Lamentation: Part 2?
# Mar 10 2002 at 3:52 PM Rating: Good
119 posts
me iz glad you put da disclaimer down..or me wud have ta bash you hurtylike fer puttin sumtin down like any 'ol fool wuud pickup dual lammiez to be meatshield. only sumwun stupid wud uze lammiez anymore. goranga spikey club (gud fer pokin lotz a teeny holz in badguyz), and frostbringer (60 point DD and 15AC debuff, good fer keepin drinkz chilled)iz betar choice fer da bashzas ta uze.

and me beatz up on da panzie rangerz all da time, me iz gud basha, dey don't make me aggrezive, me already iz.


#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 10 2002 at 4:02 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) sig test, sorry for inconvienance.
RE: Hmmm... Lamentation: Part 2?
# Mar 09 2002 at 1:09 PM Rating: Default
3,705 posts
Agree that this is an awesome weapon, but it sure looks like an AXE to me, not a sword.
Awesome blade!
# Mar 09 2002 at 12:27 AM Rating: Default
Now to get my warrior up in levels and go there and get one! Great stuff for all classes dropping here!
wow, duel wield these hehe
# Mar 08 2002 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
um.... anyone happen to notice that this bad boy is NOT lore, I.E. you can wield 2 of them :-). With a high dex you wuldnt be able to cast jolt fast enought to keep agro off hehe. But it would be awesome when you are soloing or you are the main tank.
RE: nice hunka' steel here...
# Mar 08 2002 at 7:26 PM Rating: Good
i love no drop loot, cuts down on twinking, now flame on if you want to but i feel 40+ mobs shouldn't drop anything that isnt "no drop"

but thats just my opinion and like a**hole's, most opinions stink
RE: nice hunka' steel here...
# Mar 09 2002 at 1:15 PM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
I like the fact there are both. People who have strong guilds, or several high level friends, can go hunt stuff like this, and people who don't, can hunt some HG, and then go buy a centi. The best stuff off the high level mobs is mostly no-drop, but there is some decent/good stuff that drops for the other guys. Seems like a pretty nice balance to me.
RE: nice hunka' steel here...
# Mar 09 2002 at 4:30 AM Rating: Decent
Well, my idea was to make all mob drops droppable, and make all quest items and drops no drop... Make you actually have to quest. ;)
RE: nice hunka' steel here...
# Jul 22 2002 at 3:05 AM Rating: Decent
104 posts
You know, that actually seems like a pretty decent idea. I mean that would make some stuff still "twinkable", you could give it to your lower level alts. But for the truly "oustanding" stuff, you would have to be there to loot the items and do the quest.

I think you would have to make all quests NOT multiquestable, and add a ton of quests to make this work, so it would never happen. But I still like the idea a lot. You would be able to really define the "true" questers by the look of the gear from the twinks wearing all the hand-me-downs. Of course the really high end stuff is all no drop, but make that stuff a quest instead of just dropping off of random mobs. And with no multi-quests, you would still have to be there to loot the gems and other parts for the Kael armors and such.

Would cut down a bit on the millions of characters all running around in "uber" (geez I hate that word) gear just because they have one or two high level toons with a ton of cash to buy the multiquest for everything.

Safe Travels
# Mar 08 2002 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
~Click on the proc info link, though, and you get a 160dd at lv 26 with no AC debuff... which means the proc shouldn't taunt much more than a Flux Axe- but then, it's a bit lower DLY than one, too.

Guessing 'Fire Blast' and 'Fireblast' are different spells... or are you trying to discourage me from trying to get one? /eye... ^_^

# Mar 08 2002 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
Fire Blast
Decrease Hit Points (HP) by 110 (L1)
Decrease Armor Class (AC) by 15 (L1)
Classes: None
Skill: Instantaneous
Allowable Targets: All
Range to Target: 50 feet
Resistance Check: Fire
Spell Duration: Instant
Recast Delay: 6.0 seconds
When someone casts: Soandso channels fire.
Spell cast on you: Fire engulfs you.
Spell cast on someone: Soandso is engulfed by fire.

holy ****... talk about agro inducing. i'd kill for one of these for my warrior... but i'll pass on the roll if i get one as my ranger... its enough fun to keep mobs off me normally... this would be a huge "KILL ME NOW" magnet.

Quietclaw Shadowlynx, 52nd ranger
Whytewolf Trident, 36th warrior
Guildleader of A Link, the only guild across all servers dedicated to teaching the art of grouping.
RE: fireblast
# Mar 09 2002 at 7:02 AM Rating: Decent
147 posts
You looked up the wrong spell. You looked up Fire Blast. The proc is Fireblast (one word, not two). The correct result is not a 110DD 15AC debuff. It is actually a 160DD.
RE: fireblast
# Mar 08 2002 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
ROFLMAO, kill me now magnet, I haven't heard that one yet(But I like it :) ). But I am only 32nd.
Tokke Sanguinarius
32 Barbarian Warrior
Proud Warrior of Rallos Zek
"Blood for the Blood God !"
Bertox server ( say "What up?")
RE: fireblast
# Mar 09 2002 at 2:16 AM Rating: Excellent
For warrior meatshields, this is a god-send!
Post level 55+ raiding (the big stuff), warriors really do need "kill-me-now-magnet" weapons and these ought to fill the bill nicely. Keeping aggro is the biggest job of the MA (main assist) meatshield.

I'd expect to see a lot of these showing up (hopefully) on ToV raids.
# Mar 08 2002 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
all these weapons and armor coming out of CT make me want to level my ranger again..... Hmmm what to do
RE: Hmmm
# Mar 09 2002 at 9:57 AM Rating: Default
274 posts
A ranger wouldn't last 10 seconds wielding these. Sure, you'd do some damage. But with your lack of hitpoints, as opposed to a warrior, and AC, you'd be a walking bodybag.

Leave weapons like this for real tanks.
RE: Hmmm
# Sep 09 2002 at 9:38 AM Rating: Default
In all honesty DXMachina, that was an ignorant comment. As a mid-fifties ranger, I have often found myself out-damaging and out-tanking warriors of similar level. With the right equipment, ranger's can make effective tanks. We just have to be more clever and resourceful in getting to the high levels. Standing in front of a mob and doing nothing but swing and bash might be good for you, but it's somewhat of a bore to us rangers.

Thanks for your advice, nonetheless. It will be given the consideration it's due.
RE: Hmmm
# Mar 10 2002 at 10:44 AM Rating: Default
93 posts
I've been on many raids where the MA was a ranger. I also recall one specific incident when that ranger tanked the enraged golem in Fear after a cleric lagged and the main warrior died early in the fight.
Philip <Chill Mode VII>, Teek server, 60 monk
Axcellent <Chill Mode>, Vaniki server, 105 zerker
Rangerer <Scions of Time>, Agnarr server, 65 ranger
Lifegiver <Iratus Lepus>, retired
100 Druid, Xegony
RE: Hmmm
# Mar 09 2002 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
300 posts
Not sure why you say this. Sure, it would generate a lot of taunt, but using Jolting Blades would reduce the likelihood of you getting aggro quite a bit. For those times when the mob does swing towards ya, Jolt/Cinder Jolt would take care of it. Works for me every time. The only time I get aggro is when I want it.
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