Story time!
Yesterday afternoon someone in my LS pointed out that there was a shout for Sandy Voidwatch progression, which I've been waiting to see for a while since I need it on my mule. I send them /tell, they (unsurprisingly) don't really want a THF, so I agree to dualbox Chew on COR. Anywayyyyyyyysssss....
There are several people in the group who have recently returned to the game. One of them hadn't played in seven years, and there were a couple who hadn't played for the last 2-3 years. Personally, I find it pretty darn cool that people are coming back to the game so I strike up a few conversations with them.
We get to the point of doing the T3 in Jugner Forest [S] and we decide to use the rift on the south-western part of the map. Turns out that a couple of the returnees have never been to the zone. They spend about 10-15 min wandering around the northern part of Jugner [S] before we all remember that it's impossible to access the southern part of the zone without walking through Vunkerl Inlet, OP warping (they didn't have any Allied Notes), or Voidwatch warp (which we're obviously working on at the time). So we relocate to the northern rift, about a 3 minute walk from where we were.
People start complaining, chewing out the returnees for not having their 'prepwork' done. I have little patience for that kind of behavior, so I retaliate a bit in the defense of the returnees; after all, how are people who have never been in the zone supposed to know that they couldn't access part of it? Besides, as I said it's a 3 minute walk for the rest of us. It ends up being a huge dramallama fest. Probably didn't help when I said that being ******** wasn't making things go any faster. I even felt the need to point out the absolute hypocrisy of complaining about lack of 'prepwork' while we're doing 9-month old progression to catch up! Then, to top it off, after we agreed earlier to kill 3 Havavas once we got to him, 2 of the earlier antagonists say they have to leave after we kill the first one, killing the alliance.
Damn kids.