Classes: The Cleric

Clerics -- the premier healer in the game. A popular class for any group, the cleric brings the ability to heal the party and keep you from dying, and can even bring you back from death at higher levels.

What is the best way to play a cleric? Can a cleric be soloed, and if so how? How should you play a cleric in a group? What spells are the best ones to buy and develop? what skills should a cleric concentrate on? What items should you seek out?

Post your strategies on how to best play and develop the Cleric and read, rate and comment on what others have to say.

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Clerics guide to the world of EQ
#1 Sep 29 2005 at 2:17 PM Rating: Default
Hey guys, made a cleric, and over a 2 year perriod, got him to 65... no, wasnt playing him for the 2 years, had 8 or 9 alts, plus a 2nd main i was workin on durring that time. Anyway, was just gonna post something to help the newer clerics out on things i wish i had known.

ok, biggest thing that bothers me these days... CLERICS DONT TANK OR MELE AFTER LVL 6!!!! you clerics grping in crushbone, tanking..... no! clerics are there to heal, if ya wana heal and tank, make a pally

once your 56+ you can mele some w/ your summoned hammers, but thats a dif story.... Clerics, you are everquests primary healers. your the only ones who can heal for 3.5k health, in 3 seconds (other then pallys LoH skill) You will not be LFG for long, in most cases, and thats a good thing, because you cant solo very well (over all, in some situations, ya can)

just figured i'd post this, cuz im getting tired of dieing when the cleric is meleing.....

flame me all you will, this is just a post to try and help clerics do their job better, and if ya got more advice or w/e, post away
Clerics guide to the world of EQ
#2 Sep 29 2005 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
is this kind of thinking IMO that turns mains into cleric bots.

clerics can do just about anything but slow in a day to day exp group.

don't let anyone tell you anything else
Clerics guide to the world of EQ
#3 Sep 29 2005 at 11:34 PM Rating: Decent
I agree that the cleric's job is to keep the group alive. However, when I'm in a group that doesn't require large amounts of healing and my mana does not drop below 75% I am going to cast my trusty summoned hammer, load my melee spell set and go up and smack the mobs around a bit (especially if they are undead). I will never do this if we are in a spot that requires my undivided attention on healing. As I said before, main job is healing.
Clerics guide to the world of EQ
#4 Sep 30 2005 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
yes, once you get the good summon hammer spells, OR if you have a nice wep, and your grp dosent need healing, go ahaid and nuke some, maybe hit it a few times.... what im talking about is the lvl 30 clerics, in echo caverns and such, who are using a blunt mace, hitting mobs for 1 dmg every 2 mins or so, and letting their grp die around them..... for the clerics who are keeping grp healed and meleing, good for you, adding dps along w/ doin ur job. Sry, this is what i meant, didnt come out right earlier
Clerics guide to the world of EQ
#5 Oct 01 2005 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
Aye, to be good cleric have to learn to heal and know your limitations. So many of them never take the time to do that. Have died before on other toons because cleric was busy pretending to be anything but a healer.
Clerics guide to the world of EQ
#6 Oct 04 2005 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
Personally I nuke or beat something every chance I get ;) Now here is the disclaimer... every chance I get = when everyone is over 90% health and is sticking there, or the mob is slowed enough where the tank only needs a hot. As for clerics meleeing in PC and such, they should probably quit working on 1hb & work on the main cleric stats. When I'm lfg or just feel like something chill I go melee lb's to death to work on my 2hb, or I go all out beating & nuking on db's. I'm not going to say that clerics should sit in their corner & heal and that's it, I just think that healing should be the #1 priority, with anything & everything else coming in a far 2nd.
Clerics guide to the world of EQ
#7 Dec 29 2005 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
129 posts
After being a cleric for some years now, for the very first time I saw in Raid Say…. Cleric Cherrin is MT. Druid Shasta is the Assist! Well, this was when the last handful of people still standing at the tail end of what looked like a very spectacular wipe. When all other casters are cringing like scarificial sheep in a corner and the other plate, chain, and leather classes are dead, then the next in line is the remaining plate class: the clerics. Summon pet hammer, load a nuke, all your stuns, drink a heal over time potion and hopefully you have Divine Aura or Divine Barrier pre-loaded. I lasted almost 40 seconds and got Rallos Zek down from 13% to 11%. Amazing! A battle cleric is very rare, but we do have some awesome plate armor. That 40 seconds was long enough for one of the other clerics to rezz and buff the main tank. RZ died.
Clerics guide to the world of EQ
#8 Jan 03 2006 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
After playing a cleric for 7 years, plus more in other games. NO!!! read into the class you playing twit. Cleric are "battle healers" thats why they are the only pure breed caster than can wear PLATE ARMOR!!! There are tanks that know, even in the 50's that a cleric can easily out damage a tank, and are to be feared when made properly.... If you think clerics are for only healing, get the hell out of the class, because you make the rest of us who CAN use the class look bad. Seriously you should read about the classes your playing, just just say "Oh, this looks interesting, lets try it." then come on here and tell us how to play our toons. My 58 cleric can do good dmg with a good mind buff. Dont tell my i can only heal, because my mana pool is far too big for that. the ONLY time this changes is in raids. Raids have mages and wizzys for a very good reason, and thats because thoes two can out damage anything from anywhere given the chance.
Stupid People bother me....
Clerics guide to the world of EQ
#9 Jan 05 2006 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
now I haven't been playing forever like some of you, and I don't expect this to hold much water, but just think about it, Why limit yourself? The opportunity is there to go smack beasties, just do it, as long as you are responsible with healing, go contribute! Don't limit yourself!
Clerics guide to the world of EQ
#10 Jan 07 2006 at 4:45 PM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
Well, there are two issues in this thread, that are being confused. The OP mentions dying while the cleric is meleeing.

That comes from the cleric's failure to heal, not from their meleeing.

Would it have been better if the cleric was sitting on a roboboar not healing?

Nope. You still would have died.

Now, if the content is so challenging that there is no time to melee, then the cleric just has to spam heals. If there is time to melee, it never hurts. Personally, I like meleeing with my Hammer of Holy Vengeance (not my normal weapon) because it procs a DD with a group heal recourse.

I would not plan on meleeing in a hard DoD arc mission, but if I am playing around in a less difficult zone, rock on.

Clerics guide to the world of EQ
#11 Jan 09 2006 at 9:00 PM Rating: Default
this is response to the "battle cleric" comment...u gotta be a frigin at high end game for a while....i dont care if you think u can out DPS a tank....anyone can....the tank is not for dps....the tank is to take damage and keep your sorry butt alive...these mobs quad for 4k and thats on a tank with 15k hp and 2300 ac...your job is to heal...and in easier zones ...clerics make the best pullers....if u were in my goup in RSS and were meleeing...i would boot your butt in a heartbeat...go back to WOW were u belong u idiot!!!!!
Clerics guide to the world of EQ
#12 Jul 19 2006 at 7:23 PM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
If your tank has 15k hp and 2300 ac, you're not playing in the high end game. Fully raid buffed, I have over 14.7k hp and over 2600 ac and I am a cleric, and not even in a cutting edge guild.

RSS has not been "high end" for 2 years. I've played around in RSS with a necro tanking. Get a better example, before you start calling people idiots.

Edited, Jul 19th 2006 at 8:24pm EDT by xaanru
Clerics guide to the world of EQ
#13 Nov 09 2006 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
Score 1 point for Xaanru.


Clerics guide to the world of EQ
#14 Nov 29 2006 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
I'd like to stick in a comment about this thread..I am only slightly and i mean slightly ToB geared (boots, and 2x bracers) I tanked WoS the zone is hardly...hard anymore. I wasnt in an uber gr either it was me, 68 beastie, 65 chanter, 58 shammy, lvl 63 necro and 1 other non-level 70 i tanked pulled and healed. No one can say that we can not get up front and go head on with a mob..and yes we are usually in the back healing but some situations call for these things..just my 2cp
Dorador 90
Son: Rijm
Clerics guide to the world of EQ
#15 Dec 08 2006 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
lol its a game to play as a person sees fit

75 cleric here

Edited, Dec 8th 2006 3:57pm by SIRCGYY
Clerics guide to the world of EQ
#16 Dec 08 2006 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
i tanked in rss the other day np on the way to do a sig turn in

battle clerics rule

Clerics guide to the world of EQ
#17 Aug 28 2007 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
I have a 75 cleric and IF I would have listen to that kinda thinking I would have never maxed bash and IF you are a good cleric you JUST KNOW when its safe for your group to fight with them or to keep your eye on thier health more closely. PROUD TO BE A BATTLE CLERIC!
Clerics guide to the world of EQ
#18 Oct 23 2007 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
I have played a cleric for almost 5 years. At times, trying to solo seemed impossible and very slow going. However, since they have uncapped bash, it is a wise and handy thing to apply your hammer and shield if your mana pool and group permits you to hammer away and for heaven sakes get bash skill up. You can never have enough people bashing a casting mob. At level 73, I was finally able to go out and solo some decent mobs (blue con) for loot. What is even more frightning for those of you whodoubt the cleric solo ability...all I have to say is sucks being the mobs I am looking at next. With the new melee spells cleric get, I can solo quite a few mobs at one time if and only if I have the right spell line mem'd. If the mobs catch you unprepaired no matter who you are, your gonna die. So know well what your going after and have a strategy in mind before trying to solo in any class. I love to take on mobs un-slowed, have my damage shield on and weapon with good proc and cast DA if health gets too low..and for the next 18 seconds as fast as they can swing, my shield is protecting me while I heal up and the DS is working its magic 680 lovely hp a hit on as many mobs as I care to have agro me. Have a AE stun will need to refresh your DS...peace!

Clerics guide to the world of EQ
#19 Nov 02 2007 at 3:48 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
so far have soloed my halfling cleric to 62 =) and it's been a blast ...
she hits and has hit for more than 1 & 2 from the beginning course gear is everything i suppose ... maxing out that defense skill seriously adds to AC.
my favorite *cleric gone wrong* episode was a 50s group (that actually needed healing) where i show up with my necro and the cleric wants me to mana feed her so she can melee >.< -- >>> GATE yeah well. =)
Clerics guide to the world of EQ
#20 Nov 05 2007 at 7:05 AM Rating: Decent
I have a lvl 70 cleric, and I don't know how many times my best friend (a 67th warrior) has complained that I can deal more damage and melee crit better than him. I may have an aug that helps me crit, but that's not the point. I enjoy when I'm able to know that he can take a beating enough for me to heal and melee at the same time. I've become fairly good at it too.

For a long while, it was me strictly healing, and sometimes I wonder how I got to level 70 with that. But I do know a cleric who can tank MPG and WoS. So whoever says a cleric can't tank, is well out of their league here.
Clerics guide to the world of EQ
#21 Mar 02 2009 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, I know that this thread is old and dead, but still. It's not that I don't agree with battle clerics, in fact I believe they CAN be a very good addition to a group if played right.... BUT most "battle clerics" do not understand how to play a battle cleric.
I personally am a pure healing cleric and I choose to play this way because I enjoy being the person who saves the group. I feel that Cleric's main focus should be on healing, we can be the most effective healers in EQ if played in the correct way.

Edited, Mar 2nd 2009 6:53pm by nakazumi
Clerics guide to the world of EQ
#22 Apr 28 2011 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
I nominate this for one of the dumbest things I have read on an EQ forum.
Clerics guide to the world of EQ
#23 Jun 03 2015 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
Well. I see no recent threads on this topic. Perhaps we need an update from an experienced Cleric. These days even clerics have a hard time getting a group. Too many people use their Mercenary Clerics. I have had to resort to using a Mercenary Tank just to get XP without waiting for a long time for a group. I have learned to solo very well as a 51 Cleric on one server and a 32 cleric on another. EQ has become all about Grinding and Ubering. People forgot, or were lead away by EQ, from the actual experience of the game. It is a drone game now. Although it is still a MMORPG it feels more like a station game played on a T.V. by children. Not a online adult game designed for interacting and adventuring.
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