Ok, the ONLY effect race has on hitpoints, is on the starting stamina. Eventually, gear evens out that difference, and you end up with minor racial differences, like ogres being non stunnable, and dark elves being able to hide, trolls and iksars regenning, etc.
At your level, what is likely the difference between you and your froggy cleric friend, is gear. Either make a magelo profile, or fill out the character sheet here, so we have some idea what gear you have now, and we can help you figure out where to go next.
At level 70, with good gear, you'll have 355 stamina, and regardless of race, your HP will be the same, assuming the same gear.
In the meantime, focus on hitpoints, stamina and AC on your gear. Ignore strength. One of the BIGGEST mistakes many new warriors make, is to try to max strength. You are a tank, not a damage class. Strength is SO much less important than stamina, it isn't funny.